10 Answers

  1. The explanatory text of the question author makes a statement out of the question. The thoughts of the author who wanted to share them were expressed in the form of a question, since this is what the service requires.

    I think that the answer is not important to the author of the “question”. He knows.

  2. You are confusing. First, understand the concepts. Superstition is a belief in vain. Do you remember from the Gospel “do not take the name of the Lord in vain”? The basis of religion is the belief in eternal life with all its consequences. Religion is categorically against superstition, as everything is in the hands of God. Black cats, stepping on wells, shirts inside out, getting up from the left foot, etc. these are all pagan protection rituals for psychopaths.

  3. Religion is the teaching about the relationship between the worlds, the World of the Creator and the world created by Him.

    Superstition is one of the methods of knowing the world. Belief in omens. Harbinger of the scientific method, (science).

    The Orthodox denomination can indeed be attributed to the ritual-superstitious faith in which it has descended. But, in general, religion is an acceptance of the world and its Creator.

  4. Unfortunately, you have chosen the most primitive way of thinking, you live without looking back, even the dog, if of course it is or will be with you, believes you and you, and you live like a vegetable. Everyone in life has a moment of rethinking,you probably haven't passed it yet .I have a rich life experience from wealth to infinity, from the amount and to prison and believe me, I live all my life with a sense of gratitude, no, I don't punch the floor with my forehead and don't go to church on Sundays ,but faith helps to live when you don't even have the strength or desire , I don't say that you should It's not hard !Your children believe in you ,but what if they stop ???

  5. Rather unlikely…for it is a superstitious belief…belief in everything that comes to mind.But religion operates on rather rigid grounds, in which even very reasonable people can get confused

  6. Religion is an ideology (religious), of which there are thousands today and different among tens of thousands of also different, but not religious ideologies, “teachings” and philosophies. It forms a person's worldview position based not on faith (like other “teachings”), but on beliefs (“belief in the invisible” = unknown or even fundamentally unverifiable).

    Any superstition is always a belief and always unfounded (a kind of” opinion”, only not” personal”, but”traditional”). Superstition also exists “in science” (the same “materialism” is unverifiable in principle). Omens are not always superstitions, by the way, but “ideologies” are all based on superstitions (they are based on “a priori”, i.e. unverifiable and baseless ideas).

    So I can't “agree” with your conclusion formulated in the form of a question (it is clearly wrong).

  7. What a wonderful phrase “search activity for a weak mind”))
    And although, for a person, it is completely unpleasant, but it reflects reality, like Zadornov's)
    well, to the point, as far as superstition and religion are concerned.
    If superstition, these are grandmother's horror stories with all sorts of babaykas, in order to somehow limit the restless “reckless” granddaughters, and at the same time enlighten the neighbor with their “knowledge” of the unknown.
    It is a religion, it is an IDEOLOGY that is precisely verified and based on the knowledge of human psychology. And its seemingly meaningless rituals, rites, dogmas and regulations are nothing more than psychological methods of “anchoring” consciousness.
    And again.
    Religion is not superstitious gossip. This is a subtle, knowledgeable manipulation of human consciousness.
    An ideological tool, just like modern political technologies.
    A tool that aims to control human consciousness, behavior and, as a result, its existence )
    Feel the difference?
    And there is exactly the same difference between religion and faith. Although many ..minds combine these two different concepts to facilitate their perception.
    Just as the love of family, the sense of home and homeland, and the desire to live a better and happier life are used in patriotic slogans by all sorts of political parties, with the sole purpose of getting political and financial dividends for themselves,
    Religion also uses the “fine strings” of the soul, faith, and inner memory for one purpose: to increase its flock and power over human minds.
    The history of society itself is the clearest example and witness to this.
    PS.) and if you recognize the right of political technologies to ideologically influence public opinion, then the right of religion, as a tool and an integral part of these technologies, has the right to be.
    How many human souls, so many keys to them are used.
    That is why there is such a huge number of the only true religions and the only patriotic parties.

  8. Alexey, you may not believe it, it's your right, but why insult the feelings of others? Do not allow yourself, at least out of politeness to the feelings of believers and even atheists, literate atheists perfectly distinguish between superstition and religion, you should not call religions superstition.

    Religion is deeply rooted in superstition, but nothing more. This is the teaching, even an atheist should just respect religion, they should be respected only for the commandments.

  9. It would seem at first glance that they are complete antipodes, but these are only external signs and manifestations ..

    what signs are more appealing to you? .. “a pig will find dirt everywhere.”. of course, there are some people for whom any faith is superstition, because they are not able to do something in the name of something, do not have self-sacrifice, are not able to present the goal above their ego, etc.

    In general, the difference between faith and superstition is very simple —

    faith provokes action, and superstition provokes rejection of action.

    the cat crossed the road – I won't go-this is superstition.

    God told me to endure – I endure-this is faith.

    and this applies not only to religiosity, but also in atheistic areas it works exactly the same .. take a look at what's going on with the coronavirus in people's minds .. and immediately everything falls into place, where faith in science , medicine, quarantine, and where superstition is associated with this.

  10. Superstition is a belief in various omens. And religion, if it is not fake, not ostentatious, not duplicitous, is a reasonable, healthy, honest faith.

    Most believers, indeed, can rightly be called superstitious – and so it is.
    But there are not so many people among all the brethren who call themselves believers who, as a result of practical searches for the true faith, come to it.
    And true faith consists in the integrity of a person-righteousness, truthfulness.
    You will be surprised, but “he who does not work, let him not eat”, ” what a person sows, he will also reap … he who sows to the flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, and he who sows to the spirit will of the spirit reap eternal life” – these and many other “folk” wisdom-from the Bible.
    The USSR was generally called a Christian society without God, because commune is translated in the same way as the church – a society where everything is common – the family.
    And the fact that for many centuries priests violated the laws of God, grew up with corruption, so this is really a crime that should be condemned.

    Honesty is the main feature of true religion. If there is no honesty and justice among religious people, then this is a false religion-a disguise for religion.
    This is still evident in many cases today.
    And all human history shows us that people use the masks of honest people to cover up their lies.
    Therefore, you should not look at the mask, but you need to look at the actions. They recognize a person by their actions, not by their clothes and name.

    So yes, superstition. But not all of it. There are a small part that more or less preserve the purity and honesty of their faith.

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