15 Answers

  1. The answer is contained in the question itself. Space-time is material because astronomical objects bend it. If space-time were an immaterial, purely mathematical invention, such an effect would not exist at all.

    Currently, it is believed that the so – called empty space is filled with a physical vacuum-a material substance. The curvature is determined by the deviation of the ray path near massive objects. The deflection angle is calculated using the formulas of the relativity theory. Exactly which particles in the physical vacuum are responsible for the deflection of the beam path is still unknown. The answer should be provided by the future theory of quantum gravity.

  2. Unfortunately, the solution of the problem of attraction (the source of force) or, as it is now fashionable to say, the curvature of the hypothetical continuum (space-time) will stretch for modern traditional science for quite a long time, which we definitely will not find.

    The theory of curvature of space is a typical theory of materialistic science, which, having no information from other, causal levels of existence, makes “universal” conclusions.

    An observer who studies metal filings on a plane, but has no idea what a magnet and a magnetic field are, will also build up his own theories of” curvatures”, proving that such” dances ” of sawdust occur under the influence of a sympathetic connection between them.

    Science will return to “attraction” again, but on a completely different level. A convenient and fashionable theory of “curvature” will be archived.

    At the beginning of his Principia, Isaac Newton explained to his students that he used the word “attraction” to refer to the interaction of bodies, not in the physical sense. In another passage of the same work, he clearly states that the attractions considered physically are rather impulses. In the Introduction, he expresses the opinion that “there is a subtlest spirit, by the force and action of which all the motions of matter are determined” and in his Third Letter to Bentley, he says:

    “It is impossible to imagine that inanimate, gross matter can, without the mediation of something else, which is immaterial, act on other matter and influence it without mutual contact, as it would be if gravitation, in the sense given to it by Epicurus, were an essential and innate property of matter… the idea that gravitation must be innate, inherent, and proper to matter, so that one body can act on another at a distance through the void without the aid of anything else to transmit their motion from one to the other, is such an absurdity to me that I am convinced that no one with a competent faculty of thought in philosophical matters can fall into such an error. Gravity must be caused by an intermediary constantly operating, according to certain laws; but as to the question whether this intermediary will be material or not, I leave it to my readers to decide.”

  3. Matter interacts with the gravitational field. The gravitational field is both real and material. It is fundamentally impossible to completely shield an electric charge – charges cannot move at the speed of light. The electrostatic repulsion / attraction of moving electric charges is always greater than their magnetic attraction/repulsion – stop-amplitude. The gravitational field is based on a correct understanding of the principle of superposition (superposition of fields), which is now completely misunderstood, only in a purely mathematical sense.

  4. I want to supplement the actual question in the context of the answers already written.

    1. Did Einstein himself try to draw a graphical model of the curvature of space somewhere? Do you have any of his statements? The first thing that comes to mind is his description of the new direction as a transition to operating with irreducible entities. So what? Can they be reduced to a drawing on a plane?

    I believe that point 1 needs to be dealt with in an adult way. You can't even be a polymath by repeating something that didn't happen. It's emasculating.

    1. In general relativity, the equivalence of inertia and gravity is postulated. Now, for some reason, only the graphical model of gravity wanders. And how is inertia displayed? In my opinion, the same balancing act is repeated here as in the SRT. Mass and energy are scalar values. In the graphical model of gravity, this is still somewhat masked by a sagging groove. Like a rail it is. And for inertia? In the SRT, at least, mental energy was applied to explain the properties of the four-vector, which replaces everything there. And in general relativity? … Skullcap where?:)
  5. Stars and planets with large magnetic fields bend space. Every star in the galaxy has a connection to the center, and the displacement of a star that is connected to the center creates tension in matter, distorting it. The center sends a signal to the star, forcing it to take its place.

  6. The field is also not real, but this does not prevent us. Charge (also not a real entity, but a certain quantum parameter) changes the electromagnetic field, and mass (also the essence of energy – not a real parameter) changes space-time. There is nothing material in nature, objects only seem solid, because the repulsive force of the same charges in atoms does not allow us to fall into the floor. And not to crumble – the forces of attraction. Everything is made up of energy in the end. And as the electric charge changes the parameters of the surrounding space, so does the mass. If you draw a straight line in space near a massive body and calculate the parameters of gravitational attraction at each point of this line, it turns out that they will differ from those predicted by the Newtonian formula. But if this straight line is slightly bent, then on the resulting curve the force of attraction will be equal to the calculated one for the straight line. The funny thing is, it's not just math stuff. Light propagates along such curves. There is also a simple explanation for this: if light deviated from this curved line, then for it it would mean a change in the gravitational potential, that is, interaction with the gravitational field, and photons do not interact with gravity, so they propagate strictly in a straight line (even if this line is slightly bent), since the bent line sounds a little strange, the term geodesic line was coined for it.

  7. It is difficult for a person to imagine the discreteness of space, time and gravity. Although chronons and gravitons are still hypothetical quantum particles, there is already a number of indirect evidence in favor of their reality, for example, the detection of gravitational waves in 2015!!! Therefore, a large mass bends space not by its bulkiness, but by means of interaction, which is expressed by the effects of general relativity.

  8. Physics has no answer to this question. Just as there is no answer to how an electric charge affects an electromagnetic field. It is also fundamentally non-material. And it is considered material only because it supposedly transfers energy and momentum. “Ostensibly” – because only the fact of photon emission and absorption is actually observed, i.e. decreasing energy and momentum in one atom and adding them in time r/c (the distance between atoms divided by the speed of light) in another. And everything. Between these events, no one can observe a photon in principle. Observation for the photon of death is similar. So only the acts of changing the energy state of atoms are physical. And the field, like curved space in general relativity, is only a mathematical interpretation of how these events might be connected.

    This is indirectly proved by quantum physics, which demonstrates the impossibility of both particle and wave interpretation of phenomena in the microcosm.

    This is a very good and principled question. But there is no answer to it, just as there is no answer to the question of how the points of space themselves interact with each other, creating waves both electromagnetic and gravitational ( waves of curvature). Their relationship in theoretical physics is purely mathematical. If waves in a physical medium are explained by the physical interaction between particles of the medium, then electromagnetic and curvature waves in space are not explained by anything. Why does the field potential or curvature at a point in space change after the same potential or curvature changes at a neighboring point? There is no answer to this question. There is no need to talk about interaction with the substance.

    Quantum theory blew up classical theory because it asked itself exactly this question. But she stopped in mid-stride. And it's been around for at least four decades.

  9. Space is material and is one of the forms of movement of material particles. I've already said that. Atoms are also made up of material particles. Also moving continuously. Atomic material objects (tangible ones) interact with space in terms of their natural oscillation spectra. This follows from the Fourier expansion for periodic (harmonic) processes. And so did the founders of quantum physics. However, without taking into account the space. So far, quantum mechanics operates with only one part of the equation for the Fourier series. Therefore, it cannot explain the nature of the stability of the atom. But only proceeds from the postulation of this stability. Saying that this stability statistically has the most probable states. Which, in fact, are the main harmonics of the decomposition.

    The use (attempt to use) of the fourth coordinate (time) is an attempt to replace the missing part of the equation with an abstraction. This is not to say that this attempt is unfounded. In principle, in any formula, any of its terms and any of its parts are always abstract. In this aspect, it doesn't matter what you call them. Plus, north, charm …

    Another thing is that the era of” fixed formulas ” ended just about a century ago. Proof of this can be found in Einstein's constant quest to ” discover a new type of formula.” Those that change themselves depending on themselves. And the driver of those changes should be only one parameter, which is seen as a cosmological constant. And this technique can also not be considered artificial. There was something about her. And it lies far beyond the scope of the question posed. The goal is to determine the “curvature”parameter. “It's just to find the mechanism by which the formulas will change themselves.

    And that race for the formula began with Faraday's formulation of the problem of determining the short-range mechanism.

    Now nothing so complicated is necessary. There are computers and even modeling programs. By the way, just for magnetic fields (in particular). Which is exactly what Faraday dreamed of, which is typical. And those programs work in the finite element algorithm. For example, the ELCUT program . here's what it models: :

    magnetic field of alternating currents;

    magnetic field of direct currents and / or permanent magnets;

    non-stationary magnetic field;

    electrostatic field;

    direct current electric field;

    electric field of alternating currents;

    non-stationary electric field;

    stationary and non-stationary temperature field;

    mechanical stresses and elastic deformations.

    This you will find. Hooke, Jung, Faraday, Maxwell's dream came true …

    The program itself draws a “curvature” formed by a superposition of real interactions. You can imagine this if you draw a straight line on a piece of paper, and then bend that piece of paper. And no mysticism. Purely mechanical effects and trivial arithmetic. You don't have to go anywhere and you don't have to come back from anywhere.


    The only drawback of modern methods is that you really need to work. A lot to know and be able to do. And the complete absence of the screen, which is called ” I understood the curvature of space / time!” This is already an epic.


    I almost forgot.

    The fundamental difference between machine modeling programs is A RETURN TO VERBAL DEFINITIONS, on the basis of which formulas were once compiled. The machine works according to the algorithm. And performs trivial operations. It couldn't be simpler. “That's the definition of triviality.

  10. Only energetically-Objects in the universe have no weight-Only electromagnetic coupling, the greater the gravitational field, the greater the energy mass. A magnetic field that bends space.

  11. The article describes everything: https://vk.com/id560337606

    A massive body acts as a catalyst for space. The more massive the body, the stronger the reaction of energy transformation from the form of space to the form of matter. This process creates a spatial wind in the direction of a massive body. The greater the velocity of space moving towards a massive body and the higher the energy of this space, the greater the attraction.

  12. Space-time is fundamentally non-material because it is produced by fantasy. There is a mathematical object – a metric pseudo-Euclidean 4-dimensional Minkowski space. The World has been told so many times that time cannot be equalized with coordinates.

    Time is unidirectional. The time scale is similar to a one-dimensional coordinate system, but does not have a complete set of coordinate properties. Therefore, it is not legal to embed a time variable in the Minkowski space metric and “offizichivat”, i.e. to attribute physical properties. The word “space” is used in the conceptual framework of mathematics, physics, and philosophy with different meanings, but intersecting.

    Until very recently, by the standards of the universe, all sciences, including physics, were united under the name of natural philosophy. Some physicists have developed a habit of ignoring philosophy and treating philosophers with disdain. This is very similar to disrespecting your own parents.

    Let's try once again to understand what is the object of interest of physics and the field of activity. PROCESSES. Processes occurring in the material environment, a diverse substance that fills space. Space itself is neither movable nor deformable! Moreover, the space is not metrizable, it is not a mathematical space. Where do the coordinates belong? The coordinate grid is “frozen” into a material medium, a substance, and studied by observing its deformation and displacement. The usual first action in physics is to select a reference body and bind a reference frame to it. This happens so naturally and habitually that they even forget to mention it.

    Answering the question of the article, I will say. Astronomical objects only “float” in space, but interact with other astronomical objects.

  13. A hackneyed Einsteinophile (they created an idol on their head) stamp that led humanity to the dead end of the impossibility of interstellar flights, the impossibility of creating an anti-gravity engine. The very idea of space-time curvature is inherently flawed, doesn't really explain anything, and doesn't lead anywhere. This is just an axiom, a postulate that Albert sucked out of his finger, which is akin to the axiom about parallel lines, which, fortunately, was refuted. I believe that humanity can break out of this impasse, otherwise our species will disappear.

  14. Read Atsyukovsky's “Etherodynamics” as the first approximation to real physics as a science that studies nature, although he could not completely get rid of, for example, electromagnetism generated by the movement of electrons in conductors? and a number of other stamps.

    Read articles on “Gradient Etherodynamics” – developments of the above theory ( http://samlib.ru/a/awsharow_e_m/indextitle.shtml The author of these lines is preparing a new article on astronomy, which will answer the main questions that official science does not have a clear answer to.

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