4 Answers

  1. I buy if the theme of the exhibition is included in the circle of my interests, the exhibition was worthy and the catalog is appropriate. Or I take it to the library to read (that's a rudimentary thing!). Because if the theme of the exhibition is specific, and the catalog turned out to be good, then often this is the only opportunity to see together rare documents, drawings, reproductions of paintings from museums from all over the country or from other countries, collected under one cover and commented on. In addition, I personally find it easier and more visual to work with paper books.

    For example, I have a beautiful catalog ” Saint Petersburg. Portrait of the City and its Citizens”, released by the Russian Museum. Such a complete retrospective of images can still be found, but I can use it at any time, and I often need this information.

    I myself am looking for a catalog of the Tretyakov Gallery “Art of the Feminine Gender”, dedicated to women artists. I have to borrow it from the library…

  2. Whenever possible, I always buy! Prices, of course, yes… But often the quality is appropriate. The catalogues have text, good reproductions, and a quick access to the museum collection. After reading the catalog, you can get a complete picture of the museum's collection and the art in it.

    I don't see any reason to consider it a vestige. Although, probably, this is the same dispute as between fans of paper and electronic books.

  3. The catalog is a very important tool for authenticating an artist's work. Very often, researchers of galleries / auction houses use these “rudiments” to confirm authenticity during expert evaluation. It is very important not only to buy them, but also to store them for future generations.

  4. You will probably be surprised, but very often many people do not have to buy catalogs for exhibitions ( especially in the format of booklets and brochures) at all.:)

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