21 Answers

  1. Atheism, if we limit ourselves to its narrow understanding, without including Buddhists and others, is a belief in oneself. Self-confidence. The belief that you have enough of yourself. And, as a consequence, the firm knowledge that if self is enough, then God is not needed. This is the “knowledge that there is no God”, because metaphysical entities that are not accessible to experience exist only by necessity – they are assumed for lack of other options. The atheist has another option.

    “Scientific proof of atheism” can be considered outstanding scientific achievements, which are precisely based on the principle of “do not assume anything beyond what is necessary” – they prove the productivity of the principle that allows an atheist to deduce from the absence of a personal need for God that there is no need to operate with him.

    “Sire, I didn't need this hypothesis,” was what Laplace said to Napoleon when he asked why there was no mention of God in his book.

  2. Atheism claims that God does not exist and that the universe was created randomly. Deism claims that God is outside the universe and completely isolated from his creation. Pantheism claims that the universe is God. Theism holds that God is beyond the universe and in contact with his creation. All these are worldview concepts that are not directly related to science.

  3. let's say some Ivan Ivanovich firmly believes that he has two noses, or three legs, or four anal openings. And Maria Petrovna sees a normal (in the biological sense) two-legged, one-nosed and one-footed neighbor. Can we say that Maria Petrovna BELIEVES in the biological normality of Ivan Ivanovich?

  4. Atheism is a conscious and critical attitude of an educated person to the postulates and provisions of religions known to him.

    Personally, I do not consider myself a principled atheist, but most of what I know about Orthodoxy, Christianity, less about Islam and Buddhism, Hinduism in the 21st century does not stand up to the criticism of an educated and reasonable person who is used to being guided by the laws of logic (I am a programmer).

    Many provisions of Christianity today look like children's fairy tales, no matter what philosophical meaning they may have. I see the disadvantage in the fact that believers have brought their allegories, allusions and interpretations of primary sources to complete absurdity, having quarreled with each other on this ground.

    A new religion of the 21st century is possible if someone has the courage and strength to rewrite these stories with simple accessible and logical postulates.

    Atheists deny the very possibility of religion, thereby narrowing their potential in a similar way to supporters of religion. I'm not so categorical.

  5. Faith is a vector, a direction to the future: the afterlife, the end of the world, the Apocalypse, the Kingdom of God.

    Atheism also creates alternative vectors-ideologies: communism (the Kingdom of God), fascism (the devil), transhumanism, Dataism, and the zombie apocalypse.

    Therefore, we can say that atheism is a kind of faith. It is the belief that humans will be able to pull themselves by the hair to the next stage of evolution.

  6. For some reason, the formulation of the question leads me to the idea of defining the term “knowledge”…

    The fact is that science as such simply cannot exist without faith. There is such a concept as an “axiom” – this is a fundamental statement that is accepted without proof. Well, that is, without strict, irrefutable evidence, but only with indirect ones.

    And knowledge is a logical conclusion from axioms. Example:

    We will accept the statements “all crows are black” and “Karkarych raven” as axioms, that is, we will believe that this is so. In this case, the statement “Karkarych is black” will be knowledge.

    Atheists may have different axiomatic systems.Maybe the foundation is the following statement:”everything that is not directly subject to my experience(for example, the experience of believers) is not worthy of trust”

    Maybe everything can be reduced to much more primitive: “cosmonauts did not see God, so there is no God.”

  7. Atheism is the position of not including in their worldview unnecessary entities that clerics and other lovers of superstition are trying to impose on them. Atheists usually share a scientific approach that postulates that any information and ideas should be checked, that the tendency to do so is a given, a “norm”. That reality itself is initially incomplete and changeable, and therefore any conclusions in the process of cognition are not final knowledge, “absolute truth”.

  8. Atheism says that God, the divine, does not exist.

    Knowledge is, to put it very simply, personally verified information. If I know that 2×2=4, then I can either actually prove it by taking 2 pebbles 2 times, or perfectly justify why this is so.

    The subtlety is that God, the divine, by its very definition, cannot be the subject of direct study. They are unverifiable in principle. Neither precise scientific proof of the existence of God nor precise proof of his absence is possible.

    Therefore, atheism is not knowledge, but pure faith. It's just that atheists usually rationalize this idea, creating an image of “we don't believe, but we know.”

    Scientists often cite various statements about religion; in response to this question, Nikita Kotov quoted Laplace's words “I didn't need this hypothesis” when talking about God. And yes, indeed, in order to explain any phenomenon within the framework of the current laws of nature, from the formation of the planet to the spread of the coronavirus, there is absolutely no need to touch on the topic of God. God lies outside the subject of science, science does not need God. The theme of religion and atheism lies not in the sphere of the mechanism of action, but in the theme of meanings and goals, in metaphysics, in philosophy.

    I'll let the hairpin go. Atheists ' arguments about science and God usually go like this: to explain the formation of ethyl alcohol, we do not need to know where it will be used, and therefore drinking champagne to the sound of chimes is anti – scientific stupidity. Because “I didn't need the hypothesis that alcohol would be used in champagne for the New Year's table.”

  9. Atheism is not a belief or knowledge, it is a worldview.

    Perception of the World, its reflection in the Human Mind.

    There is no single identical Perception and/or reflection.

    It's the same for believers, everyone believes differently.

  10. Atheism is neither “faith” nor”knowledge.”

    Atheism is the denial of faith as the source of “knowledge.”

    The concept of “knowledge” is an extremely confusing concept, as is faith. Both are purely subjective phenomena.

    There are a lot of examples here, and the weather forecast is best suited. Now we have learned to predict almost exactly a few hours ahead. With a certain probability for several days. You look at the forecast for the weekend and see that the probability of rain is 40%, for example. You take an umbrella (or not). Is it because of “faith” in the forecast bureau or “knowledge” of statistics on the sales of predictions? This is your decision, purely subjective and impulsive.

    Atheism is also based not on “knowledge”, but on a sense of excess of “faith”. If someone is psychologically stable enough to live without believing in fairy tales, then they can become an atheist if they want to.

    From the point of view of the principles of cognition, Okama's Razor is closest here – you should not introduce unnecessary entities unless absolutely necessary.

  11. Science provides indirect proof that there is a God. The reasonableness of the laws of physics and biology, their cognizability by the mind-indicates the presence of Superintelligence. Science has discovered forms of existence: in addition to matter, there is also energy and information. There is intelligent matter (man) and non-intelligent energies (discovered by science). So db and reasonable energy. These are the spirits, the Holy Spirit that religion knows.

    And atheism is the axiom “There is nothing higher than the human mind”. This axiom is convenient for concentrating the mind on the knowledge of “stupid” (unintelligent) forces and energies.

    Euclid's parallel axiom is useful for developing geometry on a plane. But Lobachevsky doubted it and created the geometry of the ball, which is also useful.

    I'll notice. To prove the truth of Euclid's axiom, one must go to infinity. To prove the truth of the atheist axiom, one must go into eternity. All people, even atheists, will have this opportunity after their physical death. And as Pascal (the inventor of the calculator) used to say: it is always wiser to be prepared for the fact that parallel lines will intersect.

  12. Atheism is a deep stupidity and cowardice. Atheists do not know anything and, most importantly, do not want to know. And they don't want to know for the same reasons that a cancer patient doesn't want to know their diagnosis.

  13. Atheism is another way of thinking that is poorly understood or incomprehensible to a believer at all.

    An atheist considers any phenomenon from the point of view of facts and interrelations of phenomena in the real world without attracting an otherworldly force.

  14. Atheism is a religion, of course, because it is based on assumptions that cannot be proved or disproved. So it is in all religions.

    Unfortunately, this religion is aggressive and immoral. It does not impose any self-restrictions. Everything is allowed if you know for sure that they won't put you in jail.

  15. Atheism is a belief, and this is a strange belief denied by the adherents of atheism themselves.

    Atheism is a cognitive virus picked up by its carrier.

    Atheism is difficult to cure and takes a long time, because the most difficult thing for a person is to think.

    Atheism in a mild form is treated with leading questions, and the cognitive apparatus itself develops an understanding of the falsity of atheism.

    But in a severe form, atheism is almost incurable, because the virus captures the personal core, emotions, and the ability to think logically.

  16. I'm an atheist.

    1. Atheism is a lack of faith in God.
    2. I can't know for sure if there is a God or not. But I don't believe in it, because there is no proof of its existence, which means that my belief in it would be blind and unfounded. (Although I have nothing against believers, as long as they impose their ideology on me and are adequate.)
    3. I know what there is evidence for that I can verify.
    4. I don't understand the last one. What does “is there scientific evidence for atheism” mean? It seems that the author of the question does not fully understand the meaning of this word. Atheism means not believing in God, but doubting everything and looking for evidence.
  17. Knowing that something doesn't exist is basically impossible. But you can know that something exists. So atheism is always a very real faith. Someone is passive, someone is fanatical.

  18. atheism is the belief that there is no God – not knowledge, but faith

    • atheists do not know and cannot know that there is no God

    from this belief of atheism a whole atheistic worldview follows

    • a worldview that explains reality

    the essence of which is simple – the world arose accidentally from dust and consciousness arose accidentally from dirt

    well the dust came by chance from nothing that smacked of nothing

    therefore, the logical question

    • how much of this nonsense is proven? scientifically? as a fact?

    there is a simple answer-n i h e g o

    therefore, atheism is not knowledge, but faith – and faith in fables-babayki

  19. Atheism is a belief in the absence of God, based on scientific knowledge. This knowledge was acquired by Mankind with great difficulty, and despite the persecution of clerics and death threats, Atheism won.

  20. «Faith— recognition of something as true regardless of the actual or logical justification, mainly due to the very nature of the subject's attitude to the subject of faith; conviction, deep confidence in someone or something”

    Knowledge is the result of knowledge that can be logically or factually justified and empirically or practically verified

    It is impossible to verify empirically or practically the truth of the atheistic worldview and the fact that evolution takes place. It is also impossible to recognize the absence of the Creator and the fact that the world has self-appeared without a reasonable reason and all the appropriate and difficult-to-arrange mechanisms have been systematized and self-organized by themselves without any program or external influence.

    I will quote the words of one person:
    “By tossing up the puzzle pieces, the fallen particles will never create a picture. Also, pouring paint aimlessly will never create a word with a font or even without a font.
    The explosion that evolutionists talk about shows the same thing. According to the laws of the material world, an explosion does not create anything – it just flies in all directions, and since this explosion and a complex world in which randomness is not possible have been created, it means that this is nothing more than a narrative / description of an intentional creation”

    So, atheists can only believe that once upon a time, somewhere out there, many billions of years ago, an explosion suddenly occurred, which gave an impetus to the development of the world and everything in it, and life came from inanimate matter.
    Regardless of the logical or factual justification, atheists will believe that there is no Creator and that everything appeared by itself, in particular, due to the nature of their attitude to evolution and bias towards Christianity.
    Evolution has never been observed by mankind, but it is presented as a fact, although no one has yet provided scientific confirmation of the theory of evolution and no one has been able to show how one genus passes into another.
    Unfortunately, evolutionists who pretend to be scientists who know their business, take advantage of their authority and the illiteracy of society, and use cherry-picking to divulge facts that support the doctrine of evolution, but at the same time ignore all those facts that testify against it.
    In fact, if you delve deeper into this so-called theory, you will find many pitfalls and inconsistencies that its proponents prefer to ignore.
    “For the time will come when they will not receive sound teaching, but will choose teachers according to their own whims, who will flatter their ears; and they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn to fables” (2 Timothy 4: 3-4).
    “The natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, because he regards them as foolishness; nor can he understand them,
    because they must be judged spiritually.
    But the spiritual one judges everything, and no one can judge him. For who knows the mind
    of the Lord that he can judge him? But we have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2: 14-16)
    “Why do you not understand My speech?
    Because you cannot hear My word.
    Your father is the devil, and you want to fulfill the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he did not stand in the truth, for the truth is not in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies. But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me. Which of you will accuse Me of untruth? But if I speak the truth, why don't you believe Me?
    He who is of God listens to the words of God. You do not listen because you are not of God” (John 8: 43-47).
    “If the world hates you, know that it hated Me before it hated you.
    If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
    Remember the word that I said to you: A servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my word, they will also keep yours “(John 15: 18-20).
    “And all who desire to live godly lives in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. But evil men and deceivers will abound in evil, leading astray and going astray” (2 Timothy 3: 12-13).

    Many atheists are biased against the Christian teaching and show open or hidden hostility to it, a certain hostility, although they cannot logically justify it and give convincing arguments why they have such an attitude to Christianity, to the Lord and to His followers.
    They avoid the Christian ideology, trying to avoid and ignore it as much as possible, not even allowing the hypothetical existence of Christ. Where and why does this attitude and bias come from? First of all, from the prejudices that society has instilled in them.
    As a rule, they are not even close to Christianity and have a distorted idea of it. They don't ask themselves questions like “why do Christians need the Bible?”, “what changes the existence of God from their point of view?”, “what is the essence of Christianity and what has it given to humanity?” and so on.
    Secondly, ” There were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will introduce pernicious heresies and, rejecting the Lord who redeemed them, will bring upon themselves swift destruction.
    And many will follow their debauchery, and ” through them the way of truth will be reproached “(2 Pet. 2:1-2)
    As Anatoly said about this place, “due to the fact that the number of false teachers and false teachings has increased,
    which is followed by many who declare the name of Christ, they discredit this name and along with it the path of Truth. And it is difficult for unenlightened people to separate flies from cutlets”
    And third, why many atheists have such a negative attitude towards Christianity and subconsciously seek to refute its truth. They are usually driven by pride and hence the rejection of someone else's point of view and facts.
    Otherwise, by rejecting his so-called theory of evolution and recognizing God, the atheist will also have to admit that he is not as perfect as he would like to be, that he is sinful and guilty before his Creator, that he should give up the sinful way of life and try to live righteously. But he does not want this and prefers to console himself with self-deception, not even wanting to admit that he is wrong, because his whole picture of the world will collapse and cease to suit him. In other words, “the world is as I want it to be, and everything I don't like about it is just a lie – well, it can't be as I don't want it to be, have I been wrong all this time?!»
    And for Christianity, you need simplicity and a willingness to admit your mistakes.
    As the Bible says, ” God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

    Evolution is attractive to atheists because it does not require morality.
    From the point of view of evolution and atheism, life is meaningless and there are no objective spiritual laws, there is no personal responsibility to the Lord, there are no sins, and “good and evil”,” good and bad ” are relative.
    Conscience and morality are also not particularly needed and there is no point in them, since there is simply no need for their presence. Moreover, since conscience and moral values will interfere with survival and consumerism, there is no point in sacrificing yourself for someone else, repenting, asking for forgiveness, loving, controlling your instincts and emotions.
    This is why evolutionists like it, although it has no real scientific basis.

    From the point of view of atheism, there is no rational explanation for the need to refrain from killing a person, for example. Why should a person's life be considered valuable and a person should not be killed if it is just a randomly generated and worthless piece of matter?
    Why, if I am sure that no one will catch me in my crime and I will not have to bear responsibility for my actions, can I not steal something that was important to someone, or kill someone, or set fire to the house of my non-doer? After all, there are no objective spiritual laws, there are no sins, there is no soul that I defile with my sins, and there is also no point in not doing what I like. What for? Everything is meaningless and we live once, so we should take every opportunity to satisfy ourselves and indulge our lusts, even if from the point of view of some people it will look immoral. And what exactly is this moral, and why should I follow it? Why would I do that if I'm already happy with everything? If someone is suffering because of my behavior, it's only their problem and I shouldn't care.
    As we can see, the world will not be a better place if we talk in this way.

    A person's worldview is formed from his environment and from what information he is inclined to perceive. If a person grew up isolated from everyone and everything, isolated from people, isolated from the Internet and from books, he would grow up an underdeveloped being who does not really understand the world. Man is a social being. To fully formulate his worldview, he must listen to at least someone's point of view. If there is no proper upbringing or at least a good and reasonable environment, a person will start listening to the opinions of spoiled and unreasonable people who will teach him what they themselves think is right. In this way, the person himself will become corrupted and will believe in absurd lies. To prevent this from happening, the righteous wrote the Bible, and the state approved the law. This is necessary in order for a person to have a reference point, a “compass” in life. The foundation of Christianity, what it is based on, is love and morality.
    Meaningless traditions, rites, rituals and everything like that – this is not Christianity.
    “Owe no one anything but mutual love; for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. For the commandments, “Thou shalt not commit adultery, “” thou shalt not kill,” “thou shalt not steal,” “Thou shalt not bear false witness,” “Thou shalt not covet another's things,”and all the others are contained in this word:” Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
    Love does no harm to one's neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law” (Rom. 13; 8-10)
    From this verse it follows that Christianity is not for the selfish benefit of those who have power, as many believe, they say, “religion was created to control the masses,” since love and spiritual development go to the benefit of the person himself and others do not care about it. On the contrary, the more spiritually and intellectually developed a person is, the less he will be manipulated and the more difficult it will be to “manage” him, and, moreover, without holding evil and negativity in himself, but only love and spiritual purity, a person will live calmly, harmoniously and happily. Well, where is this “mass management” here, for which Christianity was supposedly “invented”??? As we can see, Christianity for a person is self-improvement, which will not be beneficial to his underprivilegers.
    Of course, the Russian Orthodox Church, in fact, is just a business, but Christianity is about spirituality and love, and it is set out in the Scriptures – it has nothing to do with any human church.
    “God, who created the world and all that is in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made with hands and does not require the service of human hands, “as if” having need of anything, He Himself gives life and breath to all things and everything. From one blood He has made the whole human race to dwell on the whole face of the earth, having appointed predestined times and limits for their habitation, so that they may seek God, whether they may feel Him or find Him, even though He is not far from each of us: for we live and move and have our being in Him, just as some of your poets said, ” We are
    We, therefore, being the offspring of God, must not think that the Godhead is like gold, or silver,or stone, shaped by the art and invention of men.” 17:24-29)

    I strongly recommend reading Elena Tikhonovna Titova's book “…I admire the works of Your hands”, in which the author scientifically refutes the” theory ” of evolution and demonstrates its inconsistency and unscientific nature, giving scientific and historical arguments that testify to the truth of Christianity and the inspiration of the Bible.
    You can also read this informative article: http://adventist.su/science_astro.htm
    Whether a person accepts the truth or not is a personal choice. He does not have to know the truth or believe in it, but he can. If he renounces the truth and eternal life, this is only his personal choice, for which only he is responsible.

    With respect.

  21. Atheism is not faith and certainly not knowledge, it is the stupid self-confidence of proud people who profess the ideas of absolute freedom (first of all from the moral laws given by God) and the unlimited possibilities of the human mind. These ideas (contrary to the opinion of atheists themselves) go back to Lucifer himself, who first rebelled against God. The Bible says a lot about people who deny and resist God. Contrary to the atheists themselves, God considers them fools, madmen, sons of disobedience, and so on. Atheism is dangerous because it is impossible to prove its truth, while proof of the existence of God and His judgment does not pass anyone at the end of his life, and life is a short thing. Joseph Stalin, as you know, was an atheist and headed the Soviet empire. However, when Hitler attacked the USSR and “smelled fried”, he remembered God, calling on the faithful to pray in all churches for God's intercession. Our country has paid a terrible price for its atheism, and this is one of the many proofs of the existence of God.

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