8 Answers

  1. PROVERB-The main enemy of an imperfect person is he himself.

    IF you personally cause harm to yourself (and others) in many bad ways and blame others for this, then this is a dead end of development and the flowering of Degradation.

    The source of this impasse is the most terrible education and upbringing.

    EVIL – a mistake in behavior or thinking-these mistakes cannot be eliminated 100%, in principle it is impossible.

  2. If you always have more dirty dishes in your kitchen than clean ones, this is not something wrong with cleanliness, and the president of your country has nothing to do with it either. Guess from the third time who has problems)

  3. Evil is an extensible concept. For some, good is evil. But if you include logic, it becomes clear that until you give a specific name to the evil, you will not find out the reason.

    The bank gave you a high-interest loan. What is evil? High interest, a bank, or someone who lends money to the bank at a high interest rate because the bank is not allowed to print its own money? Who is to blame if the bank receives money at a high interest rate? So it will turn out for evil-a name.

    Evil doesn't always win. In 1945, good won, although it paid a very high price for it.

    The same goes for “God”. Who is it or what is it? Define this word. You won't find out anything until you do.

  4. A person cannot recognize what is good without knowing evil, Good is good only against the background of evil, there is no evil and there is no good, because this world is good and evil. You take away evil and everything disappears. As in any battery, there is a plus and there is a minus, take away the minus, and what do you have in your hands? Anything but a battery. When Eve chose to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge,. she chose LIFE, the very life that you and I live. The ban was given solely to give her a CHOICE. And she made her choice in favor of the very first commandment: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.” Note; the LAND, not the Garden of Eden. Homo sapiens, this is what people came up with calling themselves intelligent, in fact, all the intelligence of a person is to make a choice at every moment, in favor of the one who whispers in the right ear, or in favor of the one who whispers in the left ear, using their memory and their knowledge, and freedom of choice. A person is always at a fork in the road, if you go to the right, you will lose your horse, if you go to the left, you will come to ruin.

  5. There is no good and no evil. Everything is relative and depends solely on the point of view of the person who evaluates this or that phenomenon. What is evil for one is good for the other. And vice versa. Red commanders, Chekist executioners, German Nazis, Ukrainian Bandera fighters, American pilots who dropped atomic bombs on cities, ISIS terrorists-all were convinced that they were serving the good. What is it? Even if we look into the rotten brain of former Ukrainian President Poroshenko, we will see that he does not believe that he serves evil at all. Throughout the history of mankind, it is not evil or good that wins, but simply power. And then the victorious force will declare itself good, and the defeated enemy evil. That's all.

  6. Here you need to understand a few points.

    1. God gave the land for people to live on, and everything that happens here is done by the will of man, but not by the will of God.

    Heaven is the Lord's heaven, but He gave the earth to the sons of men.

    (Psalm 113: 24)

    1. Man has voluntarily chosen evil, and God has nothing to do with it.

    And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and desirable, because it gave knowledge, she took of its fruit and ate; and she gave it also to her husband, and he ate.

    (Genesis 3: 6)

    1. God was still a Saint, but God just promised not to interfere in people's affairs, and everything that happens in people's lives is a person's choice, and God should not be blamed for this.
  7. This is incorrect. If evil were so omnipotent, there would be no life and no world in general. There is still more good, we are still alive. God temporarily gave people complete freedom of choice. So that we can have a chance to develop to the level of the Creator himself. From our wrong choice and all the evil of the world. When the training period is over, God will destroy all evil.

  8. And who can draw the line between good and evil? Who can tell where one ends and the other begins? A person takes a knife and cuts another person with it. Is it evil or good? At first glance, evil. And if you add the phrase-the operation to remove appendicitis has begun. And immediately evil became good. And if you add one more phrase-during which it turned out that the operated patient did not have any appendicitis. And good turns back into evil.

    Thus, it largely depends on the system in which this or that phenomenon is evaluated. And this system is super-multi-dimensional, moreover, the number of dimensions is constantly changing. Therefore, what is perceived as good today, in tomorrow's understanding may well become evil. And vice versa. A simple example from our story. Spring of 1861. The Emperor's Manifesto for the Emancipation of the peasants was read out. The people are happy. So much so that many are ready, without hesitation, to give their lives for the king. Only half a century passed and the tsar was overthrown with the approval of the people. Not just approval, but most were just as happy as they were then. And when the former tsar was killed, the overwhelming majority of the people reacted to it with complete indifference. But all three Russian revolutions were a direct consequence of the abolition of serfdom. Or rather, how it was done. And understanding this, how to correctly answer the question – did that Manifesto bring good to Russia, or evil? And if we continue the topic, realizing that as a result of these revolutions, the Empire became a superpower and only because of this could it survive and win the most terrible war in history?

    Therefore, it is incorrect to say that evil rules and wins. And exactly the same can be said about the good.

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