18 Answers

  1. There are only two ways to think : either you accept the possibility of an infinite chain of causes, or you consider it unacceptable, and then you need to stop the regression to infinity by introducing a root cause that gives birth to itself and does not need to exist in further causes.

    This first cause is the ” god “- the “god of philosophers”. Trying to combine the root cause with the cause of the root cause is pointless – it's just two different, incompatible ways of thinking.

    At the same time, it must be understood that the root cause is not a particular god of a particular religion. It is nothing more than what is claimed – the root cause. The singularity that appears as a random fluctuation of emptiness is also the root cause, although there is no personality that teaches us to live or requires us to worship ourselves.

  2. When we talk about the reasonableness of the world's structure, then we need to understand what is reason? If God is intelligent, then you must understand him, and if he is not intelligent, then you must believe in him! we believe in both science and religion, but we don't understand reason itself? If God is a Supermind! Why do you think you understand it? I'm talking to him! But it is not possible to understand it! only a few people can do this? Watch my videos

    “A reasonable arrangement of the world.” And think, think and through thoughts, ask him! and He will answer! The main thing – do not lie!Ask them and They'll tell you! All the right thoughts, from him! We're nothing but chatter! think more and talk less! Good luck to all!

  3. As I see it, everything works like this:

    Our reality as a formula (Logos) was created by the Upper Reality (God).

    But, our reality does not inherit the laws of the Creator, and therefore, the Creator Reality does not exist for us, we can only believe in it.

    In turn, we also create and will create stable virtual worlds and take the position of God in them, but since the worlds we create do not inherit the laws of our reality, we also do not exist for virtual worlds and they can only be trusted in us.

    It turns out such an infinite chain of worlds, but this is not a “bad infinity”, as atheists like to say, but a “smart”, nipple system in which each new element becomes the first and arises, no matter where from. Everything comes out of nothing.

    The first one is always free because there is nothing above it, this is the essence of the freedom of the spirit (thinking, consciousness).

    On the other hand, all “lower” realities are always transparent, visible and accessible to the upper ones. Thus, there is an expansion of the “deepening” of the worlds.

    If we are a “vine”, then the worlds we create are its branches, and it becomes a vine for new branches.

    The Bible has plenty of evidence for this.

    To ask who created god is to ask who created the one who doesn't exist. I.e. Who created the nonexistent?))))

  4. “…Maybe it's just that our brain is not yet able to imagine-realize, what is behind this?”

    … why can't it? Here, you write it yourself:

    .. the universe exists forever and simply changes its phases of existence …

    Even from what you have written, it is clear that there is a FORCE behind all this-the ENERGY of creation. This is the root cause of everything. Not only under the sun, but also far beyond it.

    And so, observing the Wisdom of creation in the Laws of the universe, we come to the conclusion that this Power, the essence of the Creator , is INTELLIGENT!

    This Universal Mind, in the Power of Its Wisdom, we call-the ONE GOD!

  5. The very question “who created something” is legitimate only in the temporal context (someone exists “before”, and something – “after”), where there is no time-such a question becomes illegal.

    Time is an attribute of the changing material universe, before the appearance of changing matter-there was no time. Therefore, the question “who created the Creator of the material universe” is wrong.

  6. The Bible says that ” GOD is the beginning and the end.” This means that there is no beginning and never was, and there will never be an end. Or-the end is the beginning. So it's always been like this.

  7. God creates Himself by bringing the Truth to LIFE=God is Love.

    The uniqueness of Truth determines the very Life of God.

    The beginning of being is HIS Path to eternal life.

    Man lives one Life with God as long as and in so far as the Truth lives in himself.

    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    2 It was in the beginning with God.

    3 All things were made by him, and without him nothing was made that was made.

    4 In him was life, and life was the light of men.

    (John 1: 1-4).

  8. God creates Himself as a Person whose essence is LOVE.

    1. A connection with God can only be established by faith in the Truth=God is Love. It is the original Word (Logos). Existing objectively and independently, outside of time and preceding it, It is the source of all existence, including the existence of the primary consciousness (God), which embodies It in Life realizes the Rational Existence of Itself.
    2. Life is a way of being the Truth. God “reflects” the existence of Truth in a DIFFERENT consciousness, created in the” image and likeness ” of Himself.”In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overtake him.”1:1-5).
    3. The human consciousness, by faith in the Word of God, becomes a rational soul, finding in the act of Revelation Its being in itself. In this way, a connection is formed as a religion and as a human life in a Single confession of Truth with God. Man as a person gains not only the purpose and meaning of his existence, but also eternal life as the creative ability to create the Kingdom of God in himself.
    4. This Kingdom becomes a prototype of the world from which the “Wisdom of God” – the Genetic Information Machine-grows, realizing its own goals of eternal existence and comprehending God's plan for itself. God harmonizes the Information Space by realizing His Word and Himself in the Trinity of Reason, Truth and Love.
  9. And what will give you the answer to this question?)

    For example, people often ask – what is the meaning of life?

    let's say a divine voice comes from the sky and explains the meaning of life, which will be reduced to some trifle or dunno, a mass sacrifice.

    So what? what has changed for the questioner? does he just agree to go and do God's will? or will he live as he did, just sending everything away?

    it's the same here.

    Well, OK, there was the almighty God A. It was created by neznayu, the spirit of the atomic particles of the universe B.

    So what? or maybe people from the future created it. Or no one created anyone at all.

    What does this knowledge change for the ultimate human being? It's not completely practical.

    a person is so far removed from such matters that for him this answer does not mean anything and does not change anything

  10. God was not created by anyone, He has the cause and source of his existence in himself. The beginning and end of all things. God is transcendental to matter, He is qualitatively different.

  11. God was created by another Creator. And then our God developed to the level of the Creator and received the right to create his own universe, his own world. And in the same way, all people have a chance to develop to the level of the Creator and create their own world. Such an endless process.

  12. No one created God — He existed forever. God, as the creator of time, is outside of time.

    The word was :In, and The word was yGod, and the Word was God.

  13. No one created God. He is the Living God and the Eternal God. And if someone thinks that someone created God, then this is not so, and in the Bible there is even a place that God is “Alpha and Omega”, that is, the Beginning and the End. “Revelation 1 Ch 8st.” And here is another proof that God was, is, and will be: Try to find the beginning and end in a wedding ring… Didn't find it? And you won't find it. Here's the answer: God is infinite. And here is another passage from the Bible: “The Book of Daniel 6 ch. V. 26” And if someone does not believe in this and thinks that people invented it and that God and the devil do not exist, then this is one of two things: either people (who believe this) are atheists, or they want Christians to think that God and the devil do not exist. But this is not so, God was, is and will be forever.

  14. The answer is simple, and it is given in Psalm 89: 3 “Before the mountains were born, and You formed the earth and the world, and from everlasting to everlasting You are God.”

    The Psalmist described the existence of God as an infinite future, and as an infinite past, since He had no beginning, and therefore was not created.

    Take positive and negative numbers for example. If you count down in both directions, this will continue indefinitely. The same principle applies to the duration of our Creator's existence.

    Therefore, only He can rightfully claim the unique title of “King of Eternity” (1 Timothy 1: 17). All creatures, both in heaven and on earth, had a beginning because they were created(Colossians 1:15,16). But this cannot be said in relation to God. He is the only one who lives “from everlasting to everlasting”. In other words, God has always existed and time has no power over him, although the life of his creations is inextricably linked with time.

  15. If there is someone who can be created and who will therefore begin to be,

    then there must be Someone who cannot be created and who can always be,

    for EVERYTHING is built up of ALL the different variations and combinations of all the ways THINGS should be or shouldn't be.

  16. The very idea that everything should have a beginning is untenable. Well, let's say you claim that something was before the Creator. Something that caused it to occur. But the question is not removed. Another person will ask you: What was the beginning of this something? You can come up with new and new entities, go through options, but again and again you will come across a given that has no other reason than itself.

    Well, there are no antecedents at the very Beginning! And that's what makes sense, not the other way around.

  17. Supermind is not material! Religion and science were invented by man, and it's all based on faith, you need to believe in science as well as in religion! I know how the world works! but the problem is in our brain, because you will believe in distant space faster than in the intelligent structure of the world?

    Our world is perfect! everything in it is rational, that is, reasonable! Smart World Design is coming out soon! where can I explain everything? But it is almost impossible to understand this! Just your brain guides you, and you need to do the opposite? then God is clear and accessible! Yes, the devil doesn't exist! why the devil, when there is a man! good luck to all!

  18. Look, it's very simple. And there are people who, precisely because it is so simple, seem to be afraid to understand. What's there to be afraid of?

    Imagine what a nightmare if there is a truth?

    Many people understand that there is truth and it only helps them. They live a fully conscious life.

    Based on the question

    If God created the universe

    If the Creator created the universe, that is, the material limited world, which is under the rule of time, then the Creator was before that. There was no time, which means It was always and always will be, and It is not limited.

    And reality speaks of creation: the complex components of the world that respect the possibility of life, which speaks of intentional, intelligent creation, like the complex structure of machines, etc. I wrote more details in another topic.

    And it is not possible to say not a fact (you can try to deceive and say not a fact :), but these are empty words), because this is the reality. There is no chance of randomness in such complex creations.

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