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Memory doesn't improve or train ) It is quite constant. Long-term memory in a healthy person is almost infinite, no one has yet measured it and it is unlikely that this is possible. short-term memory is capable of holding 7+- 2 units of information at the same time, that is, approximately 5-9. And it strongly depends on the person's condition, for example, fatigue. And this volume is approximately the same for all people. And with age, memory only gets worse…
However, it is noticeable that if a person learns a lot and hard-it starts to memorize the material faster and easier, this is a fact. What's the big deal? the point is in the ways of information processing, in the process of thinking associated with memory. However, Atkinson included information processing processes in the memory itself. Memory and thinking are closely related, whether to combine or separate them is a matter of theoretical explanation.
So, a healthy person does not remember everything verbatim. Verbatim or mechanical memorization prevails in our early childhood (it is noticed that a child can memorize large pieces of poems almost from the first time, etc.) and then gradually this memory gives way to another type – meaningful memory. When we remember material meaningfully, we process it: we highlight the main thing, classify it, attach images, and we have certain associations. So the material is remembered easier and stronger. If we study a lot , we train this part. For example, if we are well acquainted with the anatomy of a hedgehog (we have already learned it), then we can just as easily learn the anatomy of another animal – I just put the differences in an already existing matrix of meanings. A short mental note is a good reminder. People often have a well-developed visual memory (mechanical), and therefore images and visual associations help to remember the material well.
Look at what they write about mnemonics and competitions of “memorizers” – yes, they learn huge chunks of material from the first time in the order of competition, but not mechanically, namely, relying on a certain system of meanings and associative hints.
So memory is not trainable, but its auxiliary tool-a way of storing information in a good internal directory-is quite complete. However, in everyday speech, we call these exercises “memory training”.
Memory in particular and cognitive abilities in general improve if you study a lot. But with one caveat – within the framework of this training, it should be “difficult”. Training should not take place automatically, but there should be conditions under which you have to concentrate on the task in order to solve it (this is the so-called Deliberate practice). For example, you will not become a good guitarist if you keep playing the same etude for ten years (no matter how difficult it is). As soon as you can play it on the machine without thinking about each subsequent note, the development will stop.
It is better to remember what you read, if there is an opportunity to learn the information to tell someone out loud.
Yes, at least to yourself in front of the mirror: you tell, listen, think, realize, if you don't understand something — ask a question, explain, etc.
Definitely.Especially if you support it with special exercises and diet.Millet read about it, quite interesting.It's like in order to build muscle, you need not only to swing, but also to eat right and generally lead a healthy lifestyle(not always, but something like this).