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What really happens to us when we drink coffee?
The caffeine molecule is shaped like one of the four types of adenosines present in our brain. These adenosines are divided into two categories-speeding up our brain and slowing it down-so that the brain does not”overheat”.
Most people are dominated by adenosines, which inhibit brain function. Therefore, when drinking coffee, the caffeine molecule takes the place of inhibitory adenosine and the brain does not “slow down”.
In a smaller proportion of people, on the contrary, adenosines predominate, which speed up brain function. As a result, caffeine blocks these adenosines and instead of a surge of energy, we either do not feel anything, or on the contrary, we feel tired and lethargic.
There are two ways to determine which adenosines are predominant in us – expensive and cheap. I've already mentioned them. Expensive – do genome sequencing. Cheap – listen to the body.
You seem to have a second type of adenosine. So coffee as an energy drink will not help you.
Paradoxical reaction to caffeic drugs this is called, most likely also similar you have on a sedative, maybe on some alcohol. I.e. the nervous system and mental organization reacts with a paradoxical intention.
Caffeine, as an unnecessary product for the body, is processed in the liver for the necessary ones-paracachetine, theophylline and vitamin B1, all these substances have a calming effect (paracachetine soothes joints and muscles, theophylline improves lung function, and vitamin B1 improves muscle and brain function). But this processing works effectively only with a well-functioning liver and a slow intake of caffeine. The last one is always after the meal.
the body's response to caffeine. everyone does it differently! someone torks and he runs like a wind-up, and someone on the contrary becomes calm
What Victoria wrote is incorrect, now I will explain why and try to answer the question�
First, caffeine does not just enter the bloodstream, exerting some random action, but binds to certain (adenosine) central and peripheral receptors, blocking them, which is why it contributes to the accumulation of cAMP and cGMP by inhibiting the activity of phosphodiesterases involved in their innactivation. Due to this, its effects are manifested: vivacity, stimulating effect on the antral nervous system, increased performance, and so on.
Secondly, drowsiness can develop here for several reasons: it is possible that it is a matter of what kind of coffee you drink (in instant coffee, the proportion of caffeine is slightly small). Or if you drink coffee beans (containing a significantly higher proportion of caffeine compared to instant), then gradually its effect will decrease. Imagine that after drinking coffee for the first time, you feel 100% of the effect, because all the adenosine receptors were blocked.A few months passed, and you continued to drink coffee. During this time, your body began to synthesize new receptors for adenosine (in medicine, this phenomenon is known as the feedback principle), which, for example, initially were 100, and after the synthesis of new ones became 200, respectively,drinking the same amount of coffee you can already block only 100 receptors, and the remaining 100 will function, based on this, the effect will manifest only 50% of the original. I think this idea is also clear.
And one more thing: you can say: “okay, that it does not work any weaker, but why do you want to sleep even more?” I'll explain. I think many people have experienced this feeling when after a meal you feel a little sleepy, especially if the surrounding temperature is warm enough. This is due to the fact that food (liquid) passing through the esophagus, stomach and intestines irritates the nerve endings that are responsible for the parasympathetic (roughly depressing, calming ) effect on the body, which is carried out through the vagus nerve, which is why this feeling occurs. If you add to this non-grain coffee plus a weakening of its effect, then you can explain why this happens in this case.
As a result, what are the options: start drinking better coffee, if this is not happening now; increase the amount of coffee consumed or stop taking it for a while (because the number of receptors will also begin to decrease with a decrease in the amount of caffeine consumed), or another option is to take tableted caffeine (caffeine sodium benzoate), but strictly according to the instructions and in moderation.
At the same time, do not forget that caffeine also has a detrimental effect on the body. It turned out quite a lot without this, if you are very interested, read on the Internet about homocysteinemia
This can be directly related to the reaction of the body itself. The fact is that coffee does not have such magical properties as to displace fatigue completely, so, as a result, caffeine, getting into the blood, does not cause a surge of strength, but on the contrary, only accompanies drowsiness. It affects the human nervous system in different ways, whether it is exciting or depressing.
In the same way, at first there is drowsiness. And after half an hour-an hour, I can't sleep. This is not a rush of energy, but rather a forced wakefulness.