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You'll have to break this question down into three: is it worth “cramming”, is it worth doing it in the pre-exam section, and is it worth doing it all night (assuming you only have one night left).
“Cramming” is popularly called what is commonly called rote memorization in psychology. This is the most inefficient type compared to logical memorization, associative or other types. Indeed, it is worth learning, not cramming. However, there are some types of information that cannot be stored in any other way — logical or associative. For example, the names of Chinese emperors will have to be memorized “from scratch”, like most foreign words. If the information lends itself to comprehension, for example, the mechanisms of osmotic pressure, it is still better to understand and learn.
The second part of the question is whether to teach on the night before the exam. If you haven't learned anything before, you should. Still, remember something and it will help you a little to improve the quality of the exam answer.
Should I do this all night? Brain function requires rest. Of course, it is better if the brain is “fresh” during the exam. If you have previously been awake and tired, it is better to devote part of the time to sleep. Learning has certain phases of forgetting, reminding, and remembering. In the case of “the night before the exam”, it is most effective to teach in the evening, then sleep for at least a couple of hours, and then repeat the material.
Neurons – cells of the nervous system-are composed of lumps of chromatophilic substance. So, one of the causes of fatigue of nerve cells is the depletion of these structures. Being the main source of substances synthesized in the cell, which are necessary for transmitting a nerve impulse, they are an indicator of the functional state of a neuron. After prolonged increased electrical activity of the brain (mental overexertion, stressful states), these structures disappear – chromatolysis. It is clear that in the morning after a sleepless cramming, the cells will be tired, and your consciousness will be confused. Healthy sleep contributes to their full recovery. So take care of your neurons-sleep before the exam, not cram.
In my opinion, there is no point in spending all night cramming. By graduation, I had to pass 5 exams, without taking into account any tests that were passed as if it were an exam, and a term paper with a diploma. I didn't study any subjects at night. And passed on 4-5.
What I did: just before the exam itself, I ran through the answers to the questions again, paying special attention to questions that I didn't understand at all or weren't interested in (there is the law of meanness, according to which you get a ticket with an unloved topic). That is, I knew some things by the time of the exam, and some things I didn't.
Not worth. It is better to go to classes during the semester, listen to teachers and read books on the topic. If the exam is difficult for you and you do not remember anything, it is better to review the textbook a day or two before it. It is not necessary to cram, especially at night, anyway, in the morning before the exam, it will seem that your head is empty. It's also good to remember what you repeat a few hours before the exam (just not in a state of panic).
No, no, and no again. I've never done this before. Maybe it's a habit, maybe it's laziness, but I don't understand people who try to stuff all the necessary material into their heads overnight/an hour before the exam. You already know what you need. No one canceled the repetition, but why bother yourself morally, especially before such a responsible event. You don't need to be paranoid. Naturally, this does not apply to those who have carefully avoided opportunities to learn anything during the entire year/semester/module. Then all the means are good, but nothing reasonable will come out of this approach to the case.
It depends on my memory.� I have a good short-term memory,� it was on the night before the exams that I could learn all 90 questions in physics,� but after a successful answer I could not remember anything. If I listened to all these tips about getting enough sleep before the exam, I wouldn't have passed for sure.� So if your goal is to answer well and forget -зуб cram before the exam,� if of course the memory type matches
Definitely not. Especially if these subjects are complex and require not just rote memorization, but deep understanding. �I finished my med and I only stayed up for three nights before the exams, честно honestly devoting them to my studies. I failed two exams after those nights. “In the third year,” they finally explained the mechanism of memory, “and my suspicions about sleepless nights turned into a firm certainty.”
It's healthier to sleep. �Especially in the arms of a textbook. Or rather, lectures – they are more comfortable to sleep on
If you've been procrastinating until the exam itself, or just feel the need to supplement or consolidate your knowledge, then stock up on caffeine in any form and go ahead.�
For me, the night before the exam is a chance to be calm during the exam because I feel confident that I did everything I could. And, believe me, this is not a sign of your failure as a student, because the exam is not so much a test of your knowledge as of your ability to prepare for it.
I went through 8 sessions of 3-5 exams each. And I never went to bed before the exam (unless, of course, I had a vending machine). �And yes, each time I passed for the highest possible score.
Why? Because you, on the one hand, have 8-10 or even more hours of free time, and on the other – lack of knowledge (or confidence in them) on the subject program. It's like adding 2 and 2 together. I have never understood people who start whining the day before the exam ala “I don't know anything, and it's almost time to go to bed, I don't have time for anything”. Of course, they come to the exam with a feeling of fatalism or even panic. Why? Because they feel that they haven't done enough.�
The conclusion is as follows. If you feel unsure about the day ahead, you should consider using the night before the exam to repeat the material just so that tomorrow you can feel that you have done everything in your power.
As they say, you can't breathe enough before you die. But! I know from my own experience that it is quite possible to remember quite a large amount of information in a few hours. But in this case, it is better to sleep, for example, until midnight, and the remaining 8-9 hours before the exam specifically sit down to study.
My fiance, a medical student, prepares for exams at night-because from 8 to 8 he is at the university. A shock dose of coffee, a couple of terribly harmful energy drinks, a warm-up of stiff muscles once an hour-and this may well be enough to score at least a minimum score.