One Answer

  1. A dream is “a subjectively experienced psychic phenomenon that occurs periodically during natural sleep.” It doesn't matter if a person remembers their dreams – the brain, according to scientists, develops them automatically in order to “organize” the knowledge gained during the day, so that a person dreams always in the “fast” sleep phase, even if he does not remember it.

    As you know, a person has two (roughly rounded) phases of sleep: fast and slow(deep). The trick of the deep phase of sleep is that, since a person is fully resting, it is more difficult to wake him up, BUT most often he will not remember what he dreamed after waking up (by the way, we dream in both phases of sleep, but different).
    Accordingly, the option not to dream is to wake up during the deep phase of sleep on an alarm clock (on average, a cycle of two phases lasts 90 minutes). Probably, even sleep trackers can be specially reconfigured so that they wake you up in any phase of sleep.
    The disadvantages of this option are obvious: you will be broken and tired.

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