2 Answers

  1. I'm not a history expert at all, but I can say for sure that all the music of the 20th century – jazz, blues, hip-hop, rap – is the result of the influence of African motifs on American culture. There is a possibility that the other spheres were spared this influence, but it is not too big.

  2. Good afternoon!

    Yes, the art of the countries of Africa and Oceania (this is a stable term in the history of art) became the starting point for the creativity of modernists. It is not necessary to assume that it has become a formative phenomenon, but rather a connection with technological progress – the development of technology has given humanity the opportunity to travel to more remote parts of the Earth, has given this chance to more people than sailors and discoverers.

    Thus, travel influenced the formation of the modernist period, a similar situation – Impressionism would not have developed without the practice of plein-airs, and that, in turn, was able to exist thanks to the invention of paints in tubes (before that they were not portable, but mineral pigments ground in mortars).

    Unfortunately, art is credited with much more “magical” reasons for its existence than in the most prosaic case there are.

    I hope my answer was useful to you!

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