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There is no amnesia at all. Amnesia is a symptom in the structure of a syndrome / disorder. Amnesia in severe neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia, is accompanied by profound changes in the patient's personality and character. However, the main cause of these changes, as well as amnesia, is an organic pathological process in the brain substrate, leading to the death of nerve cells and irreversible disruption of neural connections. Psychogenic amnesia, which usually occurs as a result of experiencing a psychological trauma, may or may not lead to changes in character. So, in dissociative amnesia (which is usually a transient episode and lasts from several hours to several days), no noticeable persistent changes in character/personality are observed in the memories of a particular event (local amnesia). However, generalized dissociative amnesia, when a person forgets their past, can lead to serious changes in the functioning of the individual, so that people who knew them before may have the impression that they are looking at a completely different person, although outwardly very similar to their friend/loved one. Amnesia can also accompany switching between alter personalities in a dissociated identity disorder, which is not a consequence of amnesia, but of dissociation that has affected the individual's personality structures. With such switches, significant changes in behavior and response to external and internal stimuli often occur. People suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder may have amnesia for a psychotraumatic event in the past and, along with this, a so-called post-traumatic personality change. However, even in this case, the cause of personality changes is not amnesia as such, but mental processes caused by the consequences of a previous mental trauma.
If a person forgets a significant part of the information, then the character changes, and other functions are disrupted: gnosis — recognition, praxis-purposeful actions, impaired attention. All this occurs due to serious illnesses and injuries, amnesia is a symptom, not a disease.
In different diseases, amnesia is expressed in different ways. It is even better to say нарушение not” amnesia”, but a memory disorder, because amnesia means a lack of memory, when a person does not remember anything at all, which happens extremely rarely.
A person in the case of severe amnesia becomes disabled with mental disorders, not just memory is lost. There are various diseases in which short-term memory disorders occur, that is, it is possible for a person to return to normal after amnesia.