3 Answers

  1. Hens mate, of course, with roosters. Sexual reproduction with internal fertilization. A rooster tramples a chicken, as it is called )

    Only birds do not have special genitalia like mammals.

    The genital tract opens into the cloaca (the final part of the digestive system). The male and female are connected by these holes. Sperm passes from the male's cloaca to the female's cloaca and travels to the oviduct for fertilization.

    In males of some birds, the cloaca wall turns out to form an organ for mating. In some geese and ducks. The Argentine savka is even impressively long – 20cm or more. But not the roosters.

  2. I liked the comparison that the egg of a chicken is compared to a bunch of grapes, each time this “grape” comes off and goes to the cloaca, while the egg is in a soft form, it stops there, is fertilized, since it is in a soft form (and the sperm of a rooster lives for 20 days), and then everything – success!

  3. Wow, what a question, I didn't expect that such questions can be asked. Hens don't mate because they are female. The hen's male name is rooster.

    Yes, a rooster is not an insult to a homosexual, but a male chicken. At the same time, the farm mainly keeps 1 rooster for 10 chickens, so as an insult it looks like something funny

    Also these very things… The Lord's crowing is done in the early morning, when you can still sleep and go to sleep. But at 1 and the same time. In order for a hen to lay eggs, the presence of a rooster is not necessary. In this case, the hen will lay eggs from which no chicks will appear.

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