4 Answers

  1. the problem with transference of consciousness is that people don't understand that transference of consciousness is as real as transference of walking. the psyche is inseparable from the brain, because it is a derived function of eo and is formed when the body interacts with the environment. in fact, not only the brain is the substrate of the psyche, but the whole body, with its physical sensations, boundaries and hormones. so nothing can be transferred, simply because consciousness is an abstraction that describes a bunch of processes of interaction between the body and reality.

  2. You can't transfer it. Consciousness is a purely dynamic process that lasts continuously from the moment of birth to the moment of death. The current state cannot be copied to another media, because it is not stored on the media itself. A person's personality is encoded in the movement of nerve impulses that continuously occurs in his brain. And you can't stop this movement to copy and then resume what you copied. This process does not have an “on/off” button.

    We can draw the following analogy. Let's imagine a person in a jump. We can take a picture of it at this moment. Then, using special props, we can hang it in the air in exactly the same position. It would seem that his condition is an exact copy of when he was in the jump. However, this is not the case. In his condition, there is not enough movement – in fact, the jump itself. At the time when it was photographed, it was in motion, but now it is not. If we remove the props, then it will stupidly collapse down, and not continue to jump, as in the original.

    In addition, such a transfer of consciousness does not make any sense. If such a transfer were possible, then the person himself would feel like a transfer of the soul to another world. The original person wouldn't have gained anything from it. Only his virtual clone would retain the memory that he once had a real body. Only this clone would have the feeling of being transported somewhere. The original man would have died in the usual way, along with his body. However, he could take comfort in the fact that his consciousness continues to exist in another world. But there was no way he could have felt it after the moment of final transition.

  3. Not possible. I can't prove it. By the way, those who believe that consciousness is derived from biochemical processes also cannot prove this, since the very concept of consciousness, and not the thought process, emotions, etc., is still very vague. And the developers of the most complex AI systems deny the manifestation of this very consciousness, despite the impressive results. Why does consciousness sometimes leave a completely healthy person without stopping the brain? Is sleep consciousness? Do animals or plants have consciousness? How do the many recorded cases of out-of-body consciousness and post-mortem experiences explain themselves? And many other questions that don't have convincing answers.

  4. Human consciousness is electrical impulses. And the computer encoding is ones and zeros (1,0) , that is, the binary code also has other codes, but they are not very different. An example of how the brain works: When lifting a finger or a whole limb, one part of the brain uses a certain percentage of neurons, and when they are activated, current flows between them or does not come from what it turns out when lifting a finger, some part is activated or not, when activated, the neuron transmits current to the other itself “falling asleep” And so on, using only those that are needed for this action. Thus, it is possible to convert this in ce to binary code activation of a neuron to one (1) and “sleep” to zero (0). And for any action, count all neural connections and their excitation and “sleep”. BUT this will not be a transfer of consciousness, since in fact we just read what happened and crate it into binary code, and from this code we get just a copy of the brain, and not you yourself. What is needed to transfer consciousness? What you need to happen is not just copying, but that you yourself are currently in another body or in a kokai technique. to do this, you need to start reading the brain at the moment and show what is happening to it at the moment, but this is not the result! To do this, you can embed a reader in the brain that will directly receive signals from brain neurons and convert them into code, but you also need to do this with the whole body, since tactile sensations can disappear and vision will transmit what is happening in the world and not in the computer. This also requires sensors that will transmit a signal to the brain itself . Example: in the computer space there will be a table but it will not be visible to the brain because the eyes transmit what they see in front of them, but you can embed something in the nerves of the eyes that will send a signal to the Ministry of Health and it will recognize it in a different way, that is, the brain will see the picture not from the eyes but from the PC space. You also need tactile sensations and sensations of space, with tactile everything is clear, the same thing is to introduce an artificial stimulus that will send altered signals to the brain and it will recognize not what happened in the real world but in the PC space, cold heat or pain. With the sense of space is more difficult it's all together ie both vision and perception, we davolno strongly define the space around us due to vision, but we also feel the volume of matter the table is not just something flat we see it from different angles and understand that it is not flat on all sides but voluminous, this can be confirmed by tactile sensations we can, nno we also need to make sure that it is there and it is voluminous, you can do it in several ways, for example, just when touching something or give it to touch and in the real world, but at the same time you need to give it to touch from all sides and also you need to give it to touch many more things, and there is another way to partially replace the bones, for example replace the elbow with a part that will work in the same way as the bull's elbow but if we take something in the PC space that will not allow the elbow joint to fully straighten or bend then in the real world this part will also not allow this to be done and the feeling of roughness or other signs of the surface will give the previously mentioned signals to the nerves. And proceeding from this, it turns out that you can almost completely visit the Pc space With all the charms of the real world, but there is one “BUT” the body will still need energy in the form of food and water, and the body will still age over time, and in place with it all the sensations and the brain, so this is not quite a complete transfer of consciousness. WELL, HOW CAN I FULLY GO TO THE PC WORLD AND GET RID OF THIS MORTAL BODY AND THIS NOT IDEAL WORLD?!?!?!?! And what if, When implementing all of the above, you disable the brain and all its actions and that the PC itself starts working instead of the brain!! BUT still the brain will need to be preserved and the nerves too and in order to simply transmit tactile sensations you can completely replace all sensations with signals usually electricity! you don't need a heart you don't need muscles or anything else everything will give electrical impulses and the brain can be placed in a nutrient medium to preserve it! At the same time, everyone needs a lot of energy, as the work of several billion neurons will be simulated. Also, our brain should not work one hundred percent otherwise it will lead to a fatal result. It is necessary that the PC simulates a certain number of neurons for certain actions. With more than one transfer of consciousness, the brain will assume to the last that this is it and not a copy of itself, and after separating the brain and all the nerve connections, the brain will read that this is it and not a copy.

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