3 Answers

  1. Usually everyone says, “We need a de, because the church is the same society,” but I beg to disagree. After all, we are talking here about different anthropologies, namely: psychiatry and the Orthodox Church teach completely different things about a person, which means that the classical psychiatrist in the church is not a convenient figure, alien. Another thing is if he is an “Orthodox psychologist”, which can be found more and more often lately, but in this case the question arises: why do we need an Orthodox psychologist if there is a priest who also performs the function of spiritual and spiritual assistance to a person? I don't think it's needed. Moreover, orthodox holistic anthropology suggests that the person providing psychological assistance should be a person of good faith and works (as a priest should be in the first place), and not just a parochial person.

    In fact, the function of a psychiatrist throughout the church life was performed by confessors, that is, elders specially placed in the place of spiritual mentors. It is reasonable to continue this practice. The figure of an Orthodox psychiatrist can take place if the priest is not able to provide psychological assistance, the figure of a secular psychiatrist seems completely unable to be placed in the service of the church due to the fundamental difference between the anthropological models of modern psychiatry and the Orthodox faith.

  2. If we consider people as a church, then absolutely. A psychiatrist is necessary for those who see the need to go to church, purchase questionable magical services and goods there. In principle, those who do not attend church, but simply have such an internal imbalance, when they believe in absolute ephemerality and stupidity, also need, of course, with their consent, medical assistance.

  3. In this case, the church is no different from any other group of people of similar size. And if it is possible to get a full-time psychiatrist (or a doctor of any other specialty), then this will be very useful.

    The fact is that very different people come to church. Often these are people who are in the most severe spiritual need and with serious mental problems. And even if you have a good heart and a good knowledge of the Bible, it can be very difficult to help such people. It is for such cases that the church would need a good religious psychiatrist.�

    But, of course, it should also be said that living in faith gradually frees a person from many mental problems. For example, believers, on average, lead a much healthier lifestyle, have stronger and happier families, are less likely to commit crimes, are less likely to be single, and generally live happier and longer lives.

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