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There is a two-way relationship here.
First, let's talk about situations where depression is primary.
Symptoms of depression may include insomnia. Moreover, this insomnia is usually quite specific: it consists of early morning awakenings with the inability to fall asleep again. A person simply wakes up at 3, 4, 5 o'clock and then can not fall asleep. As a rule, at the same time, he has a reduced mood background and negative thoughts. Sometimes insomnia in depression is expressed in a different way.
And sometimes it happens that a person has a depressive disorder, but he sleeps well at the same time. “Psychological” symptoms – volitional decline, apathy, lack of strength and motivation, depression-are fully present, and sleep is good. This can also happen.
And now – when things are the other way around, that is, insomnia provokes depression.
Insomnia can have about a hundred causes:
• Stress issues
* Anxiety disorder
* Thyroid diseases
* Neurological diseases
* Lack of iron and a number of other micronutrients
* Sleep disturbance
* Taking certain medications and much, much more.
Because of some reason that is not related to depression, a person may well start to sleep poorly. And if the problem of insomnia is fixed and chronicled, then this inevitably begins to affect the psychological state of a person. It often happens that several unsuccessful treatment attempts and continued suffering from poor sleep lead to the fact that a person falls into depression.
If the patient has both depressive disorder and insomnia at the same time, then the root cause can be understood in several ways.
* Remember what started first – a sleep disorder or depression. As a rule, the primary violation is the cause.
* If insomnia is represented by early awakenings in a bad mood, then it is most likely caused by depression.
• If your mood background, performance, and other psychological factors depend on how well you slept the previous night, then there is a high probability that insomnia was caused by something other than depression.
In general, these signs are rather conditional. To accurately understand the relationship between depression and insomnia, it is recommended to visit a sleep therapist. He will understand the origin of sleep disorders and give recommendations for correction. Unfortunately, depression is often not the only causal factor for sleep disorders, and mental stabilization alone is not enough to restore it.
If you want to learn more about insomnia and its causes, download the book by R. V. Buzunov for free “Tips for Healthy Sleep 2.0“. If you have insomnia, which spoils the quality of life and mood, you will also find useful the book by R. V. Buzunov, S. A. Cherkasova ” How to overcome insomnia. Healthy sleep in 6 weeks.”
In the human body, everything is interconnected.Insomnia can cause symptoms similar to depression,and depression very often causes insomnia.It is necessary that the psychologist establish the root cause.Although,in fact, it is not so important, insomnia itself is already a big problem
It's amazing that about 3 weeks ago I heard such a phrase….
There was a kind of conceptual conversation about what is a necessity in life, and what is superfluous; and how to avoid the hustle and bustle.
“Do you know what the easiest way to get depressed is?
Regularly lack sleep. “
Further, the speaker explained to us that energy leaves the body, it does not recover, there is no joy, there is no strength for anything, desires are blunted, ambitions are generally irrelevant – this is depression or something like it.
Even earlier, I heard from a practicing psychologist that depression is characterized by a state when sleep is disturbed, you can not fall asleep,you wake up/do not get enough sleep, and sleep is heavy.And during the day you go sleepy and vice versa tends to sleep.But not at night – by the evening, the nervous system is activated.A vicious circle.
If a psychotherapist reads this, then let him correct me if I'm wrong.
Depression has many physiological symptoms, one of which is insomnia, as well as loss of appetite or increased appetite, noticeably decreases the energy reserve of the body, patients quickly become overworked even with small physical and mental loads.�
My respect, thank you for your attention
Depression doesn't just go away. It adds other non-useful things. The most common options: drugs, alcohol, promiscuous sex, fleeing the country for a while. Well, look at what can cause insomnia here…and if you hold on and depress “dry”, then one hundred percent insomnia, but it will quickly get tired further down the list. Therefore, to the doctor and on antidepressants