10 Answers

  1. You are right this topic is quite paradoxical.

    If Nothing gives rise to Something, then such a Nothing is logically equivalent to the Whole of Being (which Hegel noted in his own way, saying that being is the most empty concept, almost equal to Nothing).

    Hence the only course of the answer to the question ” how can it generate?” “only to the unknown, in the form of a miracle or a transcendent confusion. This is what the logic of creation ex nihil among Christians is based on.

    However, it should be understood that this event is recognized as a paradox or miracle only for people who think in analogies of the world and therefore experience difficulties with knowing the foundations of being.

  2. IF ” Nothing is the absence of anything,” then only Nothing can produce it.

    “NOTHING” can also have such variants of conditional interpretation

    1) The entire complete / absolute universe consists of many independent parts, “our universe” or” new universe ” can appear from the material of a neighboring universe (unknown to science), without violating the laws of physics.

    2) There may be forms of matter that are not yet known, but which can give rise to classical forms of matter.

  3. Nothing can create something!At the same time, it always generates it. And there is no miracle here. There is Being as the universal existence of a variety of objects, phenomena and processes of the universe. And there are concrete things, as separate elements (particles) of this Being. But since the eternity and infinity of Being are absolute, the existence of specific things is limited in space and time – they arise in a certain place and disappear after a certain period of time. Where do they go? They pass into Non-Existence – into something that is outside of Being (what is opposite to it, what does not really exist).
    If Being is made of something, then its opposite is made of nothing. Both the appearance and disappearance of an individual something is always its appearance from nothing and its return to the same place.
    But still, such a thing is impossible – Non-existence cannot produce various somethings out of itself.
    Of course it can't. The incomprehensible situation is due to the fact that we did not specify another important point: each something inevitably generates another something, and that, in turn, the next, etc., with the formation of development trajectories, of which there are countless in Existence. These trajectories seem to glide along the surface of Non-Existence, constantly interacting with it.
    We are born out of Nothingness (being born mothers) and disappear, dissolving into Nothingness, after physical death. Giving your substance to others is something.

  4. Here's an example. You looked at another girl in front of your wife. It would seem-a look, a mere trifle. But she saw something in him that really hurt her, so she decided to give you guys such a hard time at home, even if you can't stand the saints. You think it's nothing, but in the end it's something you can't avoid.

    I am exaggerating, of course, but not only – this is the return of thought from heaven to earth. You can, of course, talk a lot about the ex nihilo creation of Christian patristics, about Heidegger's “Being and Time”, about Parmenides and Plato, who, according to Heidegger and Nietzsche, are guilty of mishandling Nothingness, or recall sophists who practiced wit with Nothingness.

    But all this is not very practical. In fact, there is always a lot of noise coming out of nothing. A careless word, a glance, an obsessive thought, or some other insignificant trifle can create Something that will have to be dealt with for a long time.

    So if you can see clearly what is happening around you, you will have no doubt that Something is constantly coming out of Nothing. But how to justify it logically or philosophically is another matter. And not that it's too interesting. It's hard to imagine the benefits of finding the answer.

  5. Nothing is a potential all, balanced by the internal oppositions of its own limited states to an absolute equilibrium in which there is no time, space, or motion. This is non-existence.

    Being is conditioned by fundamental limitations, incompleteness, nonequilibrium, asymmetry — the causes of movement, energy (as the will to complete the balance) which are only possible in space and time.

    The question arises: why does the Absolute need its own bounded states?
    First, it can't help but contain them, since it contains everything a priori, including its own copies. And copies can never be 100% complete and identical to the original. In any case, a 100% copy of Nothing will be equal to itself, so we don't take it into account.
    Secondly, it is through their multivariate set that his self-awareness apparently occurs, which he must also possess by definition. It is in this multitude that he finds his own being. It is from this being that he can state his Absolute Nothingness.

    So we get two inseparable, mutually conditioned states-Nothing and Being, the first of which we can call a state only conditionally, and the second we necessarily endow with time, space, energy, motion and their derivatives.

    Now let's pay attention to the question: the concept of “generate”, which is present in it, has to do with the beginning of something, that is, with the temporal aspect inherent only in being.
    However, if we were to look at Something not from the point of view of an internal observer who is inside the Absolute, but from the point of view of a speculative external observer, we would see that Something, as an inseparable component of Nothing, existed, exists and will continue to exist in it forever.

  6. How can Nothing create Something?

    It is not NOTHING that can create SOMETHING, but SOMETHING that can arise in NOTHING.

    If the world is based on a certain mathematical structure, and this is quite likely, because mathematics is almost perfectly superimposed on our reality, then the world is arranged by mathematics, i.e. laws, and laws are NOTHING for us because they are ideal.

    The Bible says that everything began to exist thanks to the Logos, where the Logos is a stable regularity, a universal necessity. The formula of reality.

    If we accept the definition of matter as something that interacts, manifests itself, then various parts of the formula are perfect for this.

    Let's take the formula of the virtual world (program), the scripts of this program interacting with each other feel each other, therefore matter appears inside the program.And the laws established by the programmer are the physics of VR.

    For a VR character, his world is real and material and arises out of NOTHING, because the laws of VR physics are not inherited from the programmer's reality, but created by his mind.

    Thus, for a VR character, NOTHING creates SOMETHING.

    Out of NOTHING for this site, this site came into being.

  7. The world is a mathematical point. In the human understanding, a mathematical point is nothing. According to the law of avoiding pairs, the Atom repeats itself, giving rise to an imaginary world. Nothing creates something.

  8. As for me, philosophy is the science of “the foundations of any being” (reason and even “pure reason” as well). It is precisely by being that what exists differs from what does not exist.

    I can't say that philosophers of both the past and present have taken this lightly (rather, on the contrary). I see the problem in the fact that quite quickly (almost since the time of Plato and Aristotle) philosophy moved away from studying (knowing) the real causes of the “foundations of being” and began to invent them from “concepts” (i.e., it did not engage in scientific knowledge). Formally, with the appearance of the concept of “Metaphysics” in philosophy (supposedly eternal and unchangeable foundations of being).

    But even the very first philosophers and thinkers (the same Parmenides) clearly trace the idea that the “foundations of being” should be sought in what has the properties of both “nothing” and” something “(i.e., about the force or facet that leads non – existent to being-to the”category of existence”). By the way, some philosophers have now returned to the question of “existence” and consider it “the main question of philosophy” (and not the question of the existence of God). Which is logical because to answer such a question first you need to know (and not think that you know) what is “existence” and “God”?

    From the standpoint of the scientific path of knowledge, that which is able to “embody” into existence “something” from non-existence (“nothing”) must have “zero energy” (because it does not require energy for its “embodiment” (which “nothing” can not have). Then it is easier, opposites are generated (with “negative” and “positive” energy), which in total also do not require energy for their implementation. The only problem is “where to put the negative energy?”. After all, any known matter has “positive energy”? Well, except for the mysterious “dark energy” of course.

    It is not difficult to notice “logically” that the “concept” of God in many religions is exactly this (for example, in Abramic religions, God creates from nothing, and in Christianity, “Word”, i.e. something that does not have energy, mass, or other attributes of matter). So in the “concept of God” (as for me) there is no more ” obscurantism “than in the same concept of the” Big Bang “(of course, if we” do not take into account “the subsequently introduced” supernatural “into this” concept ” by philosophical religious dogma in subsequent times, which gave rise to a lot of different religions and denominations).

  9. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. And the Word was God.” This is what the Bible says about the beginning of time and the world. And what does the Word mean? This is Christ, and together the Trinity, the one God: the Father, the Son, and the Spirit (who “flew over the Abyss”). That is, nothing ever existed! there was a huge creative spiritual force in the infinity of a complete vacuum. And there was no such thing as our material world. How was it created? God the Father created it by the power of his Spirit through the Word-Christ. The thing is. that any word in any language is a combination of the abstract (meaning, feeling) and the material (written form and vibrations) when pronounced orally. So is Jesus, who is called the Word: he was originally spiritual. but it is also material in a small fraction ( some original material particle was in It, expanding immeasurably through what scientists call the Big Bang. It became a “bridge, a door” to the material world. When he came to us 2,000 years ago as a man, he was also a son of Heaven. and a son of the Earth (through Mother Mary). And He-by the providence of his Father-re-united the link with humanity that was destroyed by the sin of Adam and Eve. The bond that sinful humans stubbornly broke, despite the outstretched hand from Heaven in the form of Covenants and all the prophets…It was easier for people to understand the truths through a man of flesh and blood. The Lord sacrificed his beloved Son for the sake of the people! Christ is the bridge between earth and heaven, so that we can ascend to the heights. He is the door to Paradise, closed after the first fall, but re-opened to people after His blood was shed. So I think there was always a little bit of the material in Christ, and this little bit contained the whole world that we see. It is like a single candle in the darkness of the cosmos already rejecting the darkness and giving hope for the future. Hope to us, the sons and daughters of the Lord, created in the likeness of God, to reach up in hope. in the words of Christ, to become “like our heavenly Father”!

  10. Philosophers or us? To answer your question and similar questions, I use four rules, patterns, whatever you want to call them.

    1. A damaged phone number. If you pass information by word of mouth, the more people who passed on information, the more it could be distorted.

    2. Language barrier. When translating from one language to another, the meaning may be distorted, especially if there are many of these languages. For example, when translating from Russian to English, from English to German, then to French, Spanish, Italian, and then back to Russian, it is unlikely that we will get the original information without distortion. 3. Time distortions. Just thirty years ago, the phrase mouse pad had a different meaning than it does now.

    4. The idea and who wrote it down. Science claims that earlier not everyone could write (and not everyone liked it, by the way, as now), so it is difficult to determine who wrote for the philosopher himself, or his student, or even some not very smart person.

    We do not know exactly what is hidden under the word nothing. We do not know for certain what knowledge the author of the Bible possessed. Maybe under the word nothing the author of the Bible had the smallest non-divisible part. Well, he took it and so strangely, for us, called it. Then the expression-God created out of nothing…. “it makes sense.

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