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Everyone confuses sociopathy (meanness) with social phobia and undifferentiated personality disorder. A sociopath doesn't stay at home – a sociopath is someone who doesn't give a damn about people's feelings and is ready to use them for their own purposes, someone who despises people, he needs adrenaline. It's almost like a psychopath, but a little more gentle. It occurs either as a reaction to a childhood trauma or as a congenital condition.
For some reason, sociopaths are usually presented in a negative light. Yes, antisocial life is an example of deviant behavior, but why is it immediately bad? By the way, the definition of deviant behavior may help to understand the essence.�
Deviant behavior is behavior that deviates from generally accepted, most common and well-established norms in certain communities at a certain period of their development.�
So, often antisocial behavior is associated with the fact that a person is dissatisfied with the patterns adopted by moral values accepted in society, as well as human vices, which for most people are normal.
As a rule, people who have chosen such a lifestyle think differently, not like most. This fact, combined with modesty from the earliest childhood, prevents such people from expressing their opinion. And it's not necessarily that they were bullied at school or in the yard. Sociopaths at some point in their lives make the choice to “keep quiet and not prove anything to anyone.” Yes, this is how they behave in society, unfortunately. This society is not ready yet.�
By the way, the Internet was the salvation for modern sociopaths. Here they can find similar interlocutors. Sociopaths can communicate perfectly, believe me.
There is such a thing, both from childhood and not quite. I know from personal experience that this is all due to predisposition. If a person is inclined to do this, sooner or later, there will be people who will “help” to reveal it, but maybe not. At school, there is always a “crush” and if you do not find a friendfriends, good company, then you will be covered with this veil of loneliness and later you will get used to it and become comfortable in it. I am not a psychologist, but a person who is familiar with this and only talk about what I know. I've seen people lock themselves in and get used to the so-called “silence”. However, any sociopath can not do without people… Or then become a psycho.
It seems to me that there are a couple of factors:
1) Attitude in society. If a person is treated harshly, bullied in every possible way, then it is likely that the person being bullied may become a sociopath.
2) Education. Yes, exactly. If the child was poorly brought up by his parents, showed him a bad example, then there is also a possibility that the child will grow up to be a sociopath.
3) Genetic nature. Some people can be sociopaths from childhood.
If you dig around carefully, you can find more factors, but I'm not a psychologist, so I won't go any further.
My personal opinion is that there is too much external violence (video games, movies, music, books, people) and bad parenting in our time, so to say that sociopathy is a congenital personality disorder.
The answer is in the question.
Antisocial personality disorder: a defect that is either congenital or acquired at the expense of society. Too broad a question this can degenerate from disinhibition of speech to the absence of regrets from actions. You need to ask it in a specific case.