5 Answers

  1. There is one problem with harmonization through diamat or, more broadly, Marxism – that harmony in Marxism is defined as communism, and communism is defined as harmony. If we have communism, we have harmony; if we don't have communism, we don't have harmony. This creates a cyclical nature of definitions and their fundamental irrefutability. That is, it's just an object of faith like this – ” and under communism everything will be zae****, it will come soon, you just have to wait, everything will be free there, everything will be high, you probably won't have to die there at all.”

    The possibility that communism will be disharmonious or impossible, as well as the possibility of harmony by other means, is eliminated at the level of terminology, literally. Therefore, your political economist is irrefutable, but he achieves this at the cost of complete tautology and meaninglessness of the utterance. The teaching is all-powerful because it is true. Why is this correct? Because it's tautological.

    By the way, if communism is a system in which all social contradictions are removed, then the heat death of the universe is quite suitable for the role of a communist utopia.

  2. The objective laws of nature and their consequences-the propositions of dialectics, the laws of diamat,

    they objectively demand an unambiguous-objectively true STRUCTURE of the social system, shown in FIG.1


    Fig. 1-Scheme of movement, division and growth of material potential in the Social System society state (scheme of im. Lebedeva): a scheme of the society-state system for market-based SEFs.

    The diagram shown in Fig.1 reflects the “every second” process of movement, change and division of material potential (MPC1 and MPC2) that is constantly taking place in the social system, in real life practice, that is: – production (C1, C11);

    – Distribution (C7);

    – Consumption (C4, C9);

    – increase in accumulation or increase in wealth (C2, C3).

    MPC1 — material potential (accumulation, wealth) of owners of means of production in monetary units, MPC1= capital + personal property.

    MPC2 — material potential (accumulation, wealth) of non – owners of production facilities in monetary units, MPC2 = personal property.

    From the above, it is clear that not only capital, but also personal property determines the political and economic process in the social system, which is not taken into account in Marxism and ML.

    The “scheme” in Fig. 1 is a “shell” that contains and covers all (without exception) the infinite variety of processes occurring in the social system, society, and state, while, of course, all laws and relationships created by nature, including feedbacks, operate.

    The objective macro-process in the social system is a generalizing result of the multidirectional aspirations of all many groups and many people, while the entire set of people in society is now clearly and unambiguously divided into owners of the means of production (CL1) and non-owners of the means of production (CL2).

    In the case of HARMONY, that is, in the absence of exploitation in the social system, an optimal dialectical contradiction is created in it, which corresponds to the optimally required and interrelated parameters of production, distribution, consumption, and accumulation,

    This means that the social system has an objective balance between production, distribution, consumption, and accumulation, which is objective for the current level of development of the state economy.

    HARMONISM is a fundamentally fair social system that provides each member of the social system with a life without EXPLOITATION and allows everyone to OBJECTIVELY fully realize their capabilities and desires, which are OBJECTIVELY limited only by the limits of everyone's OBJECTIVE capabilities,

    that is, if you do not achieve what you want, then you are to blame yourself, because there are no OBJECTIVE REASONS that prevent you from achieving what you want with the built HARMONY-a fundamentally objectively fair social system.

    Note. 1. The definition of “objectively” defines the fundamental correspondence to the objective laws of nature (OZP) and their consequences-the provisions of dialectics, the laws of diamat, so the concept of “objective justice of a social system, society” should not be confused with the understanding of the concept of “justice” by the subjective consciousness of a person who does not measure his subjective desires and feelings with the requirements of OZP and their consequences.

    1. V. N. Lebedev. “THE NEED TO CHANGE THE IDEOLOGY OF BUILDING AN OBJECTIVELY FAIR SOCIAL SYSTEM”, St. PETERSBURG. Peter the Great Polytechnic University Press. 127str. POLYTECH-PRESS, 2020 ISBN 978-5-7422-6589-4


    1. In N. Lebedev. “The struggle for the ideals of the welfare state. Harmonism is a society without exploitation. New Political Economy (interdisciplinary approach) ” V. N. Lebedev. – St. Petersburg: POLYTECH-PRESS, 2019-100c. ISBN 978-5-7422-6589-4


    1. V. N. Lebedev . “THE NATIONAL IDEA OF RUSSIA (new ideology). Building an objectively just society is “HARMONISM”. “Political Economy, Theory of Value-KFTS” (interdisciplinary approach). Saint-Petersburg. Peter the Great Polytechnic University Press, 2018 ISBN 978-5-7422-6260-2


    1. Lebedev V. N. “Criterion for determining a just society”

    St. Petersburg; Khimizdat Publ., 2004. ISBN 5-93808-059-2.


  3. Another question is: are all social conflicts dialectical in nature? Do conflicts arise only because of conflicting interests, or is it influenced by the presence or absence of the parties ' will/ability to communicate constructively, conflict-prone character traits, etc.?

  4. SUMMARY ANSWER to all opponents on 09.10.2020

    you do not have… SCIENTIFIC objections to me.

    You have nothing but meaninglessness, which is not related to science in a huge pile of your long-winded inventions.

    You are busy DENYING the objective laws of nature,

    what is FORBIDDEN in the material world, and is punished by the Universe, even to the point of annihilation,

    how RUSSIA was DESTROYED in the USSR format by the false ideology of Marxism and ML , which was the fundamental cause of the COLLAPSE of RUSSIA in the USSR format.

    (other factors are secondary and are born of the fundamental cause, being derived from it).

    It is necessary for those who deny the objective laws of nature to remember the truth given below.

    The laws of diamat(for example, the “law of unity and struggle of opposites”) and the provisions of dialectics (which defined the laws of diamat),


    required for material processes in the material world,

    (including in the part of social systems created, like everything else in the material world, according to the objective laws of nature)

    FOREVER (for the duration of the system's existence, that is, the time of the system's functioning process)

    next one :

      • they require the presence of dialectical opposites, that is, classes,

    (consisting of system people)

    in the public system

    (like the poles in any material system) ;

      • they demand the presence of a dialectical contradiction “unity and struggle” between dialectical opposites-classes, since the contradiction forms a source of self-development and development of the material system

    (as the potential difference in any material system, without which the material process does not exist) ;

      • require BIFURCATION

    (as required by the CORE of dialectics and diamata and the material system, bifurcation by poles – opposites)

    social systems are polar dialectical opposites, that is, classes ;

      • they demand the presence of a source of self-development in the material system, including in the social system, which consists of polar dialectical opposites consisting of people of the system, that is, classes between which there should be a dialectical contradiction “unity and struggle”, that is, a potential difference for material systems.


    (i.e. PROHIBITED),

    in their incorrect ideology, that is :

    A) – they demand the destruction of classes-dialectical opposites consisting of people of the social system, that is, the poles of the material system ;

    B) – requires the elimination of the dialectical contradiction “unity and struggle” between dialectical opposites-classes, that is, the potential difference in the material system ;

    C) – they demand the elimination of the required DIVISION of the social system by the pole pair of dialectical opposites, that is, classes ;

    D) – requires the destruction of the source of self-development in the social system, the destruction of dialectical opposites-classes, the destruction of the dialectical contradiction between them “unity and struggle” and thereby requires the destruction of the BIFURCATION of the social system by polar dialectical opposites-classes (according to paragraphs A), B), C)) —-

    which was the fundamental reason

    (if there are other causes, secondary or derived from the fundamental cause)


    1. V. N. Lebedev. “THE NEED TO CHANGE THE IDEOLOGY OF BUILDING AN OBJECTIVELY FAIR SOCIAL SYSTEM”, St. PETERSBURG. Peter the Great Polytechnic University Press. 127str. POLYTECH-PRESS, 2020 ISBN 978-5-7422-6589-4


    1. In N. Lebedev. “The struggle for the ideals of the welfare state. Harmonism is a society without exploitation. New Political Economy (interdisciplinary approach) ” V. N. Lebedev. – St. Petersburg: POLYTECH-PRESS, 2019-100c. ISBN 978-5-7422-6589-4


    1. V. N. Lebedev . “THE NATIONAL IDEA OF RUSSIA (new ideology). Building an objectively just society is “HARMONISM”. “Political Economy, Theory of Value-KFTS” (interdisciplinary approach). Saint-Petersburg. Peter the Great Polytechnic University Press, 2018 ISBN 978-5-7422-6260-2


    1. Lebedev V. N. “Criterion for determining a just society”

    St. Petersburg; Khimizdat Publ., 2004. ISBN 5-93808-059-2.


  5. Can not. Diamat is a methodology for understanding nature and society. This is a tool. The basis for intellectual work. Work, including on the tool itself. Read V. I. Lenin's “Three Sources three Components of Marxism” and you will understand how and why a materialist can and should apply dialectics.

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