14 Answers
How to get enough sleep?
An abstract question with no details, but I'll try to answer it).
Option 1. Sleep is fine, you just don't get enough sleep for some reason.
Most often, sleep-deprived people simply do not have time to sleep: there are too many tasks and tasks. In this case, the only obvious solution is to reallocate your tasks so that they don't interfere with your sleep. Well, or delegate. Or cancel is also an option.
As an interim solution, you can use the following technique: start going to bed just 15 minutes earlier than your usual time. From the evening affairs will not be lost – too short a period of time. At the same time, you will get almost as much as 2 hours of extra sleep per week.
Option 2. You don't get enough sleep, even though you sleep a lot.
Excessive sleepiness and unrefreshing sleep can occur in many sleep disorders. The most common of these is obstructive sleep apnea. With this disease, a person has frequent respiratory stops during sleep and the structure of sleep is disturbed. It becomes intermittent, so it doesn't fully restore.
In addition to light sleep and drowsiness, sleep apnea syndrome may include::
* Snoring
* Increased blood pressure
* Headache in the morning
* Night sweats
• Weight gain, etc.
To find out why you do not get enough sleep with a normal amount of sleep, you will definitely have to visit a somnologist: you will need a special study – polysomnography, which will help you find out what happens to you in your sleep.
Option 3. You don't get enough sleep because you have insomnia.
Here, too, a sleep therapist can help you more effectively and quickly: the ideal treatment for insomnia is based on an understanding of its causes. However, in many cases, if you have difficulty falling asleep, wake up at night, or get shallow sleep on the background of insomnia, you can help yourself on your own. Follow the following recommendations within one month.
Sleep on the same schedule on weekdays and weekends
Spend no more time in bed than on a normal working day (6-7 hours for most people)
Don't sleep or even go to bed during the day
Exercise at least 5 times a week: give yourself 40-60 minutes of moderate physical activity, preferably aerobic
Practice any relaxation techniques
Refrain from taking caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate)
If this is not effective, then it makes sense to contact a specialist.
I hope my answer was useful to you!
To get enough sleep, you need a deep sleep. To do this, you need to create the most comfortable conditions for this: before going to bed, you can ventilate the bedroom or take a walk in the fresh air, remove all gadgets an hour before bedtime, make the light dimmed. It is also necessary to exclude alcoholic beverages and overeating before going to bed. Do not solve problems and try to take stock at the end of the day and understand what you are grateful for this day
All this advice is complete nonsense. Why should I go to bed at 22.00 if I don't want to sleep and will only want to get closer to 2 am? To lie in bed and stare into the dark? 8-/
They also found an expert…
According to my observations, the time of going to bed has little effect on rashes. I like to go to bed in the early morning and still get enough sleep. The main thing is that it should be more or less constant, if one day you go to bed in the morning, and the other – at 10 pm, then you simply will not be able to fall asleep.
The indoor temperature is important, if it is more than 24 degrees, then it becomes much more difficult to fall asleep (interestingly, the minimum temperature is limited only by the ability of the blanket to limit heat and in the fall at the dacha I managed to sleep well at a temperature of 0 degrees). When the temperature is high, you have to open the windows, and noise can interfere.
Even in the country, sleep is much better than in the city, even the duration of sleep increases for a more complete rest. It also increases with fatigue or lack of sleep in the previous night. Try to get out of the city or into the fresh air.
The optimal sleep duration is not less than 8 hours, at least 7. As practice shows, it is allowed to sleep less once, while the state of health is close to normal, but in the evening there is a sharp drowsiness and the duration of sleep increases significantly (sometimes even up to 12-14 hours).
3 consecutive days to go to bed at 22, get up from 8 to 10.
And voila, you won't believe the result yourself.
But in fact, it becomes very difficult to do this. :))
There is a simple way to get enough sleep. Goes to bed early. If you go to bed and cover yourself with a blanket at 21: 00, you will fall asleep by 22:00. This time is the most favorable for the body. You'll get some sleep. Start today. Until a couple of centuries ago, people did not have so many distracting devices except for a lamp that was lit for a short time for necessity. Reduce your TV and internet usage during this time. Talk to someone at home, exchange positive thoughts.
The basic rule is to go to bed earlier. Ideally-until 11 pm. And wake up at least until 9 am. And always at the same time. Our biorhythms are designed in such a way that certain hormones (for example, melatonin, which is responsible for the body's recovery) are produced only during sleep – and only if we sleep in complete darkness. So if you go to bed in the early morning and wake up at noon-even if you sleep for 10 hours, the body will not have time to recover, and you will still feel overwhelmed. Even if you're an owl. Because all people's biorhythms and hormone production cycles are arranged in the same way, and from the point of view of medicine, there is no division into larks and owls.
In addition, it helps to get a good night's sleep to meditate or perform certain asanas before going to bed and “greeting the sun” in the morning. If you are not a fan of such methods-try any relaxing muscle and ligament exercises, stretching, breathing exercises.�
If you often have problems with sleep or you suffer from insomnia (it is difficult to fall asleep and wake up for more than 3-4 days in a row) – this may indicate an energy imbalance in the body, most often-about the excitation of wind energy. In most cases, the problem is solved by herbal preparations, massage, warming up, acupuncture.�
But what you definitely don't need to do with insomnia is drink sedatives. Insomnia often occurs not because of excitement, but on the contrary, because of overwork and exhaustion of the body, and in such cases you need not to calm the nerves, but to nourish and harmonize the body. And Eastern medicine also copes with this task perfectly.
You should always wake up at the same time, even on weekends or when you need to go to the second couple, for example. If there is an interval during the day during which you can sleep for 30 minutes, do it, BUT NO MORE THAN 30 MINUTES, OTHERWISE IT WILL BE DIFFICULT. If it is difficult to fall asleep, I advise you to listen to music, it helps me:) it is worth giving up alcohol before going to bed (it is better not to deal with it at all)�
Night sleep should be calculated so that it is a multiple of 1.5 hours for example: 6 hours, 7.5. Then every day adjust +-20 minutes and remember the time when you will feel better in the morning.�
I also read somewhere that the most useful sleep is from 23 00 to 1 00.
Everyone get some sleep!)�
Ps. And where are the jokes like-Where to get enough sleep?)
Sometimes I sleep 6 hours a day all week and manage to get enough sleep 🙂 The secret of success:�
Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate, so that it is cold and cool.
Drink water or tea, you can leave it in case you want to quench your thirst at night.
Think about pleasant things. When you imagine something, you slowly fall asleep.
Get up right away in the morning! The longer you delay the alarm, the more painful it becomes to wake up.
P. You can also try apps that track your sleep phases and wake you up at the right moment.
Bright dreams!
(Observe the regime and sleep 8-10 hours-this is for weaklings!!1)
The amino acid tryptophan helps me get enough sleep. From it, serotonin (the hormone of optimism) and melatonin (conditionally – the hormone of sleep) are synthesized. I used to sleep until 12 o'clock and wake up broken, after taking the above substance-I wake up at 8-9 completely slept out (I go to bed at midnight-one o'clock in the morning). As a bonus, increased serotonin results in a more optimistic mood. The substance itself is not some terrible chemistry, tryptophan is found in food products, such as cheese or bananas.
I take it as a supplement, bought on iHerb, from the manufacturer Now Foods.
You can buy melatonin in its pure form. It acts even more powerfully, but is addictive, because the production of its melatonin is disrupted. I recommend it if sleep is completely disrupted, but with a short course and switching to tryptophan
Suggested by: Arsen Margaryan
Sleep exclusively at night
Sleep enough hours
Sleep in complete darkness, turn off even the slightest light sources, such as monitor/TV LEDs.
“How do I get enough sleep?”
I guess I didn't quite understand the question, but in my opinion it's quite strange.
If you believe in reincarnation (the transmigration of souls after death into other objects, including inanimate ones from the point of view of religion), then it is quite likely that you allow the probability of your reincarnation into a loose body, for example, a river sand.
If you imagine yourself as a sandbag in a bucket for a three-year-old child, then you probably won't be able to get enough sleep back into the sandbox without his participation. In this case, you should try to influence him telepathically, but that's a completely different story. -
My recipe:
- Go to bed at the same time + / – 20 minutes
- Get about 7 hours of sleep
- Change your bed linen more often
- Air it out before going to bed
- Take a warm shower or bath before going to bed
- For half an hour before bedtime, do not go to the computer, TV, phone and other gadgets
- Dinner should be at least 2 hours before bedtime and preferably light
- Don't let disturbing thoughts interfere with falling asleep — ” I don't care, I'll brain it in the morning”
everything is very individual
mode and persistence
certain things really help/work:
ventilate the room/sleep with the window open
comfortable (for you personally) pillow
no smartphones/TVs / even books/computers at least 45 minutes before bedtime
go to bed in total darkness
before going to bed (for an hour or two), take a little walk
don't eat too much and don't drink too much before going to bed
if you regularly lose sleep – melatonin (this is NOT a sleeping pill, but it helps to adjust the sleep rhythm)
buy “mibend”, even if you don't really need it, it will help you see your sleep phases-an alarm clock at a fast phase, as close as possible in time to a convenient point of ascent, will make it easier to wake up
I personally go to bed at 22: 00, always (of course, there are exceptions), get up at 5:00 always (of course, there are exceptions), meditate for 20 minutes before going to bed, before that I walk with the dog. In general, as if everything. I get enough sleep more often than not
First of all, you need to go to bed not 4 hours before getting up, but 7. The place of sleep should not be where you constantly lie on your sides (sofa by the TV), but where you go just to sleep. If you have only one bed in your apartment, try not to spend your free time lying on it. Your subconscious mind should get used to it and understand that if you lay down in bed, then only for sleep and there will be no problem falling asleep. Also, “experts” say that it is easier to fall asleep under a heavy blanket, your body is protected and can completely relax, which will allow you to plunge into a sound sleep.
Take a warm shower. Soft jets will relieve the accumulated tension, help to relax, calm down.
Make up the bed. Fresh sheets make you sleep sweeter-tested.
Put on wool socks. This is my musthave. It works flawlessly, especially if it's winter. When your feet are warm, your heart doesn't have to work hard to get blood to your feet. The heart rate decreases, and it becomes easier to fall asleep.
There are a lot of the above-mentioned rules of healthy sleep, such as sleeping on an empty stomach, without the Internet, etc. I'll tell you about a method that is universal for me.�
You need to sleep in full sleep cycles. One such cycle is 90 minutes, that is, sleep for either an hour and a half, or 3 hours, 4.5 hours, 6 hours, 7.5 hours, and so on. I noticed that I get a better night's sleep in 6 hours than in say 6.5 or 7, so if you need to get up, for example, at 7.30, then I will never go to bed before 00.00. Perhaps this is some kind of auto-suggestion, of course, but it really works for me and if you constantly sleep like this, you can not set the alarm:)
To answer this question, determine your optimal sleep time. To do this, choose a day when you don't need to get up early in the morning and sleep until you feel like getting up. After getting up, remember or record your wake-up time and bedtime. Then calculate the difference between the time you fall asleep and the time you wake up. This difference will be your ideal sleep duration. For example, if you fell asleep at 2:00 and woke up at 10:00 (and completely rested), you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. On average, the optimal sleep time is 7-9 hours.
Very cool helps to get enough sleep drug – melaxen. Especially when you need to get enough sleep on the road or on long flights. What is most important is that there is no “broken” state after it.
The best way to get enough sleep is 1) at a temperature of approx. +17C 2) in complete darkness (you can use a blindfold) 3) with a relatively empty stomach. It is also good if at least 3 hours before bedtime you will not be nervous, watch TV or surf the Internet/ phone, train in the gym.