4 Answers

  1. The average person does not need anything. Billions of people can do just fine without it. Hundreds of millions pass the exam and forget it like a bad dream. A well-known doctor, a solid and knowledgeable specialist, admitted that at UNI she hid under her desk at seminars on philosophy. But there are also millions of people who are interested in fundamental questions of the world order and problems of self-knowledge. It is precisely for them that the history of philosophy is mandatory for studying, otherwise nothing will really work out for them.

  2. When you think about life, you are necessarily reinventing the wheel. In philosophy, there is already a history of arguing with followers of the direction that argued with the philosophical system, the views of which you have just reached. You are interested in what human life is for, what is the meaning of everything, and there are many answers to this at once. Some of them will suit some people. There is also a rich history of philosophical and logical errors. And bringing the concept to absurdity and harmful consequences. Even the Hitler elite tried to tie philosophers to their ideology. (You know which ones, right?) Well, if you never think about meaning in your life, then you have tasks. For example, to earn loot. Then you're an automaton. And the machine does not ask why, but simply learns what was said. In addition, some philosophical concepts can greatly improve your life. And finally, a person who thinks for a long time in a row is horrified. Well, many people. There are names for this horror in philosophy (what?) and written prescriptions. It is also important to know such things so as not to be ignorant. And don't go to the extreme when you don't know anything at all, except the minimum for making money and scooping up food with a spoon. And a person is so arranged, it is interesting for him to find out information. Like higher mammals. Philosophy is interesting.

  3. This is a very simple question.
    Philosophy is the intellectual garbage of evolution, the imitation of intellectual activity.
    It is useful to be able to recognize both biological and intellectual garbage in order to keep them out of your stomach and in your head.
    The history of this 99.99% meaningless chatter is necessary to know, it is the duty of a reasonable person.

  4. Not everyone needs to know philosophy. Only those who have the ability to think in abstract, most general terms about the most general questions of the universe. If you want to get involved in philosophical thought, you can start with Plato's Dialogues.

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