11 Answers

  1. Money is like fire. Depending on how we use them, they can cause both harm and benefit.


    Money as a medium of exchange.

    Imagine a situation where the whole world has abandoned money-cash and non-cash. How will people pay each other then? We'll have to exchange things, goods, and services: you give me a horse, and I'll furnish you with 4 cabinets, for example.

    Convenient? No. Because if the cabinets don't suit the owner of the horse, then the other side will have to find something else to replace it. And humanity will come up with a universal medium of exchange for the convenience of calculations. So we'll get back to money again.


    Money as a tool for solving problems and achieving financial goals.

    • The house we live in.
    • Gifts that we bring to our family and friends.
    • The car in which we drive to work and take our children to school.
    • Appliances, clothing, accessories – for yourself.
    • Toys, amusement parks-for children.
    • Travel around Russia and the world.

    All this is purchased now or was previously purchased for money. And even if you received something as a gift, someone else previously paid for it with money or their own work.

    Где здесь счастье? 

    It depends on our attitude to money, on our ability to use it correctly, what they will bring us: evil or good.

    The ability to manage your money correctly is the key to financial health.

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    PRO Schastye – territory of happiness. We practice a balance of career, financial well-being and healthy relationships.

    2021 Andrey Gonchar

  2. Thank you, but it's all evil, yes evil! Money is the universal equivalent of our labor. How to easily and quickly exchange your efforts for the product we need? With the help of money. With the help of money, we can buy what we need not only for ourselves, but also for those we want to help. With the help of money, we can allocate our forces and compare the value of products and services. And of course, create savings to live on when, for some reason, we no longer earn money. What's wrong with money?

  3. Money is a necessary attribute of our life. They provide protection from many adversities. There is a warning in the Holy Scriptures: it is not money itself that is evil, but ” the love of money is the root of all evil…”. Money, combined with wisdom, can protect a person from countless dangers, both spiritual and physical. Those who value wisdom more than money have what the money-hungry lack: peace, tranquility, and joy. The choice is yours!

  4. Money is a test for people. It's like throwing a puppy in the water to learn how to swim. It's like beckoning a hungry puppy (or tiger in a circus) with a piece of meat so that it will follow the commands to sit and sit down.

    To start developing (and this is the main idea of society), you need to start doing something for society.

    And money is a measure of your usefulness to people. The more useful your services are, the greater your weight in society: You still have enough money, just write another successful song or create a new, but better smartphone.

    If you can manage to stay calm after these successes, we'll give you as much money as you want.

    Even to monasteries and holy people like Mother Teresa, rich people have given (and still give) money and possessions, cars, because they trust that they will not turn blue and spend them for the general benefit, for the good.

    So money is a tool, like a shovel or a truck.

    It can also be used to plant trees, or disperse protesters. And you can also cut off your finger if you are in inadequate condition.

  5. The money doesn't belong to anyone, it's all in temporary use.
    Money is like an alphabet-belongs to everyone, but you can write “Mein Kampf”, or “War and Peace”.
    So is money-you can use it for good, or you can use it for evil.
    More important is the price of money. You can earn money, but you can go on a crime.

  6. Money=capital is the “social canned goods of society”. But a healthy society, balanced in terms of management, technology, self-reproduction, etc. Canned food* can be saved and conveniently moved to wherever the management system deems necessary and useful.

  7. Because money is a measure of value, a medium of circulation, a means of payment, a means of accumulation. Without money, the economy will not be able to work, it is impossible to establish the division of labor and the exchange of labor products. Therefore, without money and in any way.

  8. As many people have already answered, money is a means, a tool for realizing existing opportunities, as well as a means of remuneration for work, services, and so on.What is bad and what is good depends on how you use them. It's easier that way. Be healthy and take care of yourself.

  9. Money is easyA TOOL, an intermediary link in the exchange of goods.

    A tool can be neither good nor bad. It only acquires these evaluation characteristics after you have used it.

    In principle, money is an invention of people to control and manage the turnover of goods and services in order to get personal benefit and profit.

    In fact, the exchange of goods and services can perfectly exist without banknotes.

  10. If the laws are reasonable, then money is a blessing. Publilius Syrus

    In the Holy Scriptures, money is not condemned and nothing bad is said about it. Human greed and greed are condemned. It is said that Hannibal and the Carthaginians were very fond of money. Greed is one of the seven deadly sins: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, anger, and laziness.

    Greed, greed, greed, avarice, miserliness, stinginess – �in English is often denoted by one word Avarice�

    Publilius Syrus: Inopiae desunt multa, avaritiae omnia. “Poverty is a lack of many things, but avarice is a lack of everything. Poverty wants a lot, but greed wants everything

    By the way, a very interesting character, this Publilius Syrus, (85-43 BC). A Syrian who was brought to Italy as a slave. But thanks to his wit and talent, he won the favor of the owner, who freed and trained him. Known for his statements:

    Alienum aes homini ingenuo acerba est servitus �- Monetary debt is the slavery of a free man

    Honesta fama melior pecunia est – A good reputation is more valuable than money

    The wise man controls his passions, the fool obeys them

    If the laws are reasonable, then money is a blessing.

    Patience is the cure for any sadness

  11. And why should money be considered in the categories of good and evil? Money is a commodity for which all other commodities are exchanged. A wardrobe, for example, is it good or evil? Or a pot? And the pillow? Obviously, neither. So it's the same with money.

    If you don't like money (the question of the good of money is nothing more than the perception of its evil), then what are your thoughts about how to live in the white world? At the expense of what or, more precisely, by whom?

    Money more or less adequately (even with large assumptions) reflects the amount of goods and services produced by people. They, people, exchange these goods and services with each other, thanks to money. It's not very clear where the evil comes from, or, for that matter, the good. Neither one nor the other grows, but people cover their needs – for food, clothing, housing, comfort, etc.

    Opportunities grow – needs grow, and there is always not enough money.

    Subjecting your life, emotional or other problems in the image of money is a humanly understandable topic, but it has nothing to do with reality. Money is not to blame for people's problems – people are to blame for them, and money only reflects the degree of this guilt.

    Perhaps someone believes that the state should provide everyone or everyone with money on the principle of some kind of justice. But this is not so, because the state does not produce anything – only people always produce. The state can only take money from someone and give it to someone who feels that they are not being paid enough. Well, what is the fault of the person who took his money and gave it to another? It's probably not very fair.

    Why can't you do without money? Because there is a mechanism for exchanging goods and services, without which people will spend half a day or more puzzling only over how to exchange the necessary goods for their own or for their own labor.

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