How do I come up with a name for an art studio?
We need to come up with a name for the creative studio. The contingent is from 4 to 18. They are engaged in arts and crafts. Example: Arts and crafts > creative corner > > corner of the house > > > home comfort > > > > village house > > > > izba (vezha)
10 Options. Art studios:
Bridge of art
Art Gallery
We have a theater-studio “BRAVO”.
Vocals, choreography, acting, oratory. Conducting festivals and competitions of children's and youth creativity.
When choosing a name, we went through these stages, we can say from the textbook-Naming Techniques.
The method of analogy and�associations
The name is in honor of the founders.
Abbreviations and abbreviations.
Modification of an already known name or title.
Alliteration method-creating rhythmic and�rhymed names.
A combination of words.
Metonymy – applying methods from “general to” particular, and ” vice versa
Analysis of the target audience.�The name must be from�her�world and�consonant with CA
Analysis of competitors. Don't “invent” something that already exists.
Generating ideas.�Use different methods: by ассоциации association, by�combination of words, by�name of the founder, and so on �
Selection of the best ones.� Five will be enough. Sleep with these names.
Test of ideas.Ask your potential target audience which of the “names”they like, evoke positive emotions and interest.
Checking availability. Check if there are companies with the same names.
Final selection.There are several rules that the name must meet: Simplicity.Благ Euphony.�It is important that the name is as clear as possible for the end user. It's good if the name is memorable.
I'm sure if a company already has a name and it's no longer relevant to it, do a more modern rebranding.
Name coolly your “boat” and go on an exciting voyage, to high achievements and victories. Success to you!!!
Inquisitive hearts..
The source of knowledge..
Slavyansky rodnik..
..There is no time to continue this experiment, but the response is not activated, you have to finish off the text.
Gornitsa, Krasna izba, Let's do it ourselves, Home and decor, Deco studio, Decor studio, Creativity for the young, Joy in the house, Golden hands, Secrets of comfort, Secrets of decor, Happy master, Young master, Journeyman, Beautiful house, Design for the youngest, Young designer, Skilled journeyman, Art voyage, Art ascent, Art comfort, Artesania, Art house, Home art, We can do it ourselves, Favorite house, I will become a master, For our house. From V. Mayakovsky-Create, invent, try.