Posted on 2022-02-02 by Crown of Peace Are there any books that have helped you understand life the most? Read Are there any books that have helped you understand life the most?
Posted on 2022-02-02 by Zhenya Timchenko If we assume that there is no heaven / hell and reincarnation, death as the absence of you in principle — in any form) – what is it? Eternal darkness? Read If we assume that there is no heaven / hell and reincarnation, death as the absence of you in principle — in any form) – what is it? Eternal darkness?
Read If we assume that there is no heaven / hell and reincarnation, death as the absence of you in principle — in any form) – what is it? Eternal darkness?
Posted on 2022-02-02 by BZHL Nevel Is the current environmental crisis a consequence of materialistic thinking? Read Is the current environmental crisis a consequence of materialistic thinking?
Posted on 2022-02-02 by Anton Kharitonov What if the whole world is a figment of the brain? Then any of your answers will be created by my brain to refute this theory, so that I don't guess anything? Read What if the whole world is a figment of the brain? Then any of your answers will be created by my brain to refute this theory, so that I don't guess anything?
Read What if the whole world is a figment of the brain? Then any of your answers will be created by my brain to refute this theory, so that I don't guess anything?
Posted on 2022-02-02 by Vlad Agapovsky What is metaphysics in simple terms? Read What is metaphysics in simple terms?
Posted on 2022-02-02 by Yaroslav Bashirov Why do we need traditions and customs?Do they hinder modern progress? Read Why do we need traditions and customs?Do they hinder modern progress?
Posted on 2022-02-01 by Ivan Romanov When did the concept of "god" appear in the existence of mankind and did god not exist in the Sapiens? Read When did the concept of "god" appear in the existence of mankind and did god not exist in the Sapiens?
Read When did the concept of "god" appear in the existence of mankind and did god not exist in the Sapiens?
Posted on 2022-02-01 by ilya ilyin I want to study philosophy from the moment it was born. What books do you recommend? Read I want to study philosophy from the moment it was born. What books do you recommend?
Posted on 2022-02-01 by My Favorite Color is purple We work to live, but what's the point of living if life is made for work? A circle with no exit? Does this mean that we are created slaves? Read We work to live, but what's the point of living if life is made for work? A circle with no exit? Does this mean that we are created slaves?
Read We work to live, but what's the point of living if life is made for work? A circle with no exit? Does this mean that we are created slaves?