2 Answers

  1. A bit of a strange question. The history of all countries can be interesting

    Germany, Russia, and China that we've already written about

    Japan – samurai, endless clan wars, unification in the XIX and gaining the status of a world power

    Egypt – the most ancient civilization, the coming of Islam, the Mamluk state, the Ottoman, and then the British possessions

    Spain-Roman province, Arab conquest, Reconquista, colonization, fall of the Empire

    USA-British Colony, War of Independence, Civil War, power from the 20th century to the present day

    England-a Roman province, the coming of the Anglo-Saxons, the Viking invasion, wars with France, colonization, “Rule Britain by the seas”

    India – a huge number of small states, a lot of gods, a caste system, the Mughal state, the Pearl of the British Empire, instability in the region since secession

    And you can list it for a very long time. No one will answer this question correctly, because whether you like the history of a particular country or not is up to you personally. There are no criteria by which the country's history can be called the “most” interesting. Learn history, and you will understand for yourself what you personally are interested in studying and what you are not

  2. 1) Germany. Its history is filled with many goodies, starting with barbarism and ending with the Nazi ideology of an Austrian artist.
    2) Russia. Its history is certainly worth studying, because a person living in the post-Soviet space should know about the state that dominated this region most of the time.
    3) China. Numerous dynasties, civil wars, and Chinese socialism. A magnificent power.

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