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Memes are emotions, feelings, and experiences taken from completely different spheres of human life and put together in a single image. Moreover, everyone who has at least once reposted jokes from humorous publics has had a hand in creating these images. In this view, the concept of a meme is similar to the term “mythologeme” (“a term used to refer to mythological plots, scenes, images that are characterized by globality, universality and are widely used in the cultures of the peoples of the world”).
So, in order to fully understand all the cultural layers of a particular memos, you need to develop a good erudition. For example, everyone's favorite Frog Pepe. This image first appeared in 2005, in thrash comics by artist Matt Fury. But it gained popularity only in 2014, with the advent of the tumblr blog pepethefrog. And to enter into a truly massive turnover, it had to wait another year. Then it began to actively force public-millionaires like MDK or Eaglet. Before that, Pepe was, after all, the domain of elite-suicidal communities like “emoboy$”.
What does this tell us? And the fact that the mass Internet culture has seriously changed in recent years. Judge for yourself: from the degenerate humor of demotivators through simple meme images like “FFUUUU”, we came to the deadly sad little Frog Pepe. The trend towards “existentialism”, the general decline in faith in a bright future associated with the economic crisis, and the marginalization of world culture played a role here. And the simplest and most concise answer, expressing the state of the Internet community was Pepe. An apathetic frog, looking sadly at the floor, realizing all its stupidity in the current situation.
To understand all the levels of irony of such a fashionable trend of meme culture as “edgy memes” (the most popular representative of which was our frog), you need really well-developed critical thinking, as well as erudition, intuition, etc.
Oh, what sacrifices of mind and body will not go to plunge into the wonderful world of memos.
No memes will help you develop your thinking skills. But the solution of the “riddle” hidden in them with the help of various thematic manuals and in general subject study of the subject of study is quite complete.
Yes, they do, and here's why.
When a person solves, for example, an equation or a geometric problem, the main difficulty usually lies not in calculations, but in the need to determine the type of this equation and compare this equation with the appropriate solution method.
With complex memes, the situation is similar: a person needs to remember a number of original memes, understand what their features appeal to in this context, and then the complex meme becomes clear.
In this way, using complex memes can improve your recognition skills, which can be useful in many areas of life.
It is rather difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question. I'll try to briefly explain why. To begin with, what do you understand by thinking and what qualities do you expect to develop? Using memes to express your emotions is a sign of boilerplate thinking. Yes, it's convenient. Perhaps we can say that we develop such a quality of thinking as speed. Roughly speaking, whatever bad things happen to me/you / neighbor / left Vasya, I can always say feelsbadman or something like that. However, does it develop flexibility of thinking (creativity)? I don't think so. Why come up with your own way to express your thoughts, if there is already a ready-made template that can be conveniently applied and you will be understood? However, these are not mutually exclusive things. It's just that there is a certain trend that has been dubbed “clip thinking” (and many people also like to spice it up with the savory “cripples children”). In this case, memes are one of the manifestations of this trend. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? No way. It's just different than before. Time does not stand still and it is time for people who are dissatisfied with this to adapt to the current trend of time. This is all very brief and with great assumptions, but I hope that I am understood.
I don't agree with the other answers… Well, I don't believe that there are such complex memos to develop your thinking… Memos aren't meant to develop you. In this regard, we even have our own memos: “I'm here to degrade came, nah me your puzzles?!”
I am convinced that really complex memes could develop thinking, but…
The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the man is looking for where it is better. Namely, when choosing your favorite sites for absorbing memes, the individual focuses on first impressions, whether he understood the precols or not, and subscribes to the place where he understood everything. And to hope that the public will take on social responsibility and begin to “raise the degree” of memes, or at least alternate between complex and easy ones – alas, it is not necessary.
If a MEME is quite complex and you need to think about it for a long time, then yes, it most likely develops your thinking, since you build logical chains in your head,giving arguments.But this applies only to really complex and subtle memes