Posted on 2022-02-04 by Anonymous question Why was I born a human being and not a dog, cat, or fly? Read Why was I born a human being and not a dog, cat, or fly?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Temir D. What was the original idea of the Soviet government (the question is not about the USSR, but about the original idea)? Read What was the original idea of the Soviet government (the question is not about the USSR, but about the original idea)?
Read What was the original idea of the Soviet government (the question is not about the USSR, but about the original idea)?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Sergey Litkin There are a large number of different trends in philosophy. Which philosophy most adequately reflects reality? Read There are a large number of different trends in philosophy. Which philosophy most adequately reflects reality?
Read There are a large number of different trends in philosophy. Which philosophy most adequately reflects reality?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Oksana More and more often I think about the fact that there is no reality, life is a dream. What do you think? Read More and more often I think about the fact that there is no reality, life is a dream. What do you think?
Read More and more often I think about the fact that there is no reality, life is a dream. What do you think?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Kirill Paustovsky What is the essence of existentialism? Read What is the essence of existentialism?
Posted on 2022-02-03 by Vladimir Litvinov What are the causes of all the troubles in Russia? Read What are the causes of all the troubles in Russia?
Posted on 2022-02-03 by Mihail Lehmann Why there is never any news from Australia, nothing is shown on TV, there is news from all over the world but nothing from Australia. Why is it so quiet from there? Read Why there is never any news from Australia, nothing is shown on TV, there is news from all over the world but nothing from Australia. Why is it so quiet from there?
Read Why there is never any news from Australia, nothing is shown on TV, there is news from all over the world but nothing from Australia. Why is it so quiet from there?
Posted on 2022-02-03 by Veronika Chulichkova What arguments can be made in favor of the fact that randomness does not exist, there are only patterns that we do not know? Read What arguments can be made in favor of the fact that randomness does not exist, there are only patterns that we do not know?
Read What arguments can be made in favor of the fact that randomness does not exist, there are only patterns that we do not know?
Posted on 2022-02-03 by Anonymous question A person is made up of non-living materials, if you separate them all separately. Are we really dead? Read A person is made up of non-living materials, if you separate them all separately. Are we really dead?
Read A person is made up of non-living materials, if you separate them all separately. Are we really dead?