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In fact, it is not necessary to explain to the child why it is necessary and important to read – he will not listen.�
It is important to read aloud to your child from childhood, have books at home, and read with the whole family.�
It's 100% working
(I answer based on my own experience: my parents have a great library, mom/dad/grandparents have read a lot and are still reading)
Explain not explain, such words as “knowledge of the world”, “self-knowledge”, “self-development”, “gaining knowledge”, etc. etc. for a child will sound like smart and adult, but completely empty! If you want to instill a love of reading in your child, then there is a much better way than persuasion. As a child, I hated reading and was generally not a very diligent child. My mother did not persuade me, did not point me out, did not order me, but there was no result. Then she did this: she took me from my dacha to the city ( it was summer) for a week or two. My parents were working, and no one was home from morning to night. In the courtyard, all the children had left, there was no one to play with. There was a TV and an unobtrusive stack of children's books with bright covers. Boredom drove me to study first the cover and then the content. My first book was Karik and Valya, as I remember it now! Captured incredibly.. And I have already consciously taken 5-6 books to the dacha, independently selected from my mother's small library!) So buy cool books, always in a beautiful cover, turn off the Internet and throw the child this “time bomb”, a good book will do everything for you)
I think this is a strange question. You will never explain to your child what you do not understand yourself, and if such a question has arisen, then the problem is not with the child, obviously, you did not answer this question for yourself.
I've come across different options:
1. Just because it's interesting
2. In order to be well-read, expand your horizons and shine in conversations and disputes
3. In order to develop intellectually and achieve great success in school/at work
The whole trick is THAT reading-goals can be different, from this difference in the choice of books, hence the different answers to this question.
When children ask me about this, it is usually about fiction or books in general (sometimes-why is the subject literature in school?). My answer is dictated by my personal experience and perception: You need to read because books are a significant part of human culture. The world becomes three-dimensional if we grasp as many parts of this culture as possible-science, art, entertainment, communication – the pieces of the puzzle that we need to understand the world and ourselves. All the situations that are played out in books are not new to us (here you can easily explain to the child what an archetype is and why they are exploited from century to century, it works, children understand much more than many people think), but they can give hints – not so much answer the question ” how to act in this situation?”, but show what feelings and emotions can arise; show that they are normal, that you are not the only one who experiences them. Reading is the support of your inner world. It is extremely difficult to build it if you lack such important building blocks – they are just as important as logic or the ability to analyze. Literature develops our personality from the point of view of feeling, like music, for example.�
And, in addition, without a certain layer of texts in the mind, a person becomes marginalized in a society that relies on a number of precedent phenomena, many of which originated in books.
Talk to your child sincerely! What exactly do you read for? If you don't have an answer to this question, you might want to find one for yourself first before trying to talk to your children. It will be more honest.