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There are two pieces of news: one good, one bad,�– which one should I start with? 🙂
Let's start with a bad one: if a person has a “weak” memory (and any: visual, auditory, contextual, situational, spatial, etc.), he will always suffer and overcome himself, trying to remember something. With “techniques” and without “techniques”.
The good news is that your memory is so organized that no matter how “bad” it is, you can always remember what you really need!
For memorization, it is not the original natural abilities that are important (if they are отлично– excellent, if they are not�– you can do without), but motivation! Therefore, the key to success is to find a “technique”that increases your personal motivation, and not one that magically improves your” bad ” memory.
There are many examples of “fashionable” techniques that, however, are not universal, and their effectiveness is questionable for people with different types of memory, temperaments and different motivations. For example, the same mnemonic techniques based on associative relationships. I will confine myself to my own experience: I have tried many times to use associative techniques to memorize words in foreign languages, and each time I failed miserably. This circumstance did not prevent me from learning 8 languages 🙂
What “technique” will help increase your personal motivation? This is life itself, life circumstances that will make you, convince you of the need to learn/ remember something. If you really need a fact, you can be sure that you will remember it.
However, there are many cases when motivation is not obvious and not very noticeable (as, for example, happens with an exam in an “uninteresting” subject, an urgent report on work, or a presentation of someone else's product or service).
If there is no real need to remember the details, there are also purely instrumental ways to do this. First of all, the use of specialized computer programs that can create indexed databases from the information you need (various types of so-called infocontainers).
Also effective are tools that do not compensate for memory deficiencies, but stimulate creativity. One of the best tools of this type is Mind Maps.
In the author's methodology of research, accumulation, processing and analysis of information “- MINOA” – we actively use all of the above and many other technologies. This makes it possible to successfully use powerful computer tools instead of human memory, if it is” weak ” by nature and not sufficiently motivated:)
There are many mnemonic techniques (memorization techniques) and all of them are based on creating connections. To better remember a particular piece of information, you need to create a link with other pieces of information. Simply put, come up with associations, the more of them there are, the more reliable you will remember. Here is an associative image to remember what I wrote: 3 people moving in a crowd at a mass event can lose each other, but if they hold hands, they will stay together. The person who will be held by both hands will be lost with the least probability. The process of creating connections for better memorization is directly related to the processes occurring in the brain, only there synaptic connections between neurons are established. You can memorize incredibly long sequences of numbers, creating imaginative stories in your mind: 281111-a swan, endlessly, flies over a fence. The two looks like a swan, the eight looks like an inverted infinity sign, the four ones look like a picket fence, and so on. In this way, I memorized my bank card number in a couple of minutes and never forgot it again. This is one of the simplest methods, but once you master it, you will begin to apply more complex associative connections and, most importantly, develop a habit. You can associate it on anything: visual and sound images, tactile and olfactory sensations, geometric similarity, and mathematical dependence.