Posted on 2022-11-20 by Seymur Huseynov Is it better to live as a monster or die as a good person? Read Is it better to live as a monster or die as a good person?
Posted on 2022-11-20 by Baglan Alseit Why do best friends often become the worst enemies? Read Why do best friends often become the worst enemies?
Posted on 2022-11-20 by Artem Tolstyakov How to stop envying the children of rich parents?(We don't do anything the same, but they get everything ready) Read How to stop envying the children of rich parents?(We don't do anything the same, but they get everything ready)
Read How to stop envying the children of rich parents?(We don't do anything the same, but they get everything ready)
Posted on 2022-11-19 by Marika Schwartz What is marriage, by analogy – is it more like buying or renting? Read What is marriage, by analogy – is it more like buying or renting?
Posted on 2022-11-19 by Victor Victor Why are people like this? (Whoever needs it will understand.) Read Why are people like this? (Whoever needs it will understand.)
Posted on 2022-11-19 by Anonymous question I consider life worthless. I don't understand people and their pathetic structure. The world is like a zoo. Life is essentially tasteless and people invented its colorfulness or am I not well? Read I consider life worthless. I don't understand people and their pathetic structure. The world is like a zoo. Life is essentially tasteless and people invented its colorfulness or am I not well?
Read I consider life worthless. I don't understand people and their pathetic structure. The world is like a zoo. Life is essentially tasteless and people invented its colorfulness or am I not well?
Posted on 2022-11-19 by Arseniy Miroslavsky What is the moral for you? Where are the boundaries of morality in the modern world? Read What is the moral for you? Where are the boundaries of morality in the modern world?
Posted on 2022-11-18 by Ernest Muksimov Why are there quite a lot of fans of Yeltsin's policies now( I'm not lying, there are a lot of vk groups)? P.S. I myself also partially imbued with the atmosphere of these groups and the era as a whole. Read Why are there quite a lot of fans of Yeltsin's policies now( I'm not lying, there are a lot of vk groups)? P.S. I myself also partially imbued with the atmosphere of these groups and the era as a whole.
Read Why are there quite a lot of fans of Yeltsin's policies now( I'm not lying, there are a lot of vk groups)? P.S. I myself also partially imbued with the atmosphere of these groups and the era as a whole.
Posted on 2022-11-18 by Lina Medvedeva If your first love is not reciprocated, pursue or "kill"? Read If your first love is not reciprocated, pursue or "kill"?