4 Answers

  1. This is actually the scientific definition of fascism after analyzing 20 dictatorial regimes in the 20th century.

    14 Signs of fascism by Lawrence Britt

    1. Powerful and long-lasting nationalism-fascist regimes constantly use nationalist slogans, mottos, symbols, songs, and so on. Banners can be seen everywhere, as well as flag symbols on clothing and in public places.

    2. Disregard for universally recognized human rights-out of fear of the enemy and under the pretext of ensuring security, the fascist authorities convince that human rights can be ignored in certain cases for the sake of”necessity”. People are forced to “think differently” or even approve of beatings, murders, prolonged incarceration of detainees, etc.

    3. Identification of the enemy / redemptive sacrifices as a unifying basis-peoples under fascist regimes unite in a patriotic movement in the struggle against a common danger or enemy: racial, religious or national minorities, liberals, communists, socialists, terrorists, etc.

    4. Preferential position of the armed forces — even if there are many acute internal problems in the country, the armed forces receive disproportionately large budget funding, and internal problems remain unresolved. Propaganda imposes an attractive image of the military and military service.

    5. Strong gender discrimination — fascist governments are dominated by men. Traditional gender roles are firmly anchored. Negative attitude to abortion and homophobia.

    6. Media control — they are controlled directly by the government or indirectly through sympathetic journalists or media managers. Censorship is widespread, especially during wartime.

    7. Obsession with national security-fear is used as a motivational tool of the government to put pressure on the masses.

    8. Intertwining religion and government-the governments of fascist countries use religion as a tool for controlling public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology are used by government leaders, even when the main principles of religion are diametrically opposed to the actions or policies of the government.

    9. Corporate protection-The industrial and business aristocracy in fascist states is often the only force that puts leaders in power, creating mutually beneficial business relationships with the power elite.

    10. Oppression of trade unions — since trade unions represent the only real threat to fascist governments, they are either completely absent or seriously restricted in their opportunities [in the Russian situation, the question looks strange)))].

    1. Contempt for the intelligentsia and the arts-fascist states encourage or tolerate open hostility to higher education and scientists. They are often harassed or even arrested. Freedom of expression in the arts is openly attacked, and the government often refuses to fund the arts.

    2. Obsession with crime and punishment — under fascist regimes, the police are given almost unlimited powers. People in the name of patriotism in many cases prefer not to notice police abuses, even the violation of their civil liberties. Often, a national police force is created with unlimited power.

    3. Rampant nepotism and corruption-fascist regimes are almost always run by clans of cronies and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use their power to protect their clan members from accountability. Often, government leaders embezzle or even directly steal State resources and coffers.

    4. Fraudulent elections – elections in fascist states often turn into a farce. Often, a smear campaign (or even murder) of opposition candidates is carried out, and legislation is used to manipulate the number of voters, district boundaries, and the media. Fascist regimes often use the judicial system to manipulate elections.

  2. Fascism itself as a political system presupposes the construction of a so – called “corporate state” — that is, a leader-like dictatorship based on the power of “corporations” (chambers) – unelected bodies representing various branches of industry and agriculture, which were supposed to replace trade unions. A classic fascist state-Italy under Mussolini, Spain under Franco, Portugal under Salazar, Austria under Dollfuss, Greece under the “black colonels”, a little less – Yugoslavia under Alexander I and Romania under Carol II, Argentina under Videl. But Chile under Pinochet is no longer a fascist state, because Pinochet's economic program is directly opposite to the fascist one

  3. Fascism is not Nazism at all, and Nazism without fascism and fascism without Nazism are quite possible (although it is difficult), they are just two different social systems, similar in spirit, but not the same. Like, for example, socialism and communism, close, related, but not the same.

    The reasons why German national socialism became known in the USSR as “fascism” are, I believe, purely phonetic. It would be rather long and difficult for Schirnarmass to explain why the Soviet Communists are fighting the “national Socialist workers ' Party of Germany”, there are so many positive words for the Soviet ear, here both “socialism” and” workers”, Germany, from the proletariat of which the beginning of the world revolution was expected at that time, and nationalism in those years was not something unambiguously negative, rather on the contrary… “Fascism” is easier. The word is incomprehensible, foreign, and in addition, the combination of rare “f” and “w” sounds ugly and unpleasant to the ear. So the German National Socialists became Peasant “fascists”.

  4. Yes, fascism appeared much earlier than Hitler came to power. In fact, fascism itself means statism, brought to the maximum. That is, the state in the highest degree. Initially, there is no racism in it. There are historical stories, by the way, that SS officers, getting into Soviet captivity, were very offended by the name ” fascists “and said:” We are Nazis. And not some Italians”

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