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Quite popular – at least in terms of the number of Google searches, he is significantly ahead of the founder of the market economy Adam Smith and the icon of libertarianism Ayn Rand.
This popularity is concentrated mainly in Latin America and Africa, the leading countries are Brazil, Nigeria and Honduras.
The ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels explain the emergence of economic and gender inequality. In this regard, modern anti-capitalist and feminist movements rely on them.
As with any idea that has become political, Marx's thought has a common application and an ordinary view of it, but of course they are not read, and if they are read, they are biased. Often, Marx is used as a flag, which can be used to hide or indicate. In any case, Marx is always at the forefront, if only because he is a good reader and social critic, but only the seminar activity of Alexander Smulyansky helped me erase the aura of romanticism and lack of penetration in him ( vk.com ), one of the seasons he devoted to Marx, but not to Marxism. As an interpreter, he is simply excellent, but the most terrible thing is the trance of logical narration, into which you fall from it, from which you can only get out by re-listening.
Marx's ideas are popular and their influence is present. Representatives of classical Marxism in the 20th century are Neo-Marxism (Western Marxism) and Soviet Marxism-Leninism. The second one has already outlived its usefulness and left almost nothing behind. Although now such figures as E. V. Ilyenkov, M. Lifshits and part of the Sixties are being rediscovered.
Neo-Marxism is the most alive of all living things. And with the task of philosophy (according to Marx) copes perfectly. This task — philosophers must change the world. And this task is solved with the help of some actions.
The first is to release everything and everyone. We are talking about feminism, national liberation movements. That is, we are talking about overcoming various discriminations.
The second is left-wing criticism as such. It is aimed at nationalism and fascism and capitalism. If we talk about capitalism, then this is a critique of ideologies, consumer society, mass culture(there were also Marxists who were pop people). For example, Terry Eagleton and Bill Ridings are the most famous critics of the modern university system(which is in ruins and full of commerce, and deals with services, not education).
The third is the Marxist approach in some disciplines. For example, in Cinema Studies. And reasoning in the spirit of Slavoj Zizek is Marxism (crossed with Lacan's psychoanalysis).
The fourth is total Gramscianism. There was an Italian philosopher, Antonio Gramsci. Who said that for the victory of socialism in Western Europe, you need to capture the media and broadcast your opinion. This was implemented in political news stories(compare Channel one and Rain). Or in the form of the Junk Science phenomenon. In the 60s, the United States created a scientific council for the tobacco industry (industrialists and entrepreneurs), which was engaged in providing other data on the causes and consequences of smoking(cancer is caused by a gene, not acquired). When we get different data, we start to doubt it. And this is the task of many powerful forces.
The list goes on. But I think you've got the idea.
Today we can observe social phenomena on the Internet that Karl Marx described, for example, torrent trackers and the very concept of torrent, as well as developer communities in which each participant makes his own contribution to the work of the resource, and in return receives as much information as he needs.Such Internet forums are similar to communes, only instead of material goods-information. Another example is the Internet itself. In his writings, Marx described the so-called collective mind, something that can preserve the experience of previous generations and allow contemporaries to share their experience. In our time, it is books and the Internet, it is an accumulator of knowledge that is accessible to almost everyone, and in the future to the entire population of the Earth.
If you are asking about Marxism, then yes. Throughout the 20th century, various interpretations and trends of Marxism played a huge (or at least noticeable) role in political and cultural life around the world. In the 21st century, the influence of Marxism somewhat decreased, but it is still quite popular (Trotskyism, autonomism, etc.), not only in Latin America and Asia, but also in left-wing movements and parties in Europe and the United States. Marxism also penetrated many cultural phenomena, sometimes not directly related to politics – Marxist cultural studies, literary theory and literary criticism (one of its most popular proponents is Terry Eagleton), etc.
If we talk specifically about Marx's ideas (regardless of the political movements that emerged from classical Marxism), then he is often called one of the fathers of sociology (along with Weber and Durkheim). Many of his ideas are now an integral part not only of the social sciences and political philosophy, but also of modern philosophy in general. For example, long before Nietzsche, Marx formulated the anti-essentialism of human existence – man does not have any inherent “nature”, man is a producing animal, what he is is determined by the current mode/mode of production, that is, the relation of production forces and production relations. Another example is that in his early article “On the Jewish Question” (an answer to Bruno Bauer's “Jewish Question”), Marx voiced the idea that society is multidimensional, and it is impossible to directly influence any of its dimensions only through one political and legal one. In particular, it is impossible to deprive Jews of their religious identity and “politically liberate” them by legislating a secular state, simply by pushing the issue of religion out of the political and legal field-it will not disappear because of this. Much later, this idea of the multidimensional nature of social practices and the complexity of power relations became central to the works of Foucault and Bourdieu.