One Answer

  1. Most often, the artist himself comes up with how his video work should be displayed, and sometimes the curator takes part in this decision.

    There are a lot of options.

    Each exhibit is a part of the video work, its inclusion in the exhibition, interaction with it, and so on.

    This is what the sketch of my video installation Maybe Therapy looked like? at the 2nd Triennial of Contemporary Art at the Garage Museum, 2020

    One of the important “rules”: this is light and sound. A common problem that an artist faces is illumination from the corridor, light reflexes from a neighboring work, and sound from another work.

    Perhaps the artist needs a box (an isolated room), and the museum has little space or no budget to build it. In such cases, you have to come up with something. This is a very painful process: there are always a lot of disputes, including with technical staff, curators, and artists whose works are nearby. It is important not to offend anyone, negotiate with everyone, and successfully display your video. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work out, and you have to compromise.

    And this is how my sketch was realized in the space of the museum.

    Video Maybe Therapy?, Albina Mokhryakova, Garage, 2020

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