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Quite simple?
Well, imagine a puppet theater. As in Makarevich: “A thread goes up and into the dark…” The egregor is a thread that currently controls your behavior, and the behavior of other people who think the same as you, and about the same thing. A general idea that defines similar behavior and its results.
Heh, it's interesting to try to answer it without going into schizotericism. I will try.
To understand the phenomenon of the egregore, the key is the understanding of man as “agimat”, “aprogrammer”, “I – ment,” “I'm from St. Petersburg” well, etc.
i.e. the whole story dances from some more or less stable social roles of man, which is connected with his belonging to a certain group of people. But this is just the beginning.
A person grows up, learns, for example, chooses the profession of a locksmith, and together with this profession, he is drawn into social relations specific to this profession. A person may have some idea about this social role. But in the process of learning and gaining experience, they somehow learn social norms from other professional representatives (for example, along with professional techniques). Over time, he fits in with certain standards generally accepted among locksmiths = “included in the egregor”, and this role of “I am a locksmith” begins … mm… Honestly, I don't really know what it's called correctly, but let's say that this role begins to be psychologically isolated from the rest of the psyche to some extent. In practice, this leads to the fact that while a person performs his duties as a locksmith or he communicates with other people as a locksmith, his behavior and self-perception change.
My personal example: I've been driving for a long time. When I get behind the wheel, my perception of the situation around me changes somewhat, I become noticeably calmer, more collected, etc.
When I was working in the legal field, I felt like I was putting on the role of an insensitive bastard along with my jacket (and this was one of the reasons why I left there).
Further deepening in the profession leads to Prof.deformations = the egregore is finally “fixed” in the person.
In non-professional egregors, the mechanism is the same.
As a result, it turns out that there is a certain group of people in which there are informal rules of behavior and communication, which people of this group follow without hesitation and perceive them as part of their lives.
This is the egregor, if you simplify it, of course.
I will not repeat the “Wiki” truths. There everything is written on the shelves, in academic language. I'll try to think clearly. And interestingly, it turns out that the ancient understanding of the egregor converges (figuratively) with my understanding of the Vernadsky noosphere, in terms of such a “common” mind of civilization, the information bank of humanity that stores ALL the information of humanity. The noosphere is an energetic entity that now extends beyond the reach of our technologies, and this is what we can consider the sphere of our true knowledge of the world in which we live (although there are many mysteries here), this sphere now extends approximately to the orbit of Saturn. As a thing, if not intelligent, but derived from the activity of the mind, this construct can perceive the activities of people and analyze these actions-a kind of control and prediction of consequences. And if the consequences in the future may threaten the existence of civilization, this system may be able to “correct” them. It's a theory, of course, but it's no worse than the multiverse and brane theories.�
In general, an egregor is understood as an immaterial entity born of the common consciousness of a group of people, located somewhere above our heads, and controlling this group. Such an understanding, in my opinion, is irrational : if some local groups have their own egregors, then how do these egregors interact? They can't just ignore each other, can they?
An egregor is a tag, a simple concept, or just a lego block. You can use a few simple tags / egregors and create new ones, just as children create a car from several Lego blocks, the car is also an egregor, and each simple element from which it is created is the same egregor. Everything in our world consists of egregors. And people's lives are made up of egregors. When a person puts on the clothes of a racing driver, he connects to the egregore of motorsport, in prayer, a person connects to the egregore of religion.