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First, political philosophy and political theory are often used interchangeably. This is acceptable if you specifically specify it. In this sense, political theory as a political philosophy is an interdisciplinary humanitarian knowledge. Second, their subject areas overlap or the former is included in the latter. That is, political philosophy can be an integral part of political theory, since the former is in some sense narrower than the latter. For example, a political theory can deal with thinkers who are unconventional as political philosophers, but can be recognized as political theorists. As the political theorist Dante Germino put it, “philosophers” and “publicists.” From the point of view of Germino, Thomas Aquinas, for example, is a philosopher, while Marsilius of Padua is only a publicist who wrote not on the topic of “eternal questions”, but on the malice of the day. But both can easily be studied within the framework of political theory. Personally, I think Padua is just as much a political philosopher as Aquinas. But the fact that the issue itself is debatable already distinguishes these disciplines. Third, they can be absolutely differentiated. Then, if political philosophy is concerned primarily with metaphysical questions or the history of political philosophy and only philosophy (in this sense, the question remains who is definitely considered a philosopher and who is a thinker), then political theory can study ideology and be ideological itself, enter into an alliance with applied sociology and then be part of political science (precisely as a science), etc. That is, political theory can also be associated with political science, while political philosophy is ” unscientific – – in the sense of science.