9 Answers

  1. This is what Leo Tolstoy wrote when he served in Sevastopol, when the British tried to capture it, and the Russian army defended it: why not replace the war with a confrontation between two soldiers: one will try to take the fortress, and the other will defend it?

    The answer to your question is obvious: politicians represent the interests of peoples, so if they can't tell each other that they have a certain people behind them, then what can they agree on among themselves? Consequently, the meaning of the existence of a politician is only that he expresses the popular opinion, and therefore is called upon to form this opinion.

  2. Politicians need power-the main and very strong motive. Power is resources. Resources are money. Principles: “You won't fight, but we won't watch”; “They'll put you in jail, but don't steal” here they won't “give you a ride” because they can kill you in war. That's why they are politicians-they know the art of playing off, raking in other people's hands, etc.

  3. Gladiator fight, alas, is no longer fashionable, humanity and democracy are not on everyone's lips, imagine Putin, a master of sports in Sambo and judo and Biden,

    In diplomacy, there is an ancient rule of Divide and conquer, so they divide the peoples and then set them off.

  4. So it is at your level so. As for the ant, their ant bickering. And from the height of the organization, these are all games-the essence of economics and business. And they are served by officials, civil servants. Whole families are fed for generations in the war. Where did your teenage cynicism go? Do you really think Biden has a personal grudge against Putin? Or did Hitler have a grudge against Stalin? The economy of the state, and only. You want politicians to think like a cook. No. They count in tons and megatons. Read economic geography and you will understand everything


    We, ordinary people, even with all our desire, despite the attempts of a part of intelligent humanity, are unlikely to be able to preserve our beautiful and wonderful natural world of the country and planet. A vicious genetic trait – the “desire” to put on the yoke of slavery and not have “THE POWER AND WEALTH OF THE HAVES” – will not allow us, because the aspirations of the latter for absolute power over the multi-billion population of the Earth.

    It's a sin to hide, isn't it time to admit that the “blind-eyed” and “deaf-mute” population of the Earth has come up with a lot of fairy tales(stories) and laws that supposedly bring it closer to the TRUTH of LIFE, but then the rise of human thought to the positive is hindered by the evolution of ignorance and cannibalism (so far without the mass devouring of natural flesh by people).

    General stupidity and infantileness. People are animals! But that's putting it mildly! Animals from nature are not destroyers and devour in the name of survival not their own kind, but, here, man differs from them in his monstrous harmful human factor. There are exceptions in nature.

    Why is man a monstrous monster-predator-villain?

    There is a TRUE STORY, many writers and philosophers have written about the struggle between good and evil. There were utopians and pragmatic revolutionaries. But, alas! Moloch's bloody altar took millions of victims.

    Darkness in darkness, darkness in darkness-the grave! Basis and superstructure in eternal contradiction.

    The struggle of TNCs for power and wealth, energy resources, territories and markets, food and drinking water in the name of profits, overshadowed the minds of state rulers and regime servants, OWNERS of financial flows. Many mad dictators are senile beyond their age, but the subject population is helpless to remove them from power. They seem to be ordinary people in the current splendor of luxury and wealth, but their inner essence is that of SPIDER VAMPIRES. The splendor and misery of courtesans and courtesans! I think that Balzac will forgive me for borrowing.

    All the values of the Earth today's humanity, a handful of masters and billions of serfs, are destroyed and polluted in the name of the benefits of the masters and their consumption. Momentary gain, a race for money and luxury, and, here, the nature of the Earth is already tired of self-healing and mercilessly avenges people with natural disasters for their general madness and chaos.

    We got into SPACE, but even there remains after the stay of garbage. Scientific and technological progress does not serve prosperity, but the destruction of all living things. The arms race prevails over the vital activity of humanity. Intelligence is called to the service of killing and destroying nature!

    Is that what MAN is made for?

    There is no desire for many to think about what they were born for and what trace will remain after leaving for the “other world”?

    Everything in this world adapts for the survival of only one “golden” billion “BEST OF THEIR BEST” – the richest individuals on the planet.

    So far, the zombie workers are biorobots, and tomorrow there will also be robots. However, this layer of exploiters is already falling into the final stage of insanity, and the subordinate population is degrading. There is a process of degeneration of their child.

    From theories and fiction, humanity has moved on to self-destruction. If the planet is not burned by the LORD and turned into ashes or a pile of stones, then the evolution of the ABSURD will continue in the current CHAOS of existence until the end of the WORLD.

    You can forget about the current dense and mossy human INTELLIGENCE. DEMONS in the triumph of bacchanalia. The mind is always relative! The world is not of people, but of greedy and predatory APES like INHUMANS, embraced the planet, permeated everything and everyone. Put the ev. theory of Ch.Darwin from head to toe.

    Was there a human MIND in past civilizations? Perhaps it was, but disappeared without a trace?

    THE BASIC INSTINCT and PERNICIOUSNESS of the HUMAN FACTOR of survival and greedy consumption of the teeming mass of EARTH's inhabitants, turning into APHIDS and monstrous SPIDERS-organizers of the destruction of the planet's nature in the guise of similar and different spirituality (if it still exists?).

  6. Sergey, you are trying to simplify the issue by trying to separate individual interests from the interests of society, respectively, states.

    First of all, it is always necessary to evaluate such a feature of STABLE power with an open mind – it reflects the interests of the dominant group in society. Be it the USSR, Russia, USA, Britain, etc.

    The interests of all other influential groups are either close to the interests of this group or relatively neutral, and only 1/5 of them may have a different opinion to the contrary.

    Thus, in the overwhelming majority, the government relies on a third of the population and enjoys the detachment or neutrality of half of the rest.

    However, in the event of an aggravation of relations between countries, all neutral and significantly more than half of those who are opposed to the authorities will switch to the side of power for the time of exacerbations, relying on the natural social criterionWE and/or THEY!

    Therefore, your fabrications that the authorities are at war, and the people are being driven against their wishes are DECEIT and SELF-DECEPTION. At least a third fight out of conviction, another half out of a sense of patriotism, and the remaining fifth act like everyone else.

    Therefore, using the example of the United States, if someone claims that the White House with the Capitol and the Pentagon wants to harm Russia, and the Americans themselves are nice guys – this is pacifist nonsenseA third of Americans hate Russia, the rest don't care, but if something happens, at least 90% of Americans will support the vultures of war and unite around this militant backbone.

    Yes, it is true that old people start wars, and young people have to fight and die. Therefore, you should always remember the main thing – the best politician is the one who avoided the war or at least delayed the start of the war as much as possible and achieved victory in the unleashed war.NOT IN the war.

  7. Do you suggest that instead of wars, two leaders of different countries should enter the field (conditionally) and decide in a duel who won them?

    This idea has a couple of significant disadvantages.

    First, one of the leaders is not really a leader, but just a bulky muscle mass trained to kill, while a certain “gray cardinal” rules everything. Under such conditions, San Marino can capture all of Europe and America. Africa and Asia will not be able to, those in life will not agree to such conditions.

    The second negative, but perhaps the most important. No matter what the leader is, an absolutely democratic or authoritarian dictator, there are always people behind him who are satisfied with him, whether it is a group of puppet masters or a crowd of servants whose welfare depends on his power, there are also a lot of people who may not personally marry their “leader”, but they don't like the one who replaces him even more.

    Do you think they'll take defeat for granted and give up?

  8. Sergey, I'm sorry, but you put the question “incorrectly”, so the answer to it is “search” and “do not find”.

    “Why?”it's a question of meaning. But do politicians themselves “see the point” in pitting peoples against each other? No, of course not, and I know of several such maddened “politicians” (who admired the blood and ruin, just as according to legend, Nero admired the fire of Rome, although this is not so). But with these “everything is clear” (stupidly it happens that people “go crazy” from the authorities too).

    And you seem to need to find out the reason why politicians do not “fight” among themselves, but send others to “fight” instead of themselves. Did you understand the “topic question” correctly?

    If so, then you should not ask “Why…?”, but “Why…?” (this is the question about the reason). And as soon as you “ask correctly”, you will see the reason immediately (it is “on the surface” because the question will turn out to be “rhetorical”). Here it is (just in case I'll “voice it”):

    Just because they “send” others (the people) to fight, they do not want to fight themselves (they are afraid for their “valuable skin”).

    In short, if you are a ” hero of the word “(the word is strong), then you have a direct road to politics or propagandists (speakers). And if you are a “hero in action” (not a strong word, but a skill), then you will be “sad” among politicians and speakers to put it mildly (you will not get used to this “strong word environment” for sure), and you can easily “show” yourself on the “front”. And as soon as he “wins”, of course, he immediately “resigns” (after all, it is true with whom he should “fight” in peacetime and why?).

    I hope the question is completely “clarified”?

  9. You are a naive person. You don't know why governments are willing to sacrifice millions of common people's lives on the altar of Moloch of war. For the benefit of the ruling class, of course. “War is the continuation of politics by other (namely: violent) means,” said the famous German military theorist of the 19th century, Karl Clausewitz.

    Now one more adage. “It is enough to look at the present war from the point of view of the continuation of the policy of the 'great' powers and the main classes within them to immediately see the blatant anti-historical, false and hypocritical nature of the opinion that it is possible to justify the idea of 'defending the fatherland' in this war.” Isn't it similar to the current situation? The idea of defense of the Fatherland… tempting bait for a true hooray patriot. Great-power chauvinism and national swagger go hand in hand here. The above phrase, said more than 100 years ago by V. I. Lenin, is still relevant. Only the forms, methods and means of war have changed, but the goals are the same. And I don't think there is any need to say in whose interests governments are pursuing policies. Local wars are organized for the sake of capture and plunder. Global wars are unleashed when it is not possible to resolve the contradictions that have arisen between the largest imperialist groups by peaceful means. As long as capitalism is the dominant system on Earth, wars cannot be avoided.

    There are no abstractions in politics. The policy is always specific. Applied to the existing situation, which can change, sometimes, very quickly.

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