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Until now, it is often said (at the psychological faculty, and not only) that the operational memory of the human brain is described by the” magic number ” 7 plus / minus 2. That is, from 5 to 9 objects.
This is data from an old laboratory experiment. Later, we conducted similar studies in conditions closer to reality, and found out a more reliable figure – 4 plus / minus 1. From 3 to 5, respectively. This is considered the amount of working memory, the number of objects simultaneously held in the mind.
In one of her lectures, psycholinguist T. Chernigovskaya imaginatively presented the capacity of memory in the form of a film of 300 years. And literally everything perceived by the brain remains in memory, this is the question of the expediency of communicating with good/bad people, reading good / bad books.
Memory is not designed like a hard disk, and this question is just as uncorrected as “what is the resolution of the eye”. Memory can be compared to a search engine, that is, when there is a certain moment in life that caused some emotions, endorphins are released and neural connections are formed. The stronger the emotion, the more endorphins, the more connections, the more you remember it. Example: you had an accident and your brain remembered who the driver was, where it happened, with whom, when, etc.
Therefore, remembering something, we can jump from one topic to some left.
I entered your question in Google and got an answer:”The amount of human memory is equal to one quadrillion bytes.Human memory can hold 1 million GB of information, and too good ability to remember can be a problem for representatives of creative professions, scientists have found. ” Is it so difficult to learn how to search?
Yes: according to some estimates, more than 200 years of high-resolution video can be recorded in our memory. “Write down” is, of course, purely theoretical, that is, only �for comparing the volume. So it is unlikely that you will be able to fill it out. In reality, our memory does not work like a computer: the brain itself determines what to remember for a long time, and what to discard, and the exact algorithm is unknown to us. We know some of the laws of storing information in our heads, but not all of them. For example, it is known that what happens immediately before and after a dangerous situation will be remembered well. This system has evolved in the process of evolution and contributes to survival. But what we try to remember unnecessarily is usually poorly remembered and it should be repeated periodically. Also, during the process of growth and development in childhood, our brain absorbs information better, so people remember their childhood years and the information they received then much better.
But there are also serious shortcomings in our memory: when a large amount of different information is received, the brain is clearly “overloaded” and refuses to remember everything in a row. And with age, this becomes more noticeable. In addition, it constantly turns over information – “defragments” (it is suspected that dreams are a side effect of this process), and this leads to errors in memory: events and their elements are lost and confused. Blindly believing what you remember is actually quite stupid and dangerous: it is quite likely that events happened differently. People are usually not shy about forgetting or mixing up the road – geographical criticism is somehow peculiar to everyone, and this is taken for granted, but often people are very persistent in the fact that they supposedly remember certain events or facts exactly, although in general it's about the same processes in the head. Therefore, people don't always lie when they tell lies – they often just don't remember correctly and don't realize it. On the other hand, memory can and should be trained.
In this regard, the question of whether our memory has a limit is not entirely correct, but, more precisely, completely wrong. Even if you have an almost “empty” brain, this does not guarantee good memorization, but rather the opposite: those who constantly strain their convolutions, remember better and more accurately.
Is it possible to calculate the approximate amount of human memory in bytes? Including operational information. (here to the answer in the comments discussion with my opinion)
On different sites, they give numbers that fluctuate by 1 or 2 orders of magnitude. I decided to calculate it more precisely.
It is assumed that memory is stored in synapses. 1 bit per synapse. If it can actually be stored there.
There are approximately 100 billion 10^11 neurons in the brain. Each neuron has between 1,000 and 10,000 synapses. In the whole brain, you get from 10^14 to 10^15 synapses. The size of a synapse is approximately 1 micron and if you count it as a cube, 10 ^ 15 synapses will occupy a volume of 1 liter and this option does not pass in size, because gray matter occupies 0.75 liters in the brain.
10 ^ 14 synapses will occupy a volume of 100 cubic cm and this variant passes through the volume.
This results in 10 ^ 14 bits, or about 10 Tbytes.
An average video has a stream of about 500 kilobits per second. In 1 year, 31 million seconds.
10^14 bits will be approximately6.5 years of video memory.
There aren't enough videos for 100 years.�
As there Chernihiv “figuratively” represents 300 years, I do not know.