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- Why did everyone start to hate the Russians if the U.S. did the same thing in Afghanistan, Iraq?
- What needs to be corrected in the management of Russia first?
- Why did Blaise Pascal become a religious man at the end of his life?
- How do I know if a guy likes you?
- When they say "one generation", how many do they mean?
“The Second World War” by W. Churchill�
“Fathers and Sons” I. Turgenev
“Blood and Sand” by V. Ibanez�
“W. Churchill. Laws of leadership ” A. Axelrod�
“One day of Ivan Denisovich” by A. Solzhenitsyn�
“The Bronze Horseman” by A. Pushkin
Bronte E. “Wuthering Heights”
Quick M. “I'm Sorry, Leonard Peacock”
Vyazemsky Yu. “The Fool”
Ulitskaya L. “Childhood forty-nine”
Bronte Sh. “Jane Eyre”
E. Porter “Pollyanna”
Spiegelman A. ” Mouse “(graphic novel)
Abgaryan N. “Ponaekhavshaya”
Kryukova T. “Kostya+Nika”
Sanaev P. “Bury me behind the baseboard”
Suskind P. “The Tale of Mr. Sommer”
Grossman D. “With whom to run”
Taylor K. “Heaven will wait”
Levashova S. “Revelations”
Aziz S., Lichtenstein D. “Discover the gift in yourself”
Kehoe D. ” The subconscious mind can do anything!”
Erich Maria Remarque – “Arc de Triomphe”
Neil Gaiman – “Never”
Mikhail Bulgakov – “The Master and Margarita”
Charlotte Bronte – “Jane Eyre”
J. K. Rowling – “Harry Potter” (all parts)😄
“Pupils in Sais”, “Heinrich Von Ofterdingen”, “Hymns to the Night” – Novalis.
“On the Contrary”, “Down There” – Joris Karl Huysmans
“Poems”, “Short Stories” – Edgar Allan Poe
Flowers of Evil-Charles Baudelaire
“Faust”, “The Sufferings of Young Werther” – Johann Wolfgang Goethe
“Poems” – Arthur Rimbaud
“Poems” – Stefan Mallarme
“Manfred” – George Gordon Byron
“The Theater and its double” – Antonin Artaud
“Poems” – Alexander Blok
“Demian”, “Gertrude”, “Steppenwolf”, “The Game of Beads”,” Daffodil and Chrysostom ” – Hermann Hesse
“Stories”, “Transformation”, “The Castle” – Franz Kafka
“Poems” – Percy Shelley
“Poems” – John Keats
“Poems” – Theophile Gautier
“Novellas” – Hoffman
“Short Stories”, “The Future Eve”, “Poems” – Auguste Villiers De Lisle Adan.
“Doctor Faustus” – Thomas Mann
Good books, a large selection, but the best and most fundamental, I think, probably familiar to you – the Bible (Synodal. Old and New Testaments). And I will recommend the book: “Under the caring hand of the Creator”, which will help to sort out the “encrypted” labyrinths of the Bible, as well as answer numerous and difficult questions, “encrypted” by the hustle and bustle of modern life. Here is a link to this book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLsQz536zLg.
A very deep and interesting book “The Portrait of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde. The book is about not chasing after sensual pleasures and pleasures. And you need to think first of all about the purity of the soul. The book is very relevant today, when the external gloss is put above the inner beauty. “Portrait of Dorian Gray” is a story about what happens if vices destroy our soul. And that there will certainly be a reckoning. The book contains masterly dialogues and brilliant philosophical thoughts for all time.
Dmitry Lipskerov's “Gottlieb Space”, “Russian staccato – British Mother”, “Waiting for Straw”… and all that. � Or Dean Rubin: “The Last boar from the forests of Pontevedra”, “White Dove of Cordoba”, “Parsley Syndrome”, “Russian Canary” – three books, “Leonardo's Handwriting”, “Parsley Syndrome”.
I like to read travel books. After all, vacation again remains only a haze. ) But you can deceive your imagination a little and feed it with good, tourist reading material. Books that give you rich, rewarding travel experiences can be found here.
It depends on what genre of literature you prefer. To cover all the variety of works of art, perhaps, is not realistic. Therefore, it is worth working hard to choose the best copies from all the variety of printed literature. I like adventure books. You can use this link to find literature that you like.