2 Answers

  1. I completely agree with the above, but if you answer in the style of the questioner, then no, it's not more harmful. alcohol walks proudly ahead. the irony is that alcohol is more common in our culture than LSD, which is at the bottom of the list.

  2. The wording of the question is not entirely correct. It would be correct to say “Are other drugs more harmful than alcohol or not?“because alcohol is also a drug in the general sense. That's why I'll answer it.

    Some psychoactive substances from the groups of psychedelics, entheogens and empathogens do not cause any damage to the body of the person who uses them. Even a very heavy psychedelic stimulant DOB in reasonable dosages is safer in its effect on the body than alcohol. It has some negative effects – it narrows the blood vessels, in particular-but for a serious negative effect, you need to increase the standard dose by many times. Its more popular relatives among young kayfozhors, such as NBOMe and 2-SV, should be eaten literally with a spoon, so that the narrowing of blood vessels is threatening.

    Plus or minus, the same goes for cones, MDMA, and other popular substances, minus dragonfly, opiates, artisanal amphetamines, and spice. It's better to never have anything to do with these things! With the rest – at your own risk (it is better not to, because no one has abolished criminal liability for storage and dishonest dealers).

    The problem with many psychoactive substances is that they often have a longer-lasting effect on the human mind.

    If a certain Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov drinks 10 mugs of beer in a week, then nothing terrible will happen to him. So half the world lives and nicho, normally (we are not talking about the missing alconauts, there is its own atmosphere). The main thing is not to exceed the recommended limits of alcohol consumption by doctors.

    If the same Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov smokes a pipe or throws stamps every day, then he will completely lose his working capacity. In the first case, because of laziness and carelessness, which is distinguished by fans of blowing. In the second case, he will simply go crazy from a series of experiences and transcendental experiences.

    In this regard, the use of certain mind-altering substances can become an effective remedy for depression, fears and other unpleasant conditions by removing internal barriers and introspection. So turn you into a freaking hippie, eating mushrooms and blotting pads all day to Castaneda's audiobooks and Indian ragas, without a job, family, adequate social connections and other attributes of a person.

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