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You don't have to convince them.
If you actually face a risk of suicide, the law on psychiatric care article 29 comes into force. If a person poses a danger to himself, then he is hospitalized for compulsory treatment. And it's better to let him stay in the hospital than go to the funeral and then deal with the consequences of his own psyche. An application is being written to the district traffic police. They can advise you on how to do this.
Please give more information:
About yourself-Who are you to this person? What is your relationship? What have you already tried and doesn't help?
About the person – What are their difficulties/problems? Is there a family? Children? Is it a man or a woman? How old is it? What does not suit him in life?
Write a response and I'll try to help you.
In the meantime, stay close to this person, give them attention and care. In simple terms, give him a hug and ask him: What would he want?
How would he like to see his life? And what does he need to be happy? (in his opinion). When he starts telling you, don't say that it doesn't happen and it's not real (if it seems so to you). Because, first of all, your support is important to him right now. Secondly, everything happens in life: miracles and exceptions.
I am waiting for your answers and clarifications.
Hello, I am a professional psychologist. It's hard to understand the full picture from your question. Too little data. Why did the person tell you about the suicide? What did he want? What persuasion options did you use in the conversation? How did you do this? Why didn't he go to a psychologist if his life is hanging in the balance? What is he trying to achieve? What to do: calm down yourself, understand that you are not responsible for someone else's life. On a calm day in a calm environment, ask them to tell you why the person wants to leave life and what they will get when it happens? Talk about what will happen after the funeral. What people will say about it, etc. There will be a reason to see what he is missing right now. At the same time, a person should honestly say that the world may be cruel, but you personally love it very much and are afraid of losing it. You don't need to lie and get out of it. And then a hug. As practice shows, those who want to pass away, leave in silence. They don't talk about it. And they don't leave any notes. Thanks for the question.
I had a suicide attempt a long time ago. I decided to hang myself in the woods. When everything was ready, I threw myself down and started to die. Pathetic sight to be honest. I was saved by my grandfather who was passing by for some miracle. What he said to me I remember for the rest of my life.
“Next time you decide, tell me where. At least I won't look for you ”
I got the idea in my head that suicide is not romance and a way of expressing your personality (so all suicidal people think it seems to me) it's just leaving in disgrace. Maybe you can tell this to a potential suicide.
The man has lost faith in himself.And who is this person who can convince you otherwise?If it is a close person, a relative, then the chain of mutual understanding is completely destroyed there.If it's an outsider, it's probably a specialist in psychotherapy.
The main thing you can do is show the person that they are not alone. Show that you are ready to listen and accept it. Avoid empty phrases like “everything will be fine”, “it happens to everyone”. I advise you to watch the following video on this topic. It will be useful both for your loved ones and if you are this person yourself.
Look on the web there is a site made by doctors that describes all the types of suicide and the consequences: in what form they will find a suicidal person, many “romantic” people will straighten their brains. If we are talking about suicide for reasons, for example, an incurable disease, try to persuade a psychologist. This will be more effective than just appealing to reason yourself.