2 Answers

  1. Absolutely not. Starting from the physiological possibilities that people see even colors differently and ending with the fact that the other person will always see himself in you. (your fears, your emotions, your complexes) and will always judge you by yourself. This mechanism is called projection. The mechanism of psychological protection, as a result of which the internal is mistakenly perceived as coming from outside. We also see ourselves differently, depending on the state of our self-esteem, mood, and even communication with different people ( with some we are like that, with others we are different). A person is very versatile.

  2. There is an opinion that three personalities live in a person: the first – who he is in society; the second-how he sees himself; the third-what he really is.

    Naturally, all people see you differently, but none of them perceive you as you. It all starts with simple physical reasons: we have a different voice than what we hear; we look different from the outside than we think. Well, in the end there are psychological factors: you analyze your actions in your own way, others understand them differently.

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