37 Answers

  1. There is a popular myth that our brain works at 10 percent and if you use the remaining 90, then people will get super abilities. Screenwriters of movies and TV shows often use this misconception. In the future, I will rely on the book by Alexander Markov “Human Evolution. Monkeys, neurons, and the soul.” Although you can also give a link to this article.

    Our brain was formed during a long evolution and despite all the advantages that it gives us, it has a number of significant disadvantages, for example, high energy consumption, our brain consumes a huge amount of energy, plus because of our brain, our children remain helpless for too long, etc. Therefore, it is very strange to imagine that in the course of evolutionary selection, a model was formed when the majority of resources are not used. It's about as if a cheetah can run at 60 km per hour, but only run 6 km per hour. Evolution is quite a cruel and pragmatic thing, so 90 percent of the stock is too much of a burden.

    In addition, our brain is constantly at work, although we are not aware of it, and it is on this invisible work that its resources are spent and often they are not even enough.

  2. From an electroencephalograph :). Electrical activity can tell you which areas are currently active. Keywords — for now. In other words, there will always be a smaller part involved, but if we track the activity over a long period of time, the picture will change

    In general, this is a very popular vopors on TQ

  3. Despite the fact that the question is an ancient false meme, still:

    If the brain had unused resources, they would simply die off. As it happens in reality. Statistics show that among scientists, musicians, and chess players, the phenomenon of senile dementia develops less frequently.

    For example, simply: blogspot.fr

    So the brain does not have any unused resources, but it has the resources of development, and it is possible and useful to develop.

  4. No. The brain, like any other organ, performs its functions within the framework of its tasks, and in the volumes available to it. Another thing is that science, so far, does not have a sufficiently accurate idea of the processes taking place in it, yes.. The brain is more complex than the knee joint, and its functions are more complex. There's still a lot of digging to do here. And with the potential, everything has long been clear.

  5. When we talk about certain percentages of the human brain, we are not talking about that in the remaining ≈90% there is some hidden resource that has not been revealed by evolution. And we are talking only about the number of neurons that are currently unused, so all neurons cannot be activated at the same time, but this is always a different ten percent: neurons cannot transmit a signal continuously. Intelligence is more likely affected by the number of connections between brain cells.

    As for dolphins, most of the brain's resources are spent on creating echolocation maps, constantly processing these three-dimensional models of space. It doesn't make sense to talk about percentages — you need to talk about the specialization of the brain, its capabilities, but when talking about specialization, we don't consider individual zones that are supposedly responsible for a specific type of activity (according to recent data, the entire brain is involved in each type of activity, but some parts of it have slightly more activity), but the entire central nervous system as a whole. We are just getting to a full understanding of all the mechanisms of thought processes at the cognitive and biological levels. When we reach this understanding, the creation of human-like computers will be elementary.

  6. By any chance “Lucy” was reviewed?

    In general, this is a very popular myth.

    There are 5 refutations of this fact on Wikipedia, I will give the most important arguments:

    1. Evolution. The brain consumes a huge amount of oxygen and nutrients. If a person used only 5% of their brain, then the remaining 95% would be left without use, so why is this? Nature would remove the unnecessary part through evolution.

    2. Various scans of brain activity refute this myth, in any case (even in a dream) a person uses much more resources of his brain. Exception: people with brain damage and various diseases.

  7. The myth that says that we use only 10% of the brain's capabilities is believed by the American psychologist William James. His phrase “The average person rarely achieves more than a small fraction of their potential” was misinterpreted by journalists. And later it was picked up by businessmen who began to produce various books, educational games, pills and other rubbish, allegedly capable of enhancing human brain activity.

    In reality, it is enough to conduct an MRI to make sure that even at rest, our brain is working hard. Depending on the type of activity, certain areas of the brain are most active, but it is not necessary to say that 90% of the brain is in “hibernation”. This does not mean that in the course of evolution, our brain will not learn new tricks and techniques, but already we are more than actively loading it and forcing it to work around the clock.

  8. The human brain is engaged in managing the life support systems of its body at 100%. There is no mechanism in the human brain that generates its own thought. Evolutionists think that a person is able to invent something himself. K. Marx “Googled” his Capital, sitting in libraries manually copying other people's thoughts from the books of other authors who … etc.

  9. Yes, our brain is not working at full capacity, although it has the potential to do so. Unlike animals, we can reflect on the past and plan for the future, and we can do this thanks to the almost limitless ability of the brain to remember information. According to one scientist, our unique brain can store information containing “about twenty million volumes – as many as there are in the largest libraries in the world.” Some neuroscientists believe that a person uses only a hundredth of one percent ( 0.0001) of the potential capacity of their brain. But why our brains can't work at 100 percent, for neuroscientists, remains a mystery.

  10. I will support Ahezana, Lucy's film, the brain has a huge potential of opportunities, we just do not use and develop it, if we used it 100 percent, there was no opportunity to improve and develop it, we simply would not have the potential for development. We live bonalno-sorry koneshno-but boilerplate, for this the brain does not need a lot of resources.

  11. There is a well-established notion that people use only 10% of their brains, and if they learned to use them 100%, they would become omniscient scientists or superhumans (like the heroine of Luc Besson's film “Lucy”).

    However, this is a myth, and a person in the waking state probably uses 100% of their brain. As you know, evolution does nothing in vain. The human brain requires a large amount of energy (about 20% of the total body energy of an adult) to function. As a result of natural selection, our brains would never have grown to such an impressive size, would not have acquired such a complex structure and would not have become such an energy-consuming organ if it were not necessary.

    Neuroscience data also contradict this myth: there is not a single area of the brain that is damaged without consequences for the body, and various methods of scanning the activity of both the entire brain as a whole and its individual cells have shown that each of the brain regions has a specific function and there are simply no unused areas.

    All of this does not change the fact that it is in our power to develop mental abilities and use the brain more effectively.

  12. The claim that the brain works at 5/7/10 percent is a lie.

    Each part of the brain has a specific function, and research has not yet found an area of the brain that does nothing.

    MRI scans and studies have shown that even during sleep, all parts of the brain show a certain level of activity. This means that the brain is working 100%.

    Only because of the damage can not work any part of the brain.

  13. Nothing will happen, because this is fiction.

    Many people share the misconception that the human brain only works at 10%, while the remaining 90% remains inactive. In fact, this is a myth. Our brain is an extremely efficient computing machine with an already developed energy-saving plan.

    A common myth claims that we use only 10% of our brain — the remaining 90% of the capacity is idle. Various charlatans in their books and techniques promise to reveal the untapped potential of the brain with the help of neurology — in fact, all this is a hoax.

    Two-thirds of all people and just over half of all teachers in the world believe in this myth. In the 1890s, William James, the father of American psychology, said: “Most of us don't use our mental capacity.” By these words, he meant challenging our abilities, not limiting them, but the most popular misinterpretation of his words was. It was reinforced by the fact that for a long time scientists could not understand the meaning of the large, frontal and parietal lobes of the brain. Their injuries did not cause motor or sensory failures, so it was assumed that they do nothing. For decades, these parts were called “quiet zones”. We now know that they are responsible for rational thinking, planning, decision-making, and adaptation.

    The idea that 90% of the brain is idle all the time seems absurd when you consider how much energy it consumes. Rodents and mammals use 5% of the body's energy to support the brain, monkeys-10%, an adult – 20%, and the brain occupies only 2% of its body, a child-50%, and infants-60%.

    The human brain weighs 1.5 kg, the brain of an elephant — 5 kg, a whale — 9 kg. We are superior to any other living being in terms of the number of neural connections. This requires a lot of energy, which we can get with great advantage thanks to the invention of cooking. Food comes to us already prepared for digestion, so we can afford to maintain a brain with 86 billion neurons — 40% more than in monkeys.

    If all the neurons in at least one part of the brain worked simultaneously, the total energy load would be unbearable. Therefore, only small areas of neurons are involved in the brain at the same time, which are constantly changing-this is called the sparse coding method. It allows you to spend a minimum of energy, processing maximum information — from one to 16% of neurons are involved at a time. A person is not good at multitasking — we just don't have enough energy to keep everything under control — as a result, we do each task worse than individually. If most neurons weren't used, evolution would have gotten rid of unnecessary brain volume long ago.

  14. A person always uses almost all of their brain. Even in your sleep, you remember and analyze the events of the past day. The brain also constantly monitors your heartbeat, breathing, and other vital functions.

    Fairy tales about the use of the brain by 5, 8, 10 and 50 percent are true nonsense, refuted hundreds of times

  15. No, that's not true. The brain is loaded and works at 100% all the time.�

    The catch in your question is as follows: You believe that “a person uses the brain”. In reality, the situation is strictly the opposite: the brain uses a person) �

    That is, what you call a “person” is a phantom of consciousness, a kind of conditional construct that arose solely due to our second signal system, the ability to think verbally. Yes, you can say to yourself “I am a human being” and even say “I use my brain”, but there is no such thing anywhere outside of your words) �

    To understand this, try asking yourself: is it “Me” using the body? Or maybe the body uses ” me ” (note the quotation marks)? It gets sick when it needs to, gets old when it needs to, and dies when it needs to… So, how do “I” use it?�

    The brain is much the same: it is busy with what it is doing, and “You” are needed only to observe it and reflect on it. But even watching is not possible for everyone )

    And the myth of the 10 percent has emerged because of the total amount of information about the world that the brain receives and processes, we can only be aware of a small part: the rest is pushed into the unconscious or ignored altogether. What percentage of information you are able to understand – 3, 5, 10% – is determined solely by your social and cultural background, upbringing and education.

  16. No, that's not true. Parts of the human brain perform different functions (bit.ly), so most of it is used for full-fledged life activity. Scientific American magazine published an article refuting the myth (bit.ly), the essence of the arguments in which is reduced to the following positions:

    1. The idea that only 10% of the brain is used is a psychological delusion based on a misconception about the structure of this organ.

    2. The weight of the brain is about 3% of the total body weight. It also consumes more oxygen than any other organ. Therefore, the brain can be called one of the most “productive” human organs.

    3. Different parts of the brain are active at different times, but in general, the entire brain performs its work at 100% during the day.

  17. This is a popular myth. In humans, all the nerve cells of the brain work. But not simultaneously. The number of neurons that are active at any given moment depends on the information that the brain processes. Activating all the neurons at once would be completely pointless.

    Imagine a printed page: ink occupies just about 10% of the surface area. The rest is white paper. Does this mean that the text occupies only 10% of the page? If the paper is completely filled with ink, then there will no longer be any useful information on it.

    But if we can fill the paper with ink, although this makes no sense, then the activation of all the neurons of the brain at the same time is impossible, because there are not enough resources for this — the brain simply does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients for everyone.

    In addition, it is useful to mention another popular misconception: intellectual work consumes a lot of energy. In fact, studies have shown that the brain's energy consumption is virtually unchanged — the brain is never at rest. That is, it doesn't matter what is printed on a piece of paper — a proof of Fermat's theorem, or a stupid joke. All the same, the sheet is filled by the same 10%.

  18. No. A person uses different capabilities of their brain at different times. That is, when solving a certain task, a person uses a certain part of the brain. In this way, we use all the possibilities of the brain, but not at the same time.

  19. In fact, the brain is being used at full capacity. But only part of it is perceived or remembered. Therefore, there is a claim that the brain is used for 7-8%

  20. Watch the movie Lucy

    This is indeed the case

    We humans are still in the process of evolution

    We are very young for the universe

    And we still have 6 billion years (until the sun becomes a giant) so YES it's real

  21. Don't be under any illusions. A person uses only 10% of the brain's capabilities. Using the brain 100%, I can't even imagine, it will be something amazing and terrifying. But we don't really use half of our brain's capacity.

  22. At the same time, only a very small part of the human brain is actively working, which can be observed on functional MRI scans. At the same time, it is incorrect to assume that this means that the brain is underloaded and it is possible to increase its efficiency by activating other zones. The fact is that brain regions are specialized. When thinking about a sentence in a literary work, activating areas specialized in the sense of smell or the cerebellum that stores motor motor responses will not help you in any way. Or when looking at a picture, activating the cortex responsible for the lips and tongue will not help you in any way.

    Thinking that the brain has underutilized resources in the form of 90% of the brain that is not activated is like thinking that the building is underutilized because not all elevators are running at the same time, not all handwashers are running water, �the sprinklers of the fire extinguishing system are also ready, but do not spray water, and the fire alarm siren does not work around the clock.

    Areas of the brain activate their work in accordance with the task being performed at the moment. It is quite logical that areas of the brain that are not related to this activity are in a state of low activity.

  23. This is a myth, there is a lot of information on this topic, where it is said that the brain uses almost all of its potential, but different tasks require the activity of different parts of it, so it uses exactly as much as it needs in this situation.

  24. Here is a children's article clarifying the situation:

    Is it true that we only use 10% of the brain?

    There is an opinion that the human brain is used by us only by 10%. This is probably why a person can't figure out how to develop it 100%. Question: why then is the brain so organized and how can it still be made to work one hundred percent?



    Fragment of the article: “In the middle of the last century, it was completely unclear how a person thinks (now it is also unclear, but on a different level). But some things were known – for example, that the brain is made up of neurons and that neurons can generate electrical signals.

    Some scientists then believed that if a neuron generates an impulse, then it works, and if it does not generate it, then it is “lazy”. And then someone came up with the idea to check: how many neurons in the whole brain are “working”, and which one is “running out of steam”?

    There are several billion neurons in the brain, and it would be pure madness to measure the activity of each of them – it would take many years. Therefore, instead of studying all the neurons in a row, the scientists examined only a small part, determined the percentage of active ones among them, and assumed that this percentage is the same throughout the brain (this assumption is called extrapolation).

    And it turned out that it “works”, i.e. generates impulses, only an indecently small percentage of neurons, and the rest are “silent”. From this, a slightly straightforward conclusion was drawn: silent neurons are idle, and the brain works only at a small part of its capabilities.”

  25. From a bad interpretation by”journalists” -popularizers of the facts of scientific research on the electrical excitation of brain areas. I suspect they were told that the experiments recorded arousal in areas of the brain that make up about 10% of the total brain volume. But this fact does not mean that the remaining 90% are always inactive. This means that in other conditions, such as other experiments, other areas and zones are active.

  26. In general, it has long been proven that a person uses not 10% of his brain, but literally all of it, just some more, some less. I think we can say that we use all the possibilities of the brain, that is, 100%

  27. That's not true! The claim that the human brain works on 10% (5%, 3%), — this is an old, completely incorrect and completely unkillable myth. Let's find out where it came from.

    In the middle of the last century, it was completely unclear how a person thinks (now it is also unclear, but on a different level). But some things were known — for example, that the brain is made up of neurons and that neurons can generate electrical signals.

    Some scientists then believed that if a neuron generates an impulse, then it works, and if it does not generate it, then it is “lazy”. And then someone came up with the idea to check: how many neurons in the whole brain are “working”, and which one is “running out of steam”?

    There are several billion neurons in the brain, and it would be pure madness to measure the activity of each of them — it would take many years. Therefore, instead of studying all the neurons in a row, the scientists examined only a small part, determined the percentage of active ones among them, and assumed that this percentage is the same throughout the brain (this assumption is called extrapolation).

    And it turned out that it “works”, that is, generates impulses, only an indecently small percentage of neurons, and the rest are “silent”. From this, a slightly straightforward conclusion was drawn: silent neurons are idle, and the brain works only at a small part of its capabilities.

    This conclusion was completely wrong, but since at that time it was customary to “correct nature”, for example, turn rivers back, irrigate deserts and drain the seas, the idea that brain function can also be improved took root and began its victorious march through newspaper pages and magazine spreads. Even now, something like this is sometimes found in the tabloid press.


  28. “The thesis about using the brain for 10% is true only for those who believe in it” – an anecdote from the Faculty of Psychology.

    In fact, we really only use a fraction of our brain power at a time. This is correct and normal, just as we do not use 100% of our facial muscles: when smiling, some work, while chewing cutlets others. And what will the face of a person who has all the muscles tense at the same time look like? As bad as a 100% activated brain – this only happens with epilepsy

  29. I should note that if scientists were able to measure how much % on average the brain works in a modern person, then they should have a standard from which to start (what to take for 100%.) I haven't heard about super-people with 100% activated brains, have you? Apparently, the information is based on an assumption with a reference to some study of the brain. It is doubtful that this information can be considered accurate due to the lack of a visual comparison object.

  30. Probably the most widespread myth about the fact that a person uses his brain by 5-10% was launched (consciously or unknowingly) a long time ago by a journalist. The myth was fueled by other media outlets and all those who were not indifferent. If a person didn't fully use their brain, they would be a vegetable. A person is born with almost zero knowledge and with a practically undeveloped brain, there are only instincts to suck and scream. Over the course of life, the brain develops and accumulates knowledge about the world around it. It may not work too well, and sometimes even more so, when you have some active thinking process going on. It is not for nothing that the brain is one of the most resource-demanding organs (it consumes up to 30% of the entire body's energy). So, don't believe the myths and read more relevant literature.

    If we take the verb “comprehend” in the sense of “study” and not a person, but humanity, then, I think, most of the functions of the brain (and its constituent organs, parts) are already well studied. I am sure they will study it completely soon 🙂

  31. Strange question statement. The human brain is used to the fullest, it's just that the part of brain activity that is somehow combined with consciousness is really small, what is 10% there, and 1% is not typed. However, the brain is busy all the time. Breathing, coordination of movements, internal secretions-all the time the brain is doing something.

    Maybe the author wanted to ask how effectively people use their brains? But here, too, you will not be able to give any unambiguous answer. Both memory and the ability to analyze / abstract / fantasize are developed to different degrees in everyone, and it is absolutely impossible to say that someone does not use their brains. Everyone uses their brains completely, just the methods of operation and the tasks set are different for everyone. And, believe me, a Nobel Prize winner or chess player uses their brains no more intensively than a peacefully drinking elderly proletarian, or a young amphetamine addict. It's just that you probably prefer the result of intellectual work generated by Nobel laureates and chess players.

  32. The claim that a person does not use the full potential of his brain (in different variations from 5% to 30%) is just a journalistic story, refuted by scientists many times. Almost all areas in the brain are constantly active, not without exceptions, of course, but this is due to energy savings, but not to the “possible potential of the supermind”, which we do not use.

    And here is a concrete answer to the question: Yes, a person is able to use more than 30% of their brain. And he does it all the time.

    But you shouldn't take Luc Besson's word for it. After all, in the theory(although this cannot be called a theory) of his film “Lucy” , all of humanity is already at the stage of black mud.


  33. Capable and uses , including you. At least because otherwise evolution would have “cut off” the extra part , because our brain is already very voracious in consuming resources ( especially energy). But the abilities will not increase. Moreover, if you use all one hundred percent at all at the same time, that is, absolutely at 1 point in time and absolutely all areas and connections in the brain, we will get an epileptic seizure-probably a cool ability. In general, do not believe the ancient journalistic myths. There are no” parasites ” in your brain.

  34. Hm… Technically, Gennady's answer is absolutely accurate. But as a programmer, the analogy between the brain and a computer might be close to him – with the difference that the brain processes information not only with the help of linear logic.

    If you look at the functioning of the brain in a functional way-from the point of view of information processing, and superimpose this on our ideas about neurophysiology, you can think of many interesting things.

    One consequence is that all neurons cannot be activated, if only because the signal transmitted in the form of nerve impulses switches between different paths. And two competing tracks can't be active at the same time-like a train that only follows one track from the arrow and can't do otherwise.

  35. The work of our brain consists especially in analyzing and realizing 4 dimensions: width, length, height and time, and all through 100% of the work of certain parts of the brain at different times. 10% is the total amount of brain activity.

    If the total aggregate increased even theoretically to 100%, then all the brain lobes that functioned simultaneously would create the following phenomena: all the senses of the body increased, the sensation of the body, muscles, tendons, nerves increased, awareness appeared not only of our dimensions, but also, possibly, of other etheric, subtle ones, due to the increased feelings.

    The most important thing, of course, is a full awareness of the 4th dimension-time: we would be aware that we are simultaneously in all times at the same time, and that for us time would become not a line, but a point.

    But even in this case, in practice, this would not work, since the brain would simply be fried from an overabundance of information.

    It's just like with muscles. Our brains are much more powerful than we realize. But it deliberately restricts itself so that we don't go crazy.

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