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I cannot listen to this question and others like it without an ironic smile: “What is the meaning of life?” All tips on which book to start studying the history of philosophy – profanity of the subject. In my opinion, it is definitely not necessary to start and continue with the textbook, either… It is necessary to read the primary sources that are commented on in textbooks. I was once asked here by a namesake: “Why do you ironically refer to “associate professors with candidates”? Yes, because they write practical manuals, manuals for students based on textbooks, not practice… and those who come to production are helpless… You would ask this curious citizen: why does he need philosophy, what will he do with the knowledge he may have acquired, and who is he in life-a physicist, lyricist, Philosopher? This is only “the cook can rule our state” , and philosophy is the lot of Philosophers! At least, that's what I think. So that I don't want to look ridiculous and naive with a serious expression on my face, I recommend a “book about philosophy” out of the blue…
I cannot listen to this question and others like it without an ironic smile: “What is the meaning of life?” All tips on which book to start studying the history of philosophy – profanity of the subject. In my opinion, it is definitely not necessary to start and continue with the textbook, either… It is necessary to read the primary sources that are commented on in textbooks. I was once asked here by a namesake: “Why do you ironically refer to “associate professors with candidates”? Yes, because they write practical manuals, manuals for students based on textbooks, not practice… and those who come to production are helpless… You would ask this curious citizen: why does he need philosophy, what will he do with the knowledge he may have acquired, and who is he in life-a physicist, lyricist, Philosopher? This is only “the cook can rule our state” , and philosophy is the lot of Philosophers! At least, that's what I think. So that I don't want to look ridiculous and naive with a serious expression on my face, I recommend a “book about philosophy” out of the blue…
Oh! I love these questions.
First of all, you should read the work of the modern philosopher Thomas Nagel “What does all this mean? A very brief introduction to philosophy.” It is written quite simply and fascinatingly, only 40 pages, and is freely available on the web.
Next, I would recommend reading Bertrand Russell's History of Western Philosophy.
Also a good guide will be V. Kanke “Fundamentals of Philosophy” and A. Zotov ” Philosophy “(MSU textbook), but both are written quite difficult.
Good luck! Philosophy is the foundation of all human knowledge.:
There is an excellent series of books “Philosophy in 90 minutes”. It explains all the concepts and basic principles quite easily. I read Nietzsche in 90 Minutes, and given that I also read his Zarathustra, I understood almost everything I needed to know. I think that this is an excellent scheme for a superficial study of philosophy – take this series and one main work of this philosopher or direction. It's like looking inside and out.
Bertrand Russell “The history of Western philosophy” the best way to get acquainted with philosophy, I do not know what else to advise, but I need to type 140 words to send an answer
If the interest has already matured, and there is at least the most minimal idea of the subject of philosophy, then it is probably worth starting with Hegel's “Lectures on the History of Philosophy”. In parallel, it is worth reading other works on the history of philosophy (Windelband, Trubetskoy, Zeller), comparing with the presentation of the GVF. Well, all this, of course, should be read only as a supplement to the original sources. After reading and independently comprehending each of the key works of outstanding thinkers, it is advisable to refer to their interpretations, both modern and past. It won't be easy, but it will be clear.
However, if you don't have the faintest idea what philosophy actually does, then you can read, for example, Frank's Introduction to Philosophy or Jaspers ' work of the same name, or Windelband's Preludes. There will also be set points of reference, focusing on which, it will be possible to delve into the questions posed by thinkers. If I'm not mistaken, Jaspers ' “World History of Philosophy” even contains a set of philosophical canon and a conditional guide for its study.
I strongly do not recommend, based on my own experience, taking up Bertrand Russell from the threshold, as well as any textbooks on philosophy. Reading them, you will not learn anything about philosophy, only get ready-made schemes, the content of which will be very difficult to comprehend without direct acquaintance with the works of thinkers. Also, you should send all sorts of nonsense to the furnace that promises to explain the teachings of Spinoza (Kant, Aristotle) in 90 minutes. It has nothing to do with philosophy and philosophers.
It depends on what tasks you set for yourself.
If you are not yet ready to read multi-page publications, then I recommend A. M. Rudenko “Philosophy in diagrams and tables” and Thomas Nagel ” What does it all mean? A very brief introduction to philosophy.”
If you want more serious books, then start with ancient philosophy and move on to the philosophy of our days.
The textbook that will help you with this is “History of Philosophy” edited by V. V. Vasiliev, A. A. Krotov, D. V. Bugay.
I recommend that you definitely study the primary sources:
Fragments of early Greek philosophers. Part 1. From epic theocosmogonies to the emergence of atomistics-Lebedev A.V. (comp. and per.)
Democritus. Texts. Translation. Research – Lurie S. Ya.
Sophists. Issue 1. Issue 2 Makovelsky A. O.
Plato. Collected works in 4 volumes. Izd. Mysl
Aristotle. Collected works in 4 volumes. Izd. Mysl
If you are interested, you can read “how to start studying philosophy yourself from scratch” in more detail in this article. https://vk.com/@nefilosof_books-c-chego-nachat-izuchenie-filosofii