26 Answers

  1. I'd like to believe that, because my handwriting is disgusting, but I don't.

    When people talk about the relationship between handwriting and intelligence in everyday life, they often appeal to the following premise: “If a person's hand movements are not accurate when writing, then they do not have time to keep up with the speed of his thought, therefore, he thinks much faster than he writes, and if he also writes quickly, then he is probably very smart” — a premise that is obviously far-fetched and even false. The same can be said for someone who writes slowly, beautifully, and accurately: “If a person's hand movements are precisely calibrated, then they are clearly intelligent enough to achieve this level of self-discipline, and if the result is also beautiful, then this indicates them as a person with a deep sense of aesthetics, which is peculiar only to smart people.” One excludes the other, but can often be heard from the same mouth. Therefore, I suggest that this logic should not even be discussed, let alone the obvious logical errors in such rhetoric.

    When people talk about the connection between handwriting and intelligence, or, more often, character (from which, thanks to the halo effect, intellectual properties are also attributed to a person), they appeal to graphology. Graphology is the teaching that there is a stable relationship between handwriting and personality traits. But alas, graphology is a pseudoscience. Like astrology. Two sisters. That is, no evidence has been obtained for any of them, and the results obtained have been achieved using methods of insufficient level of evidence or do not stand up to the scientific principle of falsificationism. By the way, if the HR manager gives you a graphologist when applying for a job, feel free to send this work to the jade lingam, because it is imbued with tyranny.

    So no, it's not true.

  2. I've never seen such a correlation. But even if this is the case, it is a correlation and not a causal relationship. So there's not much you can do about it. For example, you decide to improve your intelligence and start distorting your handwriting. Of course, this will not affect the intelligence in any way.

  3. In my opinion, there is some connection (complex) between the sophistication of the signature and the social positioning of the individual. This is quite possible to study. In line with the manner of ladies to make up.

  4. If I try hard, I can write it very beautifully, and in a very readable way. But I'm usually in a hurry. That's just where, it's not clear. I just can't clearly control my fine motor skills. Therefore, when necessary, I can write quite beautifully, even in a certain style. And usually I just don't think much of it.
    It seems to me that this is akin to the fact that a person does not attach much importance to their clothes, or the importance of order, tidiness in the house, aesthetics. If such a symptom is very pronounced, in relation to what is considered the norm, then this is called sloppiness.
    From a spiritual point of view, sloppiness is a symptom of pride, since a person who behaves in this way seems to challenge the established norms, opposes his ego, the ego of other people. Egoism is especially extreme when a person deliberately behaves this way, not even taking into account the comments of respected people. When a person becomes imbued with the importance of this, he begins to dress neatly, clean up scattered objects in his field of activity, be pleasant in communication, write in a handwriting that would please the eye of the reader.
    Another extreme manifestation of this symptom is excessive concern about all of the above. When all this becomes not a means, not a tool, not a consequence of harmony in the human soul, but an end in itself. Man, again, has as his inner motive the opposition of himself, his ideal order in everything, to the alleged disorder of other people. This is also one of the faces of selfishness. Particularly painful manifestations of this are classified as psychopathy.
    Based on these considerations, I think that if a person writes illegible handwriting in an official document, then either the functions of the nervous system responsible for fine motor skills are disrupted, or he is dismissive of this.
    This is purely my personal opinion. I wrote it while I was driving in a minibus.

  5. I always suspected that I was a supergenius, and not a simple professor!))) What I scribbled today – I myself will not be able to read tomorrow!))) But there is some truth in this. I learned to write myself at the age of four, when my fine motor skills didn't allow me to do it properly… And then everyone admired me so much that they didn't force me to retrain…

  6. I've met a few people who have terrible handwriting, but they're not exactly brilliant. Rather, it is carelessness and laziness. I began to notice that I didn't write as beautifully as I did when I was a student.

  7. the essence of handwriting is what you want to express…

    penmanship and beautiful letters, or convey information from the head, where the idea is already at the end of the article, and you only wrote the first line…

    and the time….. the doctor writes quickly, because his task is not to write , but to treat…and he tries to use precious time correctly, and not for a beautiful slow reproduction of the letters of the alphabet…

  8. Handwriting depends on what a person is used to noticing-the external, i.e. visual side of things or the internal-meaning, as well as how quickly he had to write to meet the time limit, and this became a habit.

  9. No, and I'm a living example of that. My intellect is very mediocre, and my handwriting is bad because there are small neurological disorders, motor skills are impaired, my fingers get tired quickly, and I write the second sentence of the text like a chicken with its paw, hardly connecting the unruly letters. But I type easily and with pleasure. In some people, such disorders manifest themselves almost imperceptibly, in the form of the same bad handwriting or rapid fatigue, and they do not even suspect that this is a reason to consult a doctor.

  10. I read the comments and am shocked. Damn, the level of intelligence does not depend on writing, not at all . My handwriting is terrible and I miss the letters. And I don't see any mistakes, I reread the word five times and each time I write it in a new way. And it is not treated.

  11. According to our own observations, we can say unequivocally about some features of the mind in handwriting. But not about intelligence – this matter is generally difficult to measure even when communicating with a person, let alone by handwriting.

    If the handwriting is smooth, beautiful, and well-read, then the clear conclusion is that the person is quite pedantic, well-planned, and knows exactly what he wants. And vice versa.

    But there is often an element of illegibility in the handwriting due to the rush that is inextricably linked to many activities, especially for doctors. Fast is never high-quality, and they don't need the latter.

  12. Since childhood, I had a perfect calligraphic handwriting, all the benefactors claimed this, but I did not hear until after school that any of them would say that I was intelligent

  13. If we omit doubts about the scientific nature of graphology (I have no opinion on this matter), then the position of graphology is as follows::
    If a person is intellectually developed, then he thinks more or less pragmatically. This pragmatism of thinking can also extend to the writing process, namely, in simplifying the forms of letters: making them more schematic, within the limits limited by the readability of what is written. Simplification of forms, according to graphology, should speed up the writing process and, thus, optimize labor costs for it. Traditional calligraphic letters are full of details, and many of us have stopped writing the “three-fingered” capital letter “T”, for example. The more work done on optimizing the entire letter, the higher the mental abilities, according to graphologists.
    Well, accordingly, if the letters are simply written “like a chicken's paw” (i.e. without “smart” solutions), then this does not say much about a high IQ. It is also possible that clumsiness can be combined with schematics.
    I repeat, I am not saying that this is a direct relationship, this is the position of graphologists. Moreover, I do not claim the highest accuracy in describing the position of graphology on this issue. If you want to-look for the handwriting of famous people, those whom you consider intellectually capable. Try to compare and draw conclusions. Maybe it is you who will take up this topic and finally put an end to this teaching (although this is a thankless task)!

  14. The worse the handwriting, the higher the probability that its owner is a sysadmin. Well, or a person who mostly sits at the computer..

    If you only knew what a torment it is for me to write a leave application. 🙂

  15. Poor handwriting often indicates the priority of content over form. This is a very important point. When a child in math class thinks about the formula and not about penmanship, it says a lot. Can you imagine Grigory Perelman writing down the proof of Poincare's theorem in Horoshist's smooth handwriting? If he doesn't even look after himself properly, he's so passionate about math.

  16. When applying for a job, I often ask the candidate to write a short essay on the sheet why I want to work as a lawyer in my firm! And this, by the way, action causes a stupor in many people and then they write strange things and often terrible handwriting, which tell me a lot about these people and often I refuse those who can not correctly formulate their thoughts in writing and write in scribbles!

  17. Not from a big mind, the article was written. if you have a personal opinion, then everything is clear with intelligence…This is more personal…there is not a single reference to an authoritative opinion

  18. This, in any case, is close to the truth. It's the same difference between a cram and a talent. As a rule, talent does not pay attention to small things, and cramming is punctual and diligent. In addition, there is an artistic beauty in the fluent handwriting.

  19. Stop talking about handwriting. No one needs it now. To doctors and others who have been hiding their lack of spelling skills or are studying or leaving your post.You can print everything on your computer. Handwriting to the intellect has no meaning.

  20. No is a false statement.

    Poor handwriting indicates violations of fine motor skills, which are controlled by the same mind.

    Well, for understanding: intelligence = mind = just a knowledge base(consider an encyclopedia in the skull). Intelligence and intelligence are often confused with intelligence, i.e. the ability to make optimal use of existing knowledge.

  21. Not true. Potchurk's beauty has nothing to do with intelligence. It correlates with how often you write and how well your hand was placed as a child. So you can be both a complete idiot, a genius, and the most ordinary person with your scribbles.

  22. For �handwriting �printer �can �judge �about �how �nervous �computer. � 🙂

    We “no longer” write “emails” manually. жаль А жаль Sorry. �Except �words �in �this �letter �still �was �and �a lot �side �information. �Because

    Handwriting is an autobiography. Кар Curry �Leitet .

    Is it true �that �than � worse �handwriting, the �above �level �intelligence?

    I don't think so. Direct �connection �between �intelligence �and �handwriting �no, but �have ideas �of �life, �checked �time.

    Handwriting �develops �have �child �with the beginning �learning �email, as �rule �5 �to �12 �years. Straight lines, bagels, �curls, zagagulina, �elements �letters, �letters, �words �the ability �keep �smooth �line, �and so �on. Just like in any business. �Than �more �something �do �the �better �,,more agile’ �turns…

    If �in �is �time �with �child �deals �someone �of �adults �like �demanding �grandmother �or �nanny, �or �aunt, a teacher, or (best of all) �mom �that �scrawled �as �chicken �paw �lines �in �homework �for �email �such �demanding �adult �rather �just �not �allow it. �Adult �the �or �other �way ( additional �exercises… ) �care �about �that �to �child �, and DISCHARGED’ �and �handwriting �developed �yourself �practical, �neat, �and �if �not �beautiful �that �although �would �readable. In �70-80 �years � last �century �( pre-computer �era ) �very �a �mom �first graders �was �this �seriously �are concerned…�

    And �in �it's �time �have �child ( of course �same �because �constantly �hanging �over �him �adult…) develop future �features �character: diligence, serious �attitude to �school, thoroughness, �perseverance, love �to �reading, perception �and �understanding �text �of �books, �the ability to regularly �to learn, i.e. �to WORK, THE �YOURSELF �TEACHING, � feeling �responsibility �for �undone �home �work. �All �is �quietly �and �gradually �included �in �habit. �In �the ability �to work �yourself �and �purposeful. It becomes an “inner” need “and” trait ” of the character. Hanging �adult �in �senior �classes �can �to remove the child �on �will �to move �yourself. ��

    So, �for �extreme �as �happened �with �my �daughter. From �classes �with �4 years �with �grandmother pensioner, �teacher �kindergarten �with �45летним �experience �work �she �moved �in �6 �class �to �classes �independent, �but �habits �already �was �quietly �formed. �And �is �given �the �fact, �that �characteriz �have �daughter �very �and �very �difficult. �School �and �then �University, �and �then �and �graduate school �graduated from �on �perfectly. �Without �participation �adults �for �that �our �family, �especially �father, �her �very �grateful. As a �and �native �grandmother, �best репет tutor…

    Saw �many �similar �examples �in �other �families. �To �what �is �all �I �am? �And �ensure �that �often� �good �readable �and �beautiful �handwriting �observed �have �people �a certain �warehouse.

    Which �rose �under �supervision �and �control �in �prosperous �families �well �studied �in �school �got �higher �education. �A little �ruined �handwriting �Scripture �notes �but �then �restored…Because �that �beautiful �and �legible �writing is �already �formed �have � them �need.

    Which �had �in �life �many �to read �and �to write: �teachers, writers, � people �art �and �culture, �intellectual �professions �and �classes.

    Which �demonstrate �level �intelligence �above �average, �and �not �below.�

    Doctors are a special issue. �Every �doctor – intellectual, �but �handwriting �have �doctor �bad �because �lack �time �and �of padergnone.

    “The perfection of writing lies in proper pedagogical education, repeated exercise and purity of soul”

    (Yakut Mustasimi)

    “Big �part �everything �written �inaudible �in �all �world, written �just too �quickly”

    (Lewis Carroll)

    “Letter �there is �for �to �read, and �not to reading �it �was helpless”

    (Sultan-Ali Маш Mashhedi)

    My �answer. �High �level �intelligence �accompanies, �as �a rule, readable �handwriting.

  23. I read the article and began to remember people with beautiful and ugly handwriting and compare them…. and indeed….beautiful handwriting of simple people, by the way, not always neat and organized… but handwriting with squiggles is more common in smart, intellectually developed people…many of them are neat and organized in their lives…there's something about it….

  24. I'll give you some examples: my nephew studied for 5 years, received a higher education, writes good poems, and has a calligraphic handwriting. And his brother's handwriting is disgusting, but he was also an excellent student. I myself was pretty good at school, my handwriting was uneven, so I could write all the letters of the same height. And then I got angry with myself, well, I thought, is this really not available to me, I started working on myself, after 3 months I wrote smoothly and accurately. Intelligence does not affect handwriting in any way, rather temperament and state of mind can affect handwriting. My opinion.

  25. Good handwriting indicates good fine motor skills + skill training. Such motor skills are practically from birth and have little relation to intelligence that in one direction or the other.

    As well as vice versa, athletes (not chess players) can be expected to have rather average intelligence(that is, they will be both smart and stupid, like ordinary people), well, unless the smartest ones will probably prefer science or something like that to sports.

  26. Poor handwriting indicates that a person is not organized from childhood, does not care about both his appearance and his inner content. He devotes a lot of time not to his self-education, but to his self-love. Does not take criticism well, and does not know how to look at himself from the outside. He asserts himself on others, is very touchy when the truth is told to his face. So, if we talk about intelligence, then it is not as high as the owner of a bad handwriting seems. And if we briefly talk about such a person, then he is a lazy rascal.

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