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Perseverance is, first of all, arbitrariness, i.e. the ability to independently regulate one's behavior, it is the control of one's own activity and mental functions. Perseverance is directly related to the function of attention. Randomness is formed in a person by about 7 years of age, and various levels and areas of the brain take part in it.�
It turns out that perseverance can be trained.
Self-control training takes place at the expense of attention training, but this is not enough to do one thing for a long time and maintain interest in it.
First, find the motivation to do this business. Whether it's routine chores around the house, completing a complex project at work, or preparing for a boring exam – it's equally important to understand why you're doing this. What benefits, pleasure and benefits will the completed task bring?
Secondly, create a comfortable environment for doing the job – choose the necessary materials or tools, create a comfortable workspace. But there is also a trick here – small interferences, such as background noise, for example, will help you perform your work more efficiently. It trains your stamina and attention span, which increases your performance as a result.
Third, regularly train the various properties of attention: switching, concentration, and selectivity. This can be done using daily life hacks:
During the day, notice items with a certain attribute. For example, blue items of clothing, white cars, or red items in the room. This develops selectivity, distribution, and attention switching.
Use an uninformed hand to perform familiar tasks: for example, brush your teeth, hold cutlery, or control a computer mouse. This trains switching and distribution of attention, and leads to the formation of new neural connections.
Eliminate one of the feelings when doing the usual things: for example, take a shower with your eyes closed, clean the house in earplugs. This helps to increase the concentration of attention and stimulates thinking.
Use different keyboard layouts and change them as soon as you get used to it. This develops visual-imaginative thinking and attention switching.
Learn to juggle: for example, when you are stressed or need to make a difficult decision. This develops concentration and intensity of attention, self-control, and coordination of movements.
Use your chopsticks as often as possible: for example, every night at home for dinner. This not only develops fine motor skills, but also increases attention and self-control.
You can combine all these workouts online.
For example, the Wikium service offers 44 cognitive simulators for developing brain functions, 12 of which train specifically attention. When registering on the site, you will immediately be offered a questionnaire (what you want to improve) and a mini-test that determines which of the cognitive functions is weaker than the others. Based on this information, an individual brain training program is built that allows you to maintain brain tone on a daily basis. In addition, daily activities (about which you receive reminders so that you do not miss them) form a useful habit of loading the brain regularly, which also contributes to the development of perseverance.
On the desktop on a piece of paper, write the time +1 hour, for example, now 23-05, write 00-05.
We switch the phone to airplane mode, close the browser, and don't stick out the VK.
After the time has elapsed, you need to cheer up well and return concentration. You can drink tea, have lunch or take a shower, and do some push-ups (if you're really sleepy). The size of the break varies, I usually have the first 2 for 10 minutes, then you can have lunch, it usually drags on, then again 2 for 10 and so on.
Good luck!
pomodoro technique helps a lot – just a timer, you work for 25 minutes, rest for 5 minutes, and so on in a circle. There are apps that allow you to block sites that distract you for a while, for example.
Generally a matter of habit,�habitica.com�- an online game where the health and characteristics of your avatar depend on how you complete your goals, daily tasks, etc.
If you believe this (medium.com) in an article, this can happen if you read a lot of news, VK feed, etc. – information in the form of small parts. The brain gets used to the” fragmentary ” consumption of information and subsequently turns out to be unable to concentrate for a long time, read books, etc.The solution that the author of this article suggests is to simply stop reading news because of their low use (compared, for example, with books).
P.S. Interesting site on the topic, try not to be distracted for 2 minutes:�http://www.donothingfor2minutes.com
Explain to yourself: why, exactly, do I need this case?For example, “I want to enroll in a medical school, but this requires a long and hard preparation.” And there appears in the process of this very preparation on the way to laziness, procrastination, then a thousand reasons to postpone or interrupt this long path of absorbing knowledge (in the university itself, motivation is simpler – here either pan or disappeared). But imagine how you in a clean surgical suit enter the prepared operating room all such a specialist from yourself, you look around the field of activity with your professional eyes and say “nurse, scalpel” – and immediately you feel so good-you have a big and beautiful goal, you want to go to such a goal (a picture drawn by the mind of a youngster who has not crossed the threshold of this institution, beautiful and naive… but, for many, motivating for great feats to learn perseverance in the name of big and good goals).
In fact, everything is simple – perseverance and at the same time ingenuity appear when you realize that if you do not complete the task, you will be fucked. And these qualities are especially good when working in an office where your immediate boss is sitting right here, and twice as good-if you really need this job for your future career.
Start practicing yoga-first with more dynamic exercises and gradually move to more static ones, also use methods of cleansing the body. No matter what anyone says, they also purify the mind. The results will not appear immediately, but they will be more stable than from any tomato methods.
I will share a method that helps me save myself from procrastination. (suitable not only for reading, but also for any activity in principle)
1) split the main task into several smaller goals. The main thing is that they are not monotonous. For example: read 25 pages of “War and Peace”, make a mini summary of what you read, feed your pet, read 30 pages.
2) write out all the items and tick the completed tasks.
3) in addition to the first two points, I create a bonus system, such as 5 completed goals-watch a video on YouTube, or play a stupid arcade game on an iPhone.�
In conclusion, if the book you are reading is really interesting, you will soon no longer need to model mini-goals, but if it is educational literature, then it will be easier for you to master the material in the form of a game. Good luck!