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From the question, it is not very clear what is meant by “true love” and “real quarrels”.
As for love, for example, in the Greek language there are as many as 4 types of them:
filio (friendly)
storge (attachment)
eros (passionate)
agape (sacrificial)
Psychologists still distinguish:
father's card (recognition)
mother's (acceptance)card
At different stages of relationships and with different people, different types of love are active.
If we talk about quarrels, then in them you can see disagreements or conflicts that are a natural expression of our differences with our partner.
After all, each of us has our own needs, desires, goals, tasks, aspirations, which at a particular moment may differ from the goals and desires of the partner. But this does not negate the presence of love for another person.
In addition, the other person may perceive or interpret our intentions as hostile, even though we are acting solely out of love for them.
For example, we want to protect our children from deadly diseases and try to get them vaccinated. And the child does not see love in this, thinking that we want to hurt him with a needle.
So the output is:
In life, everything is so complicated that you should not connect love with quarrels directly.
In psychology, it is believed that a successful (adaptive) family is not one where there are no conflicts (quarrels), but one where these differences are resolved over and over again, no matter how many of them there are.
Therefore, in this case, it would be better to learn to understand each other and master methods of constructive conflict resolution.
Hello! You know, and you have the right question. After all, true love – it is without conditional and without terrible. So if you are in a state of true love, then you will not be in conflict, right? Isn't that logical? You don't need to spoil your fortune and get upset and still make your partner unhappy. There are so many good things in the future and everything is so good inside, what more can you ask for? And if you have mutual, the same love, then think for yourself, why??? Why fight ? Well, we found out who was sleeping at the wall and that's it…. What to share if both are in a state of true love?
But it looks like you're asking for a reason. Perhaps your partner sets you strict conditions, stating at the same time that he loves you. Don't believe it. The state of love is a zen state! This is nirvana! You don't care about anyone else and you have everything defined. And this is absolute trust! This is absolute freedom! I'm only with you because I want to be! There is no other reason.
No jealousy, because you have joined your souls. And like in the movie “Avatar” – you see the partner. In his eyes, in his tone. You can feel your partner's mood in the air. You don't need to be near it, it doesn't depend on its location. You will feel it, on the other side of the earth. For you, joy is every moment spent together and you solve all issues together. You are like one whole divided in half. And you know your partner so well that even those close to them can't boast of such knowledge. In general, you can find such a person only by raising your vibrations to this state of true love. It does not happen that a person was unhappy, but loves with true love. In its current state, this function is not available.
The state is equal to feelings and vibrations. As well as values and views. And if your values are not equal, don't look for true love , it's cheating.
Being with a partner is important to be on the same wavelength, in the same field and with the same values for both of us. Your opinions may differ but only in such moments as blue or green? Oval or round, but no more. Then your true love will blossom and bear fruit. No matter what challenges lie ahead, you will still feel happiness and love inside. As well as support, faith and a reliable companion nearby. God grant that it will be in your life and take care of it if you find it! If you have any more questions, please contact us.
No and here's the reason! When real feelings come, the consequence is always extremely sparing for both of them. What's he fighting about? More precisely, for what? Yes, and everything that supposedly arises as a problem can be solved one way or another. A smile and a sense of shoulder don't let pride get the better of you. Such a thing as a quarrel is possible only in love, two proud individuals.