One Answer

    1. The peculiarity of medieval thinking, for which the reality that determines what exists is not nature, but God theocentrism

    2. A collection of ancient texts canonized by the religious tradition of Judaism and Christianity as the Holy Book of the Bible, in Judaism – the Tanakh, in Christianity-the Old Testament

    3. The Doctrine of God's Creation of the world creationism_ _

    4. Aurelius Augustine the Blessed was a fourth-century philosopher and theologian who attempted to examine the world-historical process from the standpoint of Christian doctrine and initiated the philosophy of history _

    5. Outstanding representative of mature scholasticism, systematizer of Christian dogma Thomas Aquinas _

    6. The teaching of the Church Fathers is called Patristics _

    7. Universals – general concepts _ _

    8. The attitude that universals exist before and beyond individual things

    Extreme realism _

    9. The direction in Catholic philosophy, founded by Fr. Aquina_tomism _

    1. Deviation from the official creed heresy _ _

    2. A type of medieval theological philosophy (and a method of philosophizing) that is distinguished by its isolation from reality, isolation, extreme dogmatism, and unquestioning submission to religious ideations_ scholasticism _

    3. Religious teaching that aims to justify the all-good and all-powerful God before the presence of evil in the world theodicy

    4. To which medieval thinker does the saying “I believe because it is absurd” belong, according to which the more divine truths contradict common sense, the more true they are? To Tertullian __

    5. A movement that emerged towards the end of the Middle Ages, opposing scholasticism and the spiritual domination of the Church, and expressing recognition of the value of man as an individual, his rights to freedom, happiness, equality, and the development of creative powers and aptitudes. _

    6. Philosophical and ideological attitude that evaluates the world through a person, considering it the center of the universe of Anthropocentrism _

    7. The author of the Divine Comedy, who made an attempt to remove the contrast between the earthly and the divine in man by Dante Alighieri

    8. The “father” of humanism is called the Italian thinker Francesco Petrarch _

    9. The liberation of people's worldview and practical activities from the influence of religion and church institutions is called secularization

    10. Founder of Utopian socialism, Renaissance thinker Thomas More

    11. The author of the book “City of the Sun” is Tommaso Campanella _

    12. The author of the famous treatise “The Sovereign” is Niccolo Machiavelli

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