2 Answers

  1. First, the artist needs to create a portfolio that they can work with and that will be useful for gallery owners, museums, and art dealers alike. The market in Russia is designed in such a way that it is difficult to be an independent and especially a young artist, at least from an economic point of view. Tip: apply for grants, participate in group exhibitions, be visible and collect your portfolio, at least on Instagram. And don't forget the sad rule that an expensive artist is a dead artist.

  2. A question that comes up with some enviable regularity…

    Here is an excerpt from one of my answers to it:

    Set the price that you will not be sorry to give up for good. Estimate your labor costs, materials (yes, they are not cheap now…), time costs, and what you need to eat, drink, move around, live somewhere, and pay bills while working. So include all this in the cost of your work. And this will be the lower level of its value, for which you do not fall. If you expect that the buyer will bargain (yes, now there are also such “beaten off to the whole head”), then first raise the price so that there is somewhere to go down.

    Something like that.

    Good luck!

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