4 Answers

  1. Lillian Glass is an American communication expert and image creation consultant in the book ” Harmful People Around Us. How to deal with them?”gives a comprehensive description of this type of person.

    Toady, person-sugar — secretive, deceitful, disingenuous, frivolous, the ugly, expansive, bad, weak, duplicitous, unself, shameless, cowardly, annoying, not tolerate loneliness, loud, superficial, pretentious, repulsive, dishonest, in particular, it is often called a shyster, a sycophant, a dirty dog, manipulator, instigator and the consumer.

    To answer the question, you need to ask one more question-It's bad to be a sycophant for whom?

    Sycophants tend to show off their “abilities” in front of their superiors in order to get a promotion, additional bonuses, special status, or any other benefits. And not all bosses treat sycophants negatively, as they use them for their own purposes. Therefore, this type of communication is not bad for either the sycophant or his boss.

    And if the sycophants gather in one company on their holiday, compete with the results of their “works”, exchange experience, then they will also improve their qualifications.

  2. perhaps a person does not know how to live according to another, which does not make him bad, just such a person is doomed to face distrust in one society, and will be accepted in another. In my opinion, the worst thing is that such a person loses the opportunity to realize himself as a person and live his life , his whole essence is to please other people and this is “bad” for me, but for him it may be good. In fact, here you need to understand why he is afraid to show himself?!

  3. Depends on what angle to answer your question from ))

    If you look for an answer from the perspective of a person who likes flattery and likes people who are always ready to serve him, then sycophants probably feel good around such representatives of the human race. Each of them gets its own. Both the first and second ones will be fine.

    If someone can't stand sycophancy, ingratiation, quirkiness and feels insincerity a mile away, then sycophancy with them will remain without a catch. It will be bad for both.

    From my perspective, it's bad to be a sucker. They are unpleasant, because they are difficult to understand, they are slippery and disgusting, like jellyfish, it is impossible to see their “own” in them, only what they willingly show you.

  4. This is a philosophical question from the series “what is good and what is bad”.

    It depends on the purpose of this behavior. Most likely, this is a matter of survival in the team/society, in order to hide their weaknesses, and even attempts to rise to higher levels in the same team/society.

    From the point of view of wording, of course, the word sycophancy is offensive. It is much more pleasant to say “professional bureaucrat” or “cunning courtier” (if the behavior is skillful). And sometimes the behavior is obsessive, annoying other people, but the sycophant as a whole does not care about it.

    If there is a sycophant in the team and the manager keeps him, then he has weaknesses that the sycophant uses for his own selfish purposes. By recognizing these weaknesses (by observing the actions and words of the sycophant), in principle, you can also use them.

    In order not to be so disgusted by this word, read R. Green's book “48 laws of power”, where such behavior is beautifully painted, even the language will not turn historical figures to be called “sycophants”.


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