5 Answers

  1. Good question, thanks.

    The fact is that Schopenhauer lived in an era that was full of philosophical texts describing and explaining the world through abstract reasoning, without reference to specific life experiences and observations.

    This is important to understand, because behind the words “intuitive” and “abstract” Schopenhauer hides not just anything, but the opposition of visual observation and abstract knowledge.

    Philosophy, which at that time was still looking for something in the heavens, was a little lost in this sense, so Schopenhauer, in his own unique way, begins to return it to earth – later Feuerbach and Marx will continue to do this. That's why he has so many aphorisms and worldly wisdom – it's all intuitive knowledge about how to live better, based on his personal observations.

  2. There is an old joke: a cowboy rides on the prairie, and another cowboy meets him. An inner voice speaks to the first cowboy: “Kill him!”. Pulls out a Colt, kills a cowboy. It's moving on. There are already three cowboys. The inner voice: “Kill them!” The cowboy fires his colt and barely kills all three of them. It's moving on. Seven cowboys are already on their way. Inner voice: “You know what you want, but I'm out of here.”

    Intuition is an attempt most often to find a solution to an issue without a logical chain of reasoning, which, however, can then be built up. Intuition is based on experience and developed intelligence. But taking into account the above anecdote, it does not always justify itself.

    Abstract thinking is based on representation not on a specific object, but on their most general concept… In this sense: on the one hand, any abstract does not exist, on the other hand, its existence is mediated by concrete objects. If we turn to logic, the abstract is the result of inductive logic, which is based on combining several propositions into one. If the initial propositions are correct, then the general proposition is also true. Here lies the danger of inductive logic, because this rule may not work and sometimes it is not true.

    Therefore, any abstraction either has its own boundaries, or it has the possibility of being false.

    There really is a similarity with intuition here. But still, these are different concepts.

  3. An abstract representation is an image of some knowledge modeled by our brain in space. For example: mathematical equations transferred to geometry. Or the philosophical teaching reflected in the parable. So, it is easier for us to assimilate knowledge.

    With an intuitive view, everything is more complicated. The intuitive image is also knowledge, but modeled by our spiritual power. Or more simply, by faith. For example: visualization of a gymnast performing a complex exercise. Also “vidinie” (a course of action in which there is no doubt) ways to achieve the goal.

    An “intuitive view” (or belief) can be developed. To do this, set any numeric goal. Then, always before completing the goal, scroll in your head the way of actions that achieve the goal. After some time, a “vision” will be formed after you reach the goal. Then act as if you have already achieved it.

    The ” intuitive idea “(belief) is always primary. Already on its basis, natural knowledge is formed, supplemented by an “abstract representation”. By the power of faith and knowledge, any goal is achieved, from any starting point. There are no restrictions!

  4. Abstract, as far as we know, comes from the Latin language – “abstract”. Moreover, the understanding of this term is so different that it is not even clear what the author wants to hear. Somewhere this word appears as reality, because you are distracted from the illusion, and in some plane this word carries something far from accurate and detailed. This is something that has no part in the personality and is characterized by a certain “blurriness”. For example, in Christianity, God is a Person, but in Buddhism, God is abstract, everything is God! If everything is God, then where is he? This is an abstract representation of the subject (without personal properties). Intuitive perception of reality is unconscious, based on something, whether it is a gift from above as an inspiration, or the nature of things based on a set of different properties. There is a big difference between the two concepts of” abstract” and” intuitive”, but there are also points of common ground. Intuition can come from abstract thinking, and abstract thinking can come from faith,

  5. You're retired. You have 3000 rubles in your pocket for a month intuitively, you understand that you will live and starve. In the abstract, you can afford anything.

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